Tuesday, May 29, 2018

10 Dangers of Diet Without Carbohydrates That Must Be Beware and Obligatory in the Know

The Dangers of Diet Without Carbohydrates becomes a frightening thing also when undergoing a diet without carbohydrates. Now many ways a person to get the ideal weight. In addition to adding confidence, with the ideal body weight will remain healthy. One of the most powerful diets to lose weight is a diet without carbohydrates. But before the diet, you should know the dangers that will occur due to this diet. So you understand and do not happen unwanted things.

Dangers of Carbohydrate Diet

Carbohydrates are the body's main requirement to carry out daily activities. Offset with the intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber derived from vegetables or fruits will complement your body's needs. But if you are on a carbohydrate diet you should know the dangers of a diet without carbohydrates. (Read Also: How to Diet Breastfeeding Mom)

1. Easy Dizziness and Tiredness

As the main energy source, carbohydrates play a very important role for the smooth metabolism in the body. But what happens if we reduce the amount of carbohydrate intake from the day usually then the initial thing that happens is easy dizziness and also tired. Better still enough energy needs in the body with foods that have high fiber, so the body will still have enough energy to move. (Read Also: The Challenge of Banana Diets)

2. Difficult to defecate

If you reduce the amount of food intake containing carbohydrates, then you will also lose other nutrients such as fiber and so on. So what will happen is digestion has difficulty to digest food. The dangers of a diet without carbohydrates will make it difficult to defecate. Things you should do is to balance the nutrients that enter the body and multiply consume water. (Read Also: How to Process Vegetables For Diet Menu)

3. Memory Degradation

By reducing the portion of foods that contain high carbohydrates you will experience a very significant memory loss. This is because carbohydrates are also important things that can help improve brain performance. If our stomach is full of carbohydrates and other nutrients we will be more focused. But if you will continue to diet without carbohydrates this but you already know what the danger, imbangi by consuming water at least 2 liters a day. Then you will stay focused with your activities. (Read Also: The Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Diet)

4. The smell of the mouth

A diet without carbohydrates is a diet that does not include carbohydrates in the food menu. Because it considers that carbohydrates can cause weight increases. But keep in mind that carbohydrates are also needed by the body as a source of energy to run the activity. So the impact that will arise from a diet without carbohydrates is bad breath. (Read Also: Diet Inside Diet)

5. Kidney Function Interrupted

Kidney is an organ in the body that serves to absorb toxins that enter the body and remove it along with urine. If you are on a diet without carbohydrates, then you will consume large amounts of protein. Because protein also serves as a backup energy in the body. So you will be dieting without carbohydrates this continuously that happens you will consume the protein in excessive amount or out of the actual rules. What happens will the kidneys will be heavier processing proteins that enter the body and will disrupt the function of the kidney. (Also Read: How To Diet Apple Fruit)

6. Increased Cholesterol Levels

Diet without carbohydrates focuses on reducing the amount of carbohydrates that enter the body and even eliminating carbohydrates from the menu list. So to suffice the energy intake in the body, you will consume more fat and protein. But the thing that will happen when you constantly replace carbohydrates with fat or protein, cholesterol levels in the body will increase and heart disease immediately attack you. So balance with the consumption of vitamins and minerals are enough for the body. (Also Read: Low Calorie Diet Food)

7. Osteoporosis or Bone Reduction

Diet without carbohydrates continuously will cause you to replace the intake of carbohydrates with a very high protein. Over time that happens is the buildup of protein in the body and will release the acid in the body excessively. This acid also triggers calcium in the outbone and causes the bone to lack calcium. Calcium itself serves to strengthen bones, and if calcium is lost the bone will experience osteoporosis or bone pemboroposan. (Read Also: How to Diet Sugar)

7. Raise Weight

Diet without carbohydrates will make your weight will rise drastically. Why did it happen? Because continuously we will eliminate carbohydrates from the daily menu list. So later in the end we will consume carbohydrates again it will be easy to make weight rise. So do it right and not continuously. Once the target weight is reached immediately stop the diet plan without carbohydrates. Then to keep stabilizing weight balanced with regular and correct food. (Read Also: Diet Food Combining Menu)

8. Difficult to Sleep

Because this diet eliminates carbohydrates from the menu list, then that happens we will feel hungry. So at dinner with only cereal then at night you will be hard to sleep because the stomach is empty and keroncongan. (Read Also: How To Diet Without Eating Rice)

9. Headache

This diet emphasizes on not consuming carbohydrates on a daily basis. So you will be required to consume more protein and also fat. So you lack the amount of your carbohydrate intake will be more visible limp and also headache. So know in advance the dangers that will arise from this carbohydrate-free diet. (Read Also: Diet Tips Without Eating Rice)

10. Dehydration

The dangers of a diet without carbohydrates that last is that we will experience dehydration or lack of fluids in the body. Why did it happen? Because when the body has metabolism, water will also come out through the urine and sweat. When other people diet by lowering fat levels, but in this diet is recommended to eliminate carbohydrates. So the water in the body will often more out of the body and cause dehydration. (Read Also: OCD Diet Tips For Beginners)

High Carbohydrate Foods

In a diet without carbohydrates, you should stay away from some foods that contain high carbohydrates, such as the following:

1. Sugar

Sugar should be avoided when doing a diet without eating carbohydrates, because sugar has about 26.67% every 100 grams. Sugar should be removed from the diet every day because it can cause some deadly diseases such as diabetes. (Read Also: How To Diet Carbohydrates)

2. Sago Flour

Sago flour has about 20.67% every 76 gram. This can be enough carbohydrate intake needed by the body to run daily activities.

3. Cereal

Cereals can also provide the necessary carbohydrate intake of the body, because cereal contains 20% every 75 grams. (Read Also: A Blood Type A Diet)

4. Corn

Corn is also included in foods that contain high carbohydrates. In 74 grams of corn has carbohydrates of 19.73%.

5. Instant Noodles

Instant noodles can also meet the needs of carbohydrates in the body, in 71 grams of instant noodles has 18.93% carbohydrates. (Read Also: Blood Type Diet B)

6. Rice

Rice also has a very high carbohydrate content. Rice has about 7.2% carbohydrates every 27 grams of rice.

So that's the danger of a diet without carbohydrates you should know when going to do this type of diet. In addition to knowing the dangers of this diet, you should also know what foods contain high carbohydrates. In order for your diet to run smoothly and lose a powerful body.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

10 Challenges of Blood Type Diet O - Food and Beverages to Avoid

Blood Type Diet O Restrictions you should pay attention to in order for your diet to succeed. The blood type-based diet was first introduced by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, set out in his book "Eat Right 4 Your Type" published in 1996. D'Adamo suggests dietary techniques based on the grouping of foods based on the type of blood type they have. This is to avoid the risk of agglutination. Agglutination is the occurrence of blood clots due to exposure to lectins that did not match the type of blood group of the person. Lectin is a kind of protein contained in plant and animal foods that have characteristics that can be beneficial to certain blood groups and can be harmful to other blood types. (Read also: how to diet without exercise)

For that for those who want to apply a blood type diet, should really pay attention to what kind of food consumed. Because there are 3 types of foods in the blood type diet is the recommended food because it provides more benefits for the body, food is allowed / neutral because it is not harmful and food is prohibited because it can be dangerous. (Read also: how to diet with water)

Blood Type Diet Diet O

 The red blood cells in blood type O do not contain antigen carbohydrates but Rhesus type antigens. And as the oldest type of blood group on earth than any other blood group, the Type O blood type has unique characteristics when it is associated with present situations and challenges.
 Also Read:
AB Blood Type Diet
Blood Type Diet B
Blood Type Diet A
 Characteristics of the body of blood type O people, among others:
Have a strong physical
Tend to have problems with weight
It has health problems especially in the stomach, high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritis and other types of inflammation
Has a high body immunity
Not easy to adapt to new food types and new environmental conditions
In general, the type O blood type, according to D'Adamo, should consume foods that have high animal protein, especially various types of seafood. And should reduce fatty foods and milk or other dairy products. This is because people with blood type O have a strong digestive system in the process of food processing in the body but have problems in cholesterol and heart problems. (Read also: Blood Type O diet)

And for the blood type O diet should avoid all types of foods that are forbidden and have a dangerous or "poison" to the body. Avoid foods that contain lots of refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, chemical additives, or other harmful substances. (Read also: taboos of the mayo diet)
Risky Foods Raise Weight:

 Wheat containing gluten
Red beans
Various types of nuts
Cabbage / Cole
Brussels sprouts
Mustard greens
Foods That Help Lose Weight:

Red meat
Also read:

healthy food for diet
how to diet mayo
Food That Is Not Allowed For Blood Groups O
Based on the grouping of foods or beverages, the following Diet List Blood Type O diet for foods and beverages:

1. Drinks

Black Tea
Soft drink
White wine
Liquor (distilled liquor)
Read also: Healthy drink for diet

2. Condiments

Vinegar, like balsamic vinegar, rice vinegar, white vinegar, red wine, white wine
3. Milk derived product

Cheese, such as brie, gouda, camembert, America, cheddar, parmesan, ricotta, and others
Milk, like cow's milk, goat's milk, yogurt, cream, sour cream, kefir, whey, casein, buttermilk
4. Fruits

Melon honeydew
Coconut / coconut water
Fruit juice such as blackberry juice, orange juice and lime juice
5. Types of Cereal Plants

Various types of wheat
Products from flour such as bread and noodles
6. Herbal Plants and Spices

MSG (Monosodium glutamate)
Corn Syrup
Black pepper
White pepper
7. Oil

Coconut oil
Corn oil
Oil from cotton seeds
Oil from nuts
Oil from soybeans
Oil from sunflower seeds
Oil from flower plants that only grow at night (evening primrose) such as buttercup, goldenrod, Mayflower, wood lily, purple aster, apple blossom and others
8. Protein

Peanuts, like peanut butter
Nuts that are dark blue, copper or dappled
Cashew nut
Duck egg
Quail eggs
Fish, such as barracuda, catfish, salmon, pollock, caviar, predatory fish species
Shells such as abalone, squid, octopus, snails
Meats like bacon, ham, pork, sea turtle meat
Poultry is like a quail
Poppy Seeds
9. Vegetables-Vegetables

Black olives
Alfalfa seeds
Aloe vera
10. Sauce or Spices

Soy sauce

Various foods Blood Type Diet O diet above of course a little bit make type blood type O confusion choose their diet food menu. But not to worry because the variety of food from other food sources provided by nature is not small. There are many alternative foods that can be combined to get a healthy diet and not boring. (Read also: paleo diet)

For the intake of foods containing carbohydrates, because it is not recommended to consume foods high in carbohydrates such as wheat and gluten can try rice cakes or bread made from gluten free flour, which is now widely sold in large supermarkets. (Read also: the benefits of warm water for diet)

For protein needs in the body can be fulfilled by consuming beef, buffalo meat, venison, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit, duck, carp, eel, shrimp, lobster, chicken eggs, tempe, tofu and soy milk. (Read also: how to fast diet)

Fresh fruit and edible vegetables include blueberries, cherries, guava, broccoli, yam, radish, beans and others. (Read also: how to diet with lemon)

Variation Diet Menu For Blood Type O

1. Breakfast

For breakfast can try 1 piece of toast made from gluten free wheat flour with butter spread thinly to avoid too high fat content. Coupled with fresh fruit such as cherries and blueberries. (Read also: how to diet with lemon)

2. Lunch

For lunch menu you can try the spinach salad menu with slices of lean meat on it like beef or chicken meat, and a sprinkling of cherries as a refresher, plus salad dressing made from extra virgin olive oil. Or steak beef and chicken meat, plus carrot and bean stew. Must still pay attention to small portions and reasonable oil content. (Read also: dietary hazards without eating rice)

3. Dinner

For dinner menu can try the menu of grilled fish or fish soup, of course only for the type of fish that is allowed. Can be combined with beets or steamed or roasted sweet potatoes.

4. Snack

For a healthy snack can try rice cakes, cakes made from gluten free wheat flour, fruit slices, steamed vegetables, almonds or pecans. It is not advisable to eat snacks containing artificial sweeteners or banned fruits above.

In order to obtain maximum dietary results, abstinence food above should be a guide and should not be violated. For that diet variation variations that can be considered for breakfast, lunch and dinner would have to consider the list of foods above not included in the menu. And still pay attention to the consistency and discipline so that the diet plan that has been planned to run well
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