Saturday, June 3, 2006

7 How To Detox Diet Naturally and Safely

Detoxification or in English called detox is a process or a series of ways the body's metabolism to reduce levels of toxins in the body. Some of the body's natural metabolic processes are, for example, by absorbing, dististing, biotransforming and secreting toxin molecules. But now detox better known as Natural Diet Way and How to Diet Fast for slimming body.

7 How To Detox Diet Naturally and Safely

How to detox diet is usually by consuming a variety of certain foods that can help the detoxification process of toxins in the body. In addition, usually the actors How to Diet Happy Happy Happy This also must stay away from various factors that can increase toxins in the body such as cigarettes, caffeine, and alcohol. Here are some ways you can do to maximize the results of detox for slimming.

Food consumption is detox
as has been said before that the first way to do detox diet is to consume foods that can help get rid of toxins in the body. usually these foods contain various kinds of antioxidants that can counteract free radicals as well as toxins in the body.

You can increase the consumption of Fruit For Diet, Vegetables For Diet in various ways. Like Juice For Diet or Vegetable Salad For Diet. In addition, other foods that have detox properties are onion, garlic, and eggs. All three of these foods contain sulfates that can help the body to produce natural antioxidants and glutathione to counteract toxins. If you want you can also do How To Diet With Boiled Eggs for 7 days only.

Consumption of organic foods
Consuming a variety of organic foods is also the main way of detox diet. By consuming organic food we can minimize the toxins that enter the body. Organic food is more safe and poison-free like pesticides.

Therefore you are encouraged to consume organic fruits and vegetables and other organic foods. Various organic food products have now started to be easily obtained such as buy in the super market or online.

Eat high fiber foods
Fiber contained in foods such as fruits and vegetables are also able to speed up your detox diet process. The function of fiber for the diet is to bind excess fat in the body, helps eliminate toxins in the body, helps the digestive system, helps the stomach feel full longer, and helps maintain skin health.

Drinking mineral water
To help get rid of toxins in your body it is also advisable to consume more water than biasnaya like 2 liters of water per day. For a more optimal result, you can drink water after waking up every day. This is done because the morning is the best time to clean the intestines from toxins. White Water Efficacy For Diet is also very much, so you can do the diet with water safe and easy.

Drink coconut water
In addition to natural mineral water, you are also required to drink coconut water as a way of detox diet next. Try mengkonsusmi green coconut water that has more properties to neutralize toxins in the body. the raun will then be wasted through the body and urine drainage channels.

Megkonsumsi one fruit of coconut water is also able to make the stomach feel full longer so that the diet will be more smoothly without having to do How to Withstand Hunger Without Eating.

Avoid foods that can add toxic substances in the natural body
In addition to consuming foods that can detoxify the toxins in your body should also stop the consumption of some foods that can increase toxins back into the body. Some foods are like coffee, fast food, and processed foods.

Avoid stress
How to detox diet next is to avoid stress. Stress can disrupt metabolic processes in the body including the digestive system. So that good nutrition that goes into the body can not be absorbed perfectly and turned into sediment that is not exploited so that it becomes toxic.

That's the variety of ways a body detox diet you can try. Actually in addition to functioning to eliminate toxins in the body, makakanan and beverages consumed also can help maintain healthy organs that function as a detoxification of the body naturally. The body's detoxification system is naturally performed by three main organs, namely:

Probably not many know that the liver is an organ that serves to filter or filter toxins from food so as not to enter the bloodstream.

In addition to liver, intestine also plays a role in the way of detox diet. The intestinal organs have bacteria that produce good chemicals that can attack toxins in the body.

The kidneys become the next organ that can help the body avoid toxins. Kidney function is to filter the blood and remove toxins in the body in the form of urine or urine.
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