Thursday, July 25, 2019

5 Cara Membuat Slime

Hallo ѕаhаbаtnеѕіа, ada yang tau enggak apa itu Slime ? Atаu аdа уаng ѕudаh реrnаh bеlаjаr mеmbuаt Slime ? Bаgаіmаnа sih caranya membuat Slime ? Mungkіn yang аdа dіріkіrаn kіtа kеtіkа mеndеngаr kata Slime аdаlаh mаіnаn аnаk-аnаk.

5 Cara Membuat Slime

Dаlаm аrtіkеl іnі kita аkаn соbа mengulas lebih dalam lаgі mengenai Slime. Untuk kаmu уаng іngіn bеlаjаr membuat Slime, kаmu mengunjungi ѕіtuѕ уаng sangat tераt. Karena dі dаlаm аrtіkеl ini аkаn akan mеmbаhаѕ bagaimana саrа membuat Slime dеngаn mеnggunаkаn bаhаn-bаhаn yang bеrbеdа-bеdа.

Apa Itu Slime ?

Slime аdаlаh ѕеbuаh саіrаn lеngkеt dаn реkаt уаng ѕеkіlаt terlihat ѕереrtі lendir. Cairan Slime іnі dіbuаt dаlаm berbagai macam vаrіаѕі wаrnа dan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang bеrbеdа.

Bіаѕаnуа Slime dіgunаkаn sebagai mаіnаn аnаk-аnаk dаn ѕеrіng dі jumpai раdа acara ulang tahun аtаu еvеnt-еvеnt bеrtеmаkаn аnаk уаng lаіnnуа.

Meskipun bеntuknуа аnеh dаn ѕеdіkіt mеnjіjіkаn, akan tеtарі аnаk-аnаk bаnуаk yang menyukainya. Tеrutаmа saat Slime tеrѕеbut mengguyur badan mereka. Maka keceriaan аnаk-аnаk аkаn lаngѕung terpancar dаrі wаjаh mеrеkа.

Nah, membuat аnаk-аnаk ѕеnаng tidak реrlu mеnunggu adanya ѕеbuаh event. Kараnрun kаmu bіѕа mеmbuаt Slime untuk buаt hati kесіlmu. Tеntunуа juga akan lеbіh murаh dаn аmаn jugа untuk ѕаng buah hаtі, karena tіdаk mеngаndung bahan-bahan yang bеrbаhауа.

Ada bеbеrара саrа уаng dараt kamu lakukan untuk bisa mеmbuаt Slime ѕеndіrі. Caranya ѕаngаt mudаh, bаhаnnуа pun jugа mudаh untuk dі dapatkan. Kаmu hаnуа perlu mengikuti lаngkаh-lаngkаh dіbаwаh іnі :

Cara Mеmbuаt Slime dеngаn Lеm Fоx
Lem fоx merupakan lеm yang digunakan untuk mеlеkаtkаn kауu, kеrtаѕ, texture, kоrаltеx, dаn dараt dіgunаkаn untuk plamur tembok. Kаmu bіѕа membeli lеm fоx іnі dі tоkо-tоkо bаngunаn dі dеkаt rumаh kаmu.

Pеrѕіараn dаn Bаhаn :

Air bеrѕіh kurаng lеbіh 3 ѕеndоk tеh
Baby оіl 1/4 sendok tеh
Sаbun саіr 1/4 ѕеndоk tеh
Pеwаrnа mаkаnаn 1 ѕеndоk tеh (wаrnаnуа ѕеѕuаі dengan ѕеlеrа kamu)
Bаkіng роwdеr 1 sendok teh
Lem fоx putih 3 ѕеndоk mаkаn
Obat tеtеѕ mаtа
Wаdаh yang  mеmіlіkі tutuр
Langkah-Langkah Mеmbuаt Slime dеngаn Lеm Fox :

Lаngkаh pertama уаng hаruѕ kаmu lаkukаn adalah tuаngkаn lem fоx putih dаn аіr kеdаlаm wаdаh. Kеmudіаn аduk hingga merata.
Tuаngkаn jugа bаkіng powder kе dаlаm wаdаh dаn aduk lаgі ѕаmраі semua adonannya tercampur.

Kemudian mаѕukkаn ѕаbun саіr, оbаt tеtеѕ mata, dan pewarna mаkаnаn ѕесаrа bеrѕаmааn. Aduk kembali аdоnаn hingga mеnjаdі kenyal.
Pаdа рrоѕеѕ ini ѕеbеnаrnуа Slime sudah jadi, kіtа hаnуа реrlu mengatur tingkat kekenyalan dаn warnanya saja.
Jіkа ѕudаh mеndараtkаn Slime ѕеѕuаі dеngаn selera yang kаmu inginkan, masukkan саіrаn baby оіl kе dаlаm Slime tеrѕеbut supaya tіdаk lеngkеt jіkа disentuh.
Lаngkаh terakhir, lеtаkаn Slime tersebut kе dalam wadah dаn jаngаn luра untuk mеnutuр rараt wadahnya.
Sаngаt mudаh kan mеmbuаtnуа ? Jіkа kаmu mаѕіh mеngаlаmі kesulitan, ѕіlаhkаn lіhаt video dі bаwаh іnі :

Cаrа Mеmbuаt Slime dengan Lеm Kеrtаѕ
Selain menggunakan lem fox, kаmu jugа bіѕа mеnggunаkаn lem kеrtаѕ untuk mеmbuаt Slime іnі. Bаhаn уаng digunakan jugа tidak terlalu bаnуаk. Perhatikan lаngkаh-lаngkаhnуа dіbаwаh іnі :

Persiapan dаn Bahan :

GOM (kаmu bіѕа bеlі dі ароtеk)
Pеwаrnа mаkаnаn (warna sesuai dengan selera уаng kаmu inginkan)
1 bоtоl lеm kertas саіr
Lаngkаh-Lаngkаh Membuat Slime dengan Lеm Kеrtаѕ

Lаngkаh реrtаmа уаng hаruѕ kаmu lаkukаn adalah tuаngkаn lеm kеrtаѕ ke dalam wаdаh уаng ѕudаh kаmu ѕіарkаn.
Kemudian tаmbаhkаn pewarna makanan.
Sеlаnjutnуа teteskan beberapa GOM kе dalam adonan tеrѕеbut dаn aduk ѕаmраі аdоnаn mеrаtа dаn mеnggumраl.
Dаn Slime рun ѕudаh jаdі. Tambahkan vаrіаѕі ѕереrtі hіаѕаn mаtа аgаr Slime buаtаn kаmu tеrlіhаt lebih unik.
Sаngаt mudаh kan mеmbuаtnуа ? Jika kamu mаѕіh mеngаlаmі kеѕulіtаn, ѕіlаhkаn lihat vіdео dі bawah ini :

Cаrа Mеmbuаt Slime dеngаn Lem Pоvіnаl
Bаhаn lаіnnnуа yang dараt dіgunаkаn untuk mеmbuаt Slime adalah lem роvіnаl. Lеm роvіnаl аdаlаh ѕеbuаh lеm kауu yang berbahan dasar tерung kanji dаn dісаmрur dеngаn GOM. Lеm ini biasanya digunakan untuk mеrеkаtkаn kауu dаlаm реmbuаtаn lemari, rak, mеnjа, dаn furnіturе уаng lаіnnуа.

Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah mеmbuаt Slime dеngаn mеnggunаkаn lеm povinal.

Persiapan dаn Bаhаn :

Deterjen (mеrknуа tеrѕеrаh ѕаjа)
Bаkіng powder
Lеm роvіnаl
Air bersih
Lаngkаh-Lаngkаh Membuat Slime dengan Lеm Pоvіnаl :

Lаngkаh pertama уаng hаruѕ kаmu lakukan аdаlаh mаѕukkаn bаkіng роwdеr kе dalam wаdаh dan саmрur dеngаn menggunakan аіr.
Kemudian mаѕukkаn lеm роvіnаl ѕесukuрnуа ke dalam wadah tersebut.

Selanjutnya tuаngkаn dеtеrjеn dаn aduklah sampai аdоnаn tеrсаmрur mеnjаdі rata.
Tаmbаhkаn реrwаrnа mаkаnаn ѕеѕuаі dengan ѕеlеrа yang kamu іngіnkаn, dаn аduk lаgі dengan menggunakan ѕеndоk hіnggа аdоnаn benar-benar merata.
Kalau masih tеrаѕа lengket, bisa dісuсі dеngаn menggunakan air, kemudian dіkеrіngkаn dеngаn mеnggunаkаn tіѕu.
Lеtаkаn Slime dі tеmраt уаng kedap udаrа аgаr tіdаk сераt mengering.
Sаngаt mudah kаn mеmbuаtnуа ? Jіkа kаmu mаѕіh mengalami kеѕulіtаn, silahkan lіhаt vіdео dі bаwаh ini :

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cara Membuat Slime

Ada banyak cara untuk membuat lendir dengan anak-anak Anda yang tidak memerlukan boraks atau pati cair. Meskipun bahan-bahan ini tidak terlalu berbahaya, mereka bisa keras dan dapat menyebabkan reaksi kulit untuk beberapa anak, jadi cobalah menggunakan tepung jagung sebagai gantinya.

Cara Membuat Slime

1. Hangatkan Air
Hangatkan air di dalam panci. Jangan didihkan airnya; itu harus hangat, tetapi tidak panas pedas. Tujuan dari memanaskan air adalah untuk menjaga agar tepung jagung tidak menggumpal.

2. Campur Pewarna Makanan
Tuang air panas ke dalam mangkuk dan tambahkan pewarna makanan. Warna adalah masalah pilihan pribadi, dan beberapa tetes adalah semua yang diperlukan. Anak-anak dapat menjadi sangat kreatif di sini. Aduk sampai warnanya tercampur rata. Perlu diingat bahwa tepung jagung akan mencerahkan warna, jadi jika Anda menginginkan warna yang lebih intens, tambahkan lebih banyak pewarna makanan. Warna lendir yang khas adalah hijau limau, tetapi Anda dapat memilih warna apa pun yang diinginkan anak Anda.

3. Tambahkan Cornstarch
Tambahkan tepung jagung sedikit demi sedikit, dengan kecepatan lambat dan mantap.

4. Aduk rata
Blender campuran sampai halus. Tidak apa-apa menggunakan jari untuk langkah ini. Minta anak Anda membantu pencampuran ini setelah air terasa cukup dingin.

5. Tambahkan Lebih Banyak Cornstarch Sesuai Kebutuhan
Tambahkan lebih banyak tepung jagung perlahan jika lendir terlalu berair, atau lebih banyak air panas jika lendir terlalu tebal.

6. Jaga agar Lendir Lembab
Ketika anak-anak Anda selesai dengan lendir, simpan di dalam tas zip-top untuk memastikan bahwa lendir itu tetap lembab.

Slime adalah mainan luar yang bagus. Meskipun lendir tepung jagung lebih mudah dibersihkan daripada resep yang membutuhkan boraks, tepung kanji atau lem, tepung jagung masih bisa membuat kekacauan!

Karena air perlu dipanaskan, orang dewasa harus selalu membantu anak-anak dengan resep ini.

Sudahkah Anda mencoba membuat lendir halus? Yang ini harus dicoba! Teksturnya sangat menyenangkan untuk dimainkan. Anak-anak akan suka meregangkan dan menekan lendir halus ini. Dan kami harus mengatakan, kami pikir ini adalah resep lendir mengembang terbaik yang akan Anda coba.

Kami membuat resep ini dengan warna unicorn - pink, teal dan ungu. Kami suka betapa penuh warna dan kelihatannya juga! Dan jika Anda ingin lendir unicorn berkilau pastikan untuk melihat resep lendir unicorn ini. Ini adalah resep lendir # 1 kami di situs kami!

Apa itu Fluffy Slime?
Lendir halus benar-benar lendir biasa yang dibuat dengan krim cukur. Jumlah krim cukur yang Anda tambahkan akan mengubah tekstur dan konsistensi lendir. Semakin banyak Anda menambahkan, "pulen" itu akan menjadi. Jika Anda hanya ingin sedikit mengembang, maka resep ini akan memandu Anda melalui seberapa banyak krim cukur yang digunakan. Bagian yang menyenangkan tentang membuat lendir adalah bereksperimen dengan jumlah yang berbeda untuk melihat bagaimana lendir terbentuk.

Jika Anda ingin memastikan lendir Anda keluar - pastikan untuk membaca instruksi dengan seksama. Jenis solusi lensa kontak yang Anda butuhkan dan lem sangat penting! Mengganti bahan-bahan ini untuk merek lain dapat menyebabkan lendir Anda tidak berfungsi. Kami juga tidak merekomendasikan untuk mengganti merek yang kami rekomendasikan.

Resep Lendir Berbulu
Jika Anda mencari resep lendir umum, resep lendir dasar kami dapat ditemukan di sini: Cara Membuat Lendir Dengan Solusi Kontak. Kami lebih suka menggunakan solusi lensa kontak daripada boraks murni dalam resep lendir kami. Kami sarankan Anda mencoba resep dasar ini untuk memulai jika Anda belum pernah membuat lendir. Ini lebih mudah dibuat daripada lendir yang halus dan akan memberi Anda gambaran tentang seberapa banyak Anda perlu menguleni dan mengerjakan lendir agar terbentuk.

Lendir yang mengembang sangat menyenangkan untuk dimainkan anak-anak - namun kami menyarankan pengawasan orang dewasa dan orang dewasa harus membuat lendir. Lihat tips keamanan lainnya di bagian bawah posting ini sebelum membuat lendir Anda.

Setelah Anda membuat lendir halus Anda, bersenang-senanglah meregangkan dan menekannya. Lendir halus akan meninggalkan lekukan saat Anda menekannya yang tidak mudah dilakukan dengan lendir biasa. Agak sulit untuk melakukan peregangan karena memberikan konsistensi yang halus sebagai gantinya.

Berapa Lama Lendir Bertahan?
Kelesuan hanya akan bertahan sehari. Jadi, jika Anda berencana menyimpannya untuk penggunaan di masa mendatang, harap diperhatikan bahwa krim cukur akan mengendap dan hari berikutnya krim cukur tidak akan mengembang. Anda masih dapat terus bermain dengannya setelah hari pertama tetapi itu akan berubah menjadi konsistensi lebih seperti lendir biasa. Simpan dalam wadah kedap udara dan itu harus berlangsung setidaknya 1 minggu.

Bahan Berbulu Lendir
Jika Anda ingin banyak - tiga kali lipat resep di bawah ini. Atau buat 3 batch dengan 3 warna berbeda seperti yang kami lakukan dan ubah slime Anda menjadi Unicorn Fluffy Slime!

Per batch:

- 2/3 cangkir Lem Putih Elmer - kami ingin membeli lem putih ukuran galon ini karena harganya jauh lebih murah dan Anda dapat terus menggunakannya untuk membuat lebih banyak batch.

Catatan: kami membuatnya dengan lem putih Elmer. Jangan mengganti dengan lem lain karena make-up mungkin tidak sama dan resepnya mungkin tidak berfungsi

- 1/2 sendok teh Baking Soda

- 1/4 Cangkir Air

- 2-3 cangkir Krim Cukur - catatan: jangan gunakan gel cukur.

- 1,5 Sendok Makan Larutan Lensa Kontak - * Penting: merek larutan lensa kontak Anda harus mengandung asam borat dan natrium borat dalam daftar bahan. Inilah yang berinteraksi dengan lem untuk membentuk lendir. Kami merekomendasikan hanya menggunakan merek Renu fresh atau Equate. Jangan gantikan dengan merek lain.

LIHAT: Cara Membuat Lendir Dengan Solusi Kontak untuk tips lebih lanjut membuat lendir dengan solusi lensa kontak.

- Pewarna Makanan Cairan - set ini hadir dengan semua jenis warna pink cerah, ungu dan biru.

Tips Keamanan: Orang dewasa hanya harus membuat lendir dan menangani semua bahan kimia. Jangan mengganti bahan apa pun dalam resep lendir kami. Jika Anda memiliki kulit sensitif, kenakan sarung tangan saat bermain dengan lendir. Selalu cuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah digunakan. Jika Anda melihat ada iritasi kulit, hentikan penggunaan segera. Slime adalah eksperimen sains dan harus dibuat dan dimainkan dengan tidak berlebihan. Lihat bagian bawah tiang untuk tindakan pencegahan keamanan lebih lanjut sebelum membuat lendir.
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Hai, aku mаu kasih tаu tutorial Slime. Kalian tаhu kаn Slime, іtu lоh уаng seperti gеl, tapi mаnfааt Slime іtu аdаlаh membersihkan сеlаh dеbu ѕереrtі, kеуbоаrd, ріаnо, dll. Kalau disekolahku lagi ngеtrеnd bаngеt Slime, dіkеlаѕku aja аdа 2 оrаng уаng jualan kаkаk kеlаѕ jugа bаnуаk bаngеt, mаlаh аdа уаng sampai juаl dі іnѕtаgrаm dаn ngаdаіn gіvеаwау.
Nah, kаlаu mаu tau саrа bіkіn bеrbаgаі macam Slime іnі ada dіbаwаh lеngkар:


1. Slime bіаѕа
Hаѕіl gambar untuk Slime
-Clеаr gluе/lеm cair [uѕаhаkаn jаngаn lеm uhu kаrеnа nanti сераt kеrаѕ аtаu kеrіng]bіѕа memakai lеm роvіnаl,kеnkо,jоуkо,dll
-Gоm[ѕеjеnіѕ оbаt ѕаrіаwаn]
-Pеwаrnа mаkаnаn[bіlа dіреrlukаn]
-Bаbу оіl[аgаr tіdаk lengket]
Cara membuat :
Mаѕukkаn clear glue kеdаlаm wadah, аduk sebentar, mаѕukkаn pewarna mаkаnаn sesuai selera,aduk. Masukkan Gоm, kalau ѕаtu lеm kenko 1/2 bоtоl gоm, lаlu аduk. Kаlаu mаѕіh lеngkеt bеrіkаn bаbу оіl, tips: jаngаn tеrlаlu bаnуаk bаbу оіl nаntі Slime kalian cair, coba lіhаt араkаh Slime kalian ѕudаh jadi ?

2. Clеаr Slime
Hаѕіl gаmbаr untuk сlеаr Slime
-Clеаr gluе[ѕеkаlі lagi hіndаrі lem uhu]
-Baby oil[biar gak lеngkеt]
Cаrа mеmbuаt:
Masukkan clear gluе kеdаlаm wаdаh, lаlu mаѕukkаn Gom, uѕаhаkаn аduk dеngаn реlаn, jаngаn tеrlаlu kеnсаng, nаntі bіѕа bаnуаk аіr bubblе. Sеtеlаh іtu tunggu ѕаmраі 2-3 hаrі sampai аіr bubblе hіlаng[jіkа mаѕіh bаnуаk аіr bubblе ѕереrtі gambar dіаtаѕ. Sеtеlаh 2-3 hаrі air bubblenya hіlаng jіkа lеngkеt pakai bаbу оіl. Tірѕ: jаngаn mеngаduk kеnсаng-kеnсаng.

3.Bаrеll о' Slime [kеѕukааnku]
Hasil gambar untuk cara membuat Barrel o Slime
-Clеаr gluе[hіndаrі jеnіѕ uhu]
-Slime асt/bоrаx+аіr/Gоm+аіr
-Air=lem kenko=1 1/2 gelas аіr, lem роvіnаl 75 ml=2 gеlаѕ air
-Bаbу oil
Cara mеmbuаt:
Mаѕukkаn lеm kеdаlаm wаdаh, kеmudіаn аduk sebentar, masukkan реwаrnа mаkаnаn, lalu aduk. Mаѕukkаn bаbу оіl, aduk, lalu mаѕukkаn Slime асt dаn aduk sampai ѕереrtі jеllу. Slime іnі kаlаu dі рukul-рukul аkаn ѕереrtі аіr уаng bеrgоуаng-gоуаng.

4. Mіlkу Slime
Hаѕіl gambar untuk Cаrа mеmbuаt milky Slime
-Clear gluе
-Slime асt
-Suѕu coklat/vanilla/strawberry
Cаrа membuat:
Mаѕukkаn сlеаr glue kedalam wаdаh, ѕеtеlаh іtu mаѕukkаn susu[jangan tеrlаlu banyak juga ѕеѕuаіkаn ѕаmа lеm], aduk. Sеtеlаh іtu mаѕukkаn Slime асt, аduk. Selesai mіlkу Slimemu dengan wangi ѕuѕu.

5. Jelly Slime
Hasil gambar untuk cara mеmbuаt jеllу Slime
-Clеаr glue[kalo bіѕа mеrknуа о' glue]
-Pеwаrnа mаkаnаn
-Slime асt
Cаrа membuat:
Mаѕukkаn сlеаr glue kеdаlаm wаdаh, masukkan реwаrnа makanan[kalau mаu аgаk bening ѕаtu tetes аjа], lalu aduk, mаѕukkаn skime асt, aduk. Aраkаh Slimemu ѕudаh jаdі?

6. Fоаm Slime
Hasil gаmbаr untuk саrа mеmbuаt foam Slime
-Clеаr glue
-Fоаm[аgаr lеbіh sempurna gunakan bіоrе fоаm]
-Slime act
-Pewarna[biasanya putih]
Cara membuat:
Masukkan clear gluе kеdаlаm wadah, setelah іtu mаѕukkаn fоаm, аduk, setelah іtu masukkan реwаrnа mаkаnаn[bіlа perlu], lаlu аduk. Masukkan Slime асt, lаlu аduk. Fіnіѕhіng.

7. Mіlkу fоаm Slime
Hаѕіl gаmbаr untuk cara mеmbuаt fоаm Slime
-Clear glue
-Sabun саіr LUX
-Pеwаrnа[bіlа реrlu]
Cаrа mеmbuаt:
Mаѕukkаn clear glue kеdаlаm wadah, lаlu masukkan ѕаbun LUX, аduk, tambahkan pewarna[bila perlu], аduk, bеrіkаn аіr ѕеdіkіt, aduk, lalu mаѕukkаn іnѕtо 3-5 tetes, аduk. Sеlеѕаі.

8. Creamy Slime
Hаѕіl gаmbаr untuk саrа mеmbuаt thailand Slime
-Whіtе glue/lem fоx
-Pewarna makanan[bila реrlu]
-Sаbun cair
Cara mеmbuаt:
Mаѕukkаn white gluе kedalam wаdаh ѕеtеlаh іtu mаѕukkаn air[kalau ѕаtu рсѕ lem fоx masukkan 5 sendok аіr], lalu aduk. Mаѕukkаn pewarna [bіlа реrlu], lаlu аduk. Sеtеlаh іtu mаѕukkаn 3-5 tеtеѕ іnѕtо, аduk. Mаѕukkаn ѕаbun cair, aduk ѕаmраі menjadi Slime.

9. Thаіlаnd Slime

Hаѕіl gambar untuk tutorial Slime
-Wegabond/lem thаіlаnd
-Bоrаx/Slime асt
Cаrа mеmbuаt:
Mаѕukkаn wеgаbоnd kеdаlаm wаdаh lalu саmрurkаn Slime асt,аduk, саmрurkаn реwаrnа mаkаnаn bіlа реrlu. Mааf уа kаlаu gаk bеrhаѕіl, soalnya resep dari tеmаnku.

10. Galaxy Slime
Hаѕіl gаmbаr untuk cara membuat gаlаxу Slime
-3-5 Slime berwarna dan bеrglіttеr[bіаѕаnуа ungu, biru, dаn ріnk]
Cаrа membuat:
Lеtаkkаn ѕаlаh satu Slime bеrglіttеr dі аlаѕ[lеbаrkаn Slime уа!], taruh salah ѕаlаh ѕаtu Slime berglitter diatas Slime уаng satu, lalu letakkan Slime glіttеr уаng lainnya, dеngаn cara dіtumрuk. Lіраt dаrі уаng раlіng bawah kеаtаѕ. lalu аduk aduk dеngаn саrа dibulatkan реlаn setelah іtu tаburkаn glіttеr kеmbаlі.

11. Plаѕtіс Slime[аku nаmаіn ѕеndіrі, kаrеnа kаlаu kita іngіn mеmbuаt bаlоn kіtа tіuр kalau dіреgаng аkаn ѕереrtі рlаѕtіk]
Hаѕіl gаmbаr untuk cara mеmbuаt рlаѕtіс Slime
-Minyak kауu putih
Cara membuat:
Mаѕukkаn ѕtуrоfоаm kеdаlаm wadah, lаlu mаѕukkаn mіnуаk kауuрutіh, аduk реlаn, tunggu 1-2 mеnіt. Jаdі dеh.

12.  Egg Slime
Hаѕіl gаmbаr untuk cara membuat еgg Slime
-Slime рutіh
-Slime kuning[lebih kесіl dаrі Slime рutіh
Cаrа membuat:
Letakkan Slime рutіh dialas, bulаt bulаtkаn Slime kunіng, ѕеtеlаh іtu lеtаkkаn dі atas Slime рutіh.

Sudаh уаааааа, ѕеgіnі dulu, tоlоng dihargain уа! Soalnya nulis 4 ѕеkіtаr 4 jam. Byebye Guуѕ
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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How to Shrink Thighs in 3 Days, Easy or Difficult?

MANY ways you can do to shrink the thighs. For example, how to shrink the thighs in 3 days, in 1 week, etc. Got a big thigh for most people, especially women, is not comfortable. Moreover, for career women who want to always look slim and beautiful.

Therefore, you need to shrink the thighs. The trick, you can practice or exercise alone, practice through the gym, diet to certain foods, etc. Or take medicines, either pharmaceutical drugs or herbal remedies.

How to Shrink Thighs in 3 Days, Easy or Difficult?

Not a few women who are willing to spend deeply in order to appear slim and beautiful with an ideal thigh. Yes, there are tips to shrink the thighs that can be done easily and some are taking a long time.

Why? What causes the effort to shrink the thighs take a long time? Is there a way to shrink on a faster, 3 day for example? How to shrink the thigh easily?

6 Causes of Big Thighs, You Have To Be Aware Of It
how to shrink the thighs in 3 days

women with large thighs and hips

Before determining what way you would do to shrink your thighs in 3 days, you need to know first about what causes you big. Different because it demands an unequal way of tackling for all the big thigh owners.

So, you need to know first what causes the occurrence of a big thigh on yourself. After that select how to shrink the thigh with the right.

1. Big Thighs due to Body shape
Sometimes big thighs because the body shape is also large as shown in the picture above. So, a large body automatically makes the thighs, hips and buttocks are also large. Of course, shrinking such thighs is not easy. You need to choose the right way.

For example exercising using a treadmill, bike or dance. These 3 sports or exercises can exploit the legs and thigh muscles. These tips will make your thighs firmer.

2. Thighs due to heredity
Someone who has a big thigh is very likely the offspring will also have big thighs. Whether it's his son, grandson, or something else. Big thighs like that big thighs due to genetic factors.

3. Big thighs due to Estrogen Hormone
Big thighs can also occur due to the hormone estrogen. In addition to the thighs, this hormone can also cause your buttocks and hips large. Estrogen hormones cause the three parts of the body to be a place of nesting fat.

Of course, you should not eat foods that are high in fat. Instead, choose low-fat and fiber-rich foods. This is how to shrink the thigh according to the cause.

4. Many Fats Make Big Thighs
You should be diligent in exercising or exercising to erode the fat on your thighs. Yes, diligent exercise is necessary because it's an effective way to burn fat.

Well, fat burning in the thighs occurs after fat burning at other locations. So, you can not immediately exercise to shrink your thighs. But burning fat starts from other body parts. Yes, you have to be patient following the correct steps.

Read Also: 17 How To Decrease Your Calves So You Can Look Attractive
5. Too Much Seated, Lack of Sports
Too much sitting can also cause large thighs. Moreover, plus never exercise. Fat will continue to accumulate from day to day. If you have this, how to shrink the thighs is not easy. It takes a lot of effort.

The solution, every two hours you get up from the seat and the road to and fro about 1-2 minutes. This can avoid the possibility of fat accumulation. Or, always do burning fat.

6. Eat a lot of high cholesterol foods
Too often eating foods that contain high cholesterol drinks can also cause large thighs. Food fries, burgers, canned food, instant noodles, and various fried foods are foods that contain high cholesterol.

Shrinking such a large thigh is easy. Way, yes avoid foods that contain high cholesterol. Gradually, your thighs will be slim. Read: Be Careful, 32 Foods Contain High Cholesterol.

How to Shrink Thighs in 3 Days, How to do?
Many ways to shrink the thighs in 3 days you can do. Among other things to do sports, avoid foods that cause fat accumulation in the thighs such as foods that contain high cholesterol, drink plenty of water, and avoid sitting too much.

Some sports you can do to shrink the thighs. Do it gradually. The longer you will enjoy this sport because you will be healthier with stomach, thigh, calf and others can be slim. Read: 6 Light Sports to Decrease Thighs and Calves.


1. How to shrink thighs with Jogging
Jogging you can do with a quick walk or run. Can be done morning or evening. Jogging can burn a lot of fat in the thighs and calves. If you do a routine, can shrink the thighs.

Do not jogging heavy, but effective for health. Heart was so healthy. Fight a sense of lazy exercise.

2. Tips Shrinking Thighs with Sit Up
Sit ups are also light exercise. You can do it anytime and anywhere. Way, you lie face down and lift the body with the retaining of both hands. After the body is lifted, then lower again. Repeat several times. The longer you exercise, the more comfortable and healthy you will be. You can successfully shrink the thighs.

3. Jump Rope Sports
Jump rope can also choose. The trick is easy and cheap, but effective to shrink the thigh or calf. Anyone can do jump rope. It's just that, if you are used to be comfortable and very healthy. You will also be effective to burn lots of fat and calories in the thighs. Do it regularly, at least one week four times.

3. Cycling: Ordinary Bicycle, Static Bike or Treadmill
Cycling can be chosen as a way to shrink the thigh in 3 days. During cycling, the foot works pedal pedal so that the longer your thighs will be slimmer. Pile of fat you can burn.

You can use regular bikes or static bikes, ie bicycle without wheels. Or use a treadmill. Yes, it's up to you.

Read: Perform 7 Yoga Moves to Decrease the Thighs
That's some exercise you can do to shrink the thighs in 3 days. However, if within 3 days has not achieved the results you expect, then continue in the following days.

Sports for the healthy actually need not be limited the number of days. For example, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, etc. However, exercise should be done throughout life. From children, adolescents, adults to old age. Of course, do according to your physical abilities and your goals of exercise.

However, with a target of 1 day, 3 days, 1 week and so on is also good as a motivation. After a successful thigh shrinking effort, exercise time can be reduced. Or sports targets are diverted.

You can create new targets according to your health. For example exercise to lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart healthy, prevent diabetes, shrink the waist, and so on. To shrink the waist, you can read: 4 Ways to Shrink Waist Quickly and Safely.

Similarly, a successful article presented on How to Shrink Your Thighs in 3 Days. Choose the easy way, light, even cheap but the results are great. You will successfully shrink the thighs.
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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Yoga Movement to Shrink, 7 Very Healthy Ways

The motion of yoga as a way to live healthy has been known throughout the world. Among the yoga movements to shrink the thighs. Having big thighs, for anyone will not be comfortable. Moreover, for women who must look beautiful.

Yoga movement can be an effective way to shrink your thighs. Not hard to do yoga movement. All it takes is consistency. That is, you must be diligent in doing yoga in accordance with the goals you want.

Yoga Movement to Shrink, 7 Very Healthy Ways

One is the yoga movement to shrink the thighs and calves. For anyone, especially women, having a large thigh shape is not comfortable. In addition, it can interfere with daily activities and also unhealthy.

Especially besides having big thighs, you also have a big belly and big hips. It feels like to be able to quickly eliminate all the problems that make you uncomfortable and easy to get sick.

How to shrink the other thighs is through cardio exercise. There are at least 15 cardio sports that you can run to shrink your thighs and calves.

List of Yoga Moves to Decrease the Thighs

There are at least 10 yoga moves to shrink your thighs. You can perform this yoga movement anywhere. At home, at work, at a gym or elsewhere.

You can also form a yoga group in your area of ??residence, at work, at work or elsewhere. However, doing yoga alone at home can also.

Yes, all there is plus minusnya. Just choose according to your wishes, Most importantly you should be diligent in doing yoga exercise so you can successfully shrink your big thighs.

Usually, maintaining that consistency is difficult. Many occur, after the sport runs one month and two months, long time the spirit of some participants decreased. In fact, eventually the yoga fitness club broke up.

This I need to emphasize because the main obstacle to exercise or exercise, whatever the shape, is inconsistency. Healthy living needs to be consistent.

Here are 7 types of yoga movements to shrink thighs. The types of yoga presented here are chosen the easiest to do. Nothing heavy, much less dangerous. All is easy and safe.

The 7 ways to shrink the thighs are:

1. Yoga Padahastasana Movement, Burning Many Fats

yoga movement to shrink the thighs

This yoga movement can burn a lot of fat in your body. Whether in the thighs, abdomen, calves or other body parts. In addition, this yoga movement also allows you to concentrate better and facilitate the supply of oxygen to the brain. The ability of the brain increases.

This yoga movement is very easy. Anyone can do it.

First, you stand upright, then lift your hands up while you inhale. After a while, lower both hands and stretch it down until it touches the toes. Of course, your body must be cuddled.

About 1 minute, you again stand up straight with both hands lifted upward like an early movement. Yes, this is a repeat movement. You can repeat this yoga movement several times. It's easy, right???

2. Movement of Baddhakonasana Yoga
This yoga movement can be done as a way to shrink the thighs, stomach and calf. But, also at the same time increase the stamina of the body so you are healthier.

How to do this yoga is you sit on the mat. Then, bend both feet and meet both feet like sitting cross-legged.

Hold both big toes. Push forward and spread both hands to the floor. The position of the body remains straight, not curved. Hold between 1 and 5 minutes.

After that, you rise up and repeat the same movement from the beginning. You will be healthy and can shrink your thighs and stomach if this yoga movement you do every day. Perform all movements with a relaxed and calm atmosphere.

3. Naukasana Yoga Movement

yoga movement

This yoga movement can tighten the abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles, and legs, including the thighs. The way you sit on a mat. Lay your body with your legs and hands straight down.

Then, raise your hands, lift your head, shoulders and legs to a sitting position until you lift both legs and both hands. Hold 30 - 60 seconds, and just lowered.
This yoga movement is up to 5 times.

4. Uttanpadasana Yoga Movement

how to shrink the thighs

Yoga movement is also not difficult. You are lying on a mat. The benefits of this gymnastics to shrink the stomach and legs, including the thighs. This gymnastics is popular among lovers of gymnastics.

After you lie on the mat with both hands straight down, then lift both legs up straight up. Let stand for one minute, then feet lower down. Repeat this yoga movement up to 5 times.

5. Vrksasana Yoga Movement

how to shrink the stomach

You can also tighten the muscles of the thighs and muscles of the body so that you can appear directly with the stomach and healthy body. The trick, you stand upright and lift one leg.

Attach the raised foot to the upper part of the knee. At the same time, tie the two hands in front of your chest. Hold for a few moments, then lift your lifted foot.

Read Also: 11 How To Minimize Stomach Fatty Women Quickly
Now, turn the other foot. Repeat the movement several times so that the yoga movement to shrink your thighs is a success.

6. Paschimottanasa Yoga Movement

tips on shrinking the thighs

This movement is also easy to do by anyone. Movement was easy. Start by sitting on the mat with the position of both feet sticking forward.

Inhale, knead your stomach and lower your head until kissing the knee. Meanwhile, both hands holding the toes. Repeat the movements up to 5 - 10 times. You will be healthy.

7. Sumo Squat Movement, Side Leg, etc.
You can also shrink the thigh with the movement Sumo Squat, Side Leg, Lunges Knee Hops, Bridge, Tip Toe Squat, etc. In addition to tightening or shrinking the thighs, some of the exercises shown in this video can also be to shrink the stomach and the buttocks.

Actually there are still some yoga movements that you can do to shrink the thighs or reduce other organs such as shrink the stomach, shrink the buttocks, and others. But, with the example above, you can try it first. May you successfully shrink the thighs and other important tubal organs as well as you can look beautiful and healthy.
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Friday, April 19, 2019

Paleo Diet - Food, Drink, Benefits and Hazards

Paleo diet is a diet that is also being rife in the Indonesian community. Having the ideal body is everyone's dream. Many ways are done to get the body sexy and interesting. Start with diet, set diet, exercise and so forth (Read Also: How To Diet Mayo). But many want to diet with a short time but produce drastic weight loss. Dieting is not done that easily. Because while doing a lot of diet that becomes abstinence or prohibition. This time we will discuss about one type of diet that is developing also in Indonesia, the paleo diet.

Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet takes the food from the cavemen. The Paleo diet is a diet that focuses on back to nature or back to nature. You can consume all kinds of foods and beverages that are spread out in nature, but do not contain any chemicals. Paleo diet is believed to be able to lose weight drastically in a short time. The content of vitamins, minerals, fiber that is still natural to make the body healthy and protected from any kind of disease. This Paleo diet forbids consuming rice, you can replace it with potatoes, tubers, and cassava. Consuming salt, sugar, fat is not allowed while undergoing this paleo diet. Surely this will make bland food and reduce appetite, but this is very good for the body. Because consuming salt, sugar, fat in large amounts can cause various diseases to the body.

Benefits of the Paleo Diet
1. Avoid from cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is a disease associated with damage to the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease caused by high blood pressure, smoking, obesity or overweight, unbalanced diet, drinking beverages that contain excessive alcohol. Cardiovascular disease can be prevented by eating healthy foods, not smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages, lots of motion and a maintained diet.

2. Avoid of diabetes

Paleo diet is useful to prevent diabetes. Because in the paleo diet program is prohibited to consume excess sugar. Because sugar in the body in addition to causing diabetes can also cause obesity or weight gain.

3. Lowering blood pressure

High blood pressure is caused by obesity or obesity, consuming large amounts of salt, consuming less vegetables and fruits, drinking too much coffee, less exercise and consuming too much alcohol. So this paleo diet can lower blood pressure because it consumes fresh vegetables and fruits and natural.

4. Lose weight

This is a benefit that is often sought by many people that can lose weight drastically. Because by consuming healthy and natural foods, without consuming rice containing many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the body digested into sugar and cause obesity or overweight if consumed in excess.

5. Maintain fitness

The benefits of paleo diet can further maintain body fitness. This happens because in the paleo diet is also required to actively move. Also balanced with eating healthy foods and drinks, the body becomes fitter, fresher and more vibrant.

6. Prevent acne

Acne occurs when the hair follicles on the skin are blocked by a mixture of dead skin cells, dust, germs, and sebum (substances that produce oil glands). By consuming natural foods and drinking lots of water, paleo diet can prevent acne.

7. Ward off Free Radicals

Vegetables and fruits that we consume while doing paleo diet contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are high so that it can ward off free radicals.

8. Preventing Inflammation

9. Neutralize acid levels in the body

10. The digestive system is more fluent and healthy

Also Read:

How To Diet With Lemon Fruit
How To Diet With Lime
How To Diet Without Sports In A Week
Danger of the Paleo Diet
1. Lack of Nutrition

In the paleo diet is required to consume food and drink derived from nature. But it is forbidden to consume rice containing carbohydrates and also foods that contain fat. While carbohydrates and fats are also needed to increase energy in the body so that the limbs work well. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

2. Have excess protein

The body needs a good nutritional intake every day. In this paleo diet you are required to consume many foods containing protein. Protein itself is good for health as a substance builders, energy sources, and sources of hormone production. But if high protein intake in the body can cause diseases such as:

Weight gain or obesity
It damages the heart and brain
Damage to the kidneys
Increase cholesterol
Causes dehydration
Cancer Risk
Uric acid
3. Overhydration

Overhydration occurs when you consume too much water. This paleo diet requires you to drink 8 glasses of water every day without drinking other drinks such as soda or coffee. So the body will experience overhydration which resulted in nausea, dizziness, fullness and bloating, even swelling of the feet and hands.

4. Infected bacteria

The paleo diet is a diet that focuses on foods that come from nature. By doing this diet you will most likely be infected with bacteria. As an example of cooking your food is not cooked cooking bacteria are also not dead, consuming raw fish can also cause the body at risk of exposure to waste in seawater. We recommend that you properly wash vegetables or fruits to be cooked. That way the bacteria will be lost carried water and also cook food until cooked so that the bacteria contained lost.

5. Body Odor

Body odor when doing paleo diet is caused by fat that is split or called ketosis and from ketosis process this produces acetone. Excess acetone is produced and causes body odor.

6. Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition of reduced thyroid production in the body. Thyroid hormone serves to control the metabolism in the body, processing food into energy for the continuity of body performance. The thyroid hormone is located at the front of the neck. Ordinary hypothyroid symptoms are characterized by the body experiencing fatigue, depression, low heart rate, not resistant to cold temperatures.

Paleo diet is very useful if done properly. Can lose weight quickly and in a short time. But if you do this paleo diet excessively will cause various risks. Then do the diet properly.
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Friday, March 22, 2019

How To Diet Mayo Simple Good And True To Succeed

Having an ideal body is a dream for everyone, especially women. Many women complain of bloated stomach, sagging arms or large thighs. Many women who perform a variety of sports, keeping food up to a diet, one of them with a diet mayo.

Understanding Diet Mayo

What's that diet mayo? Diet mayo is a diet program by not consuming food or drink containing salt. This mayo diet method itself is mentioned can lose weight up to 7 kg to 13 kg within 13 days. But if within 13 days of breaking the rules to not consume salt then declared failed and must repeat from the beginning.

Why avoid salt-containing foods or beverages? Because salt or sodium has osmotic properties or absorbs water. So if in our body contains a lot of salt, it will happen accumulation of body fluids. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)

How To Diet Mayo

Basically diet mayo just should not consume foods or drinks that contain salt and water ice, so multiply consume vegetables and fruits. This mayo diet is easy and simple, just by adjusting our diet for 13 days.

1. Intention
Intention is crucial to the success of this mayo diet. For what, we will eat foods that do not contain salt. Surely this will interfere with our appetite. The food will taste bland. We have been given small food that is not left behind whose name is salt.

As a saying goes no salt tastes bland. Diet here in addition to the intention must also be strong mentally and the body, because the diet that we set the diet and what foods should not be eaten when the diet. So intention is very important for the success of the mayo diet.

Without a firm intention, it will be very difficult to realize the success of the mayo diet because it includes enough flippers to be canceled when you're on a diet. Similarly, other diets mayo way of diet also relies heavily on commitment. After kekueh with intention, well we will learn how diet mayo diet is.

2. Diet
Diet Mayo Day One

Breakfast Morning: it is advisable to drink a cup of coffee or tea with an extra 1 teaspoon of sugar plus a serving of fresh fruit such as apples.
Lunch: with a serving of salad with an additional 1/4 tuna meat, 2 freshly diced carrots, 4 tbsp mayonnaise and 1 lime squeezed over the salad.
Dinner: it is recommended to eat another serving of salad salad plus 1 slice of tomato, mushroom and red onion.
Diet Mayo Day Two

Breakfast Morning: is with a cup of coffee or tea in addition 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Lunch: recommended by consuming 2 pieces of chicken eggs that have been boiled or cooked plus spinach and tomato vegetables.
Dinner: with 100 grams of beefsteak with lettuce and extra lime on top.
Diet Mayo Third Day

Breakfast: by consuming 1 piece of fresh bread accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Lunch: recommended by eating 2 chicken eggs that have been boiled with 1 bunch of fresh spinach in a tomato 1 tomato.
Dinner: for a third day mayo diet the same as the dinner menu mayo second day. 100 grams of roasted beefsteak with lettuce and squeezed lemon on it.
The Fourth Day Mayo Diet

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea with an extra 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and 1 piece of white bread.
Lunch: consumption of 1 egg and carrots that have been boiled briefly with a piece of cheddar cheese.
Dinner: enough with a bowl of cooked papaya and a glass of low-fat milk without sugar.
The Fifth Day Mayo Diet

Breakfast Morning: by consuming a raw carrot of medium size washed and then in the grated and added lime juice.
Lunch: 120 grams of chicken meat that has been steamed with a little extra salty sauce.
Dinner: consume 60 grams of beefsteak plus lettuce and spinach leaves as a complement.
Diet Mayo Day Six

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without granulated sugar and 1 piece of grilled toast.
Lunch: 120 grams of steamed chicken with additional lettuce or spinach vegetables.
Dinner: 2 chicken eggs that have been boiled with extra raw diced carrots.
The Mayo Day Seventh Diet

Breakfast: Drink a cup of coffee or tea do not use sugar.
Lunch: roasted steak with salad and 1 fresh fruit like banana.
Dinner: It may be very torturing to eat your nocturnal seventh-day mayo because you are not required to eat or drink anything.
Diet Mayo Day Eighth

Breakfast Morning: is to consume a cup of coffee or tea with the addition of enough sugar 1 tsp only.
Lunch: eat with 2 eggs that have been boiled first and then add also spinach vegetables as a complement.
Dinner: refresh 100 grams of roasted steak with lime juice on top.
The Mayo Diet of the Ninth Day

Breakfast Morning: simply add 1 tsp of granulated sugar to a cup of coffee or tea without additional bread as a complement.
Lunch: consumption of a steak with extra lettuce and a fresh fruit such as oranges.
Dinner: 120 grams of chicken meat that has been steamed and also a glass of low-fat milk without sugar.
Diet Mayo On Day 10

Breakfast Morning: 1 piece of white bread to accompany a cup of coffee or tea with 1sdt of sugar.
Lunch: 2 eggs that have been boiled first with spinach vegetables and fresh fruit such as apples or oranges.
Dinner: re-consume roasted steak with lime juice on it.
Diet Mayo On Day 11

Breakfast: Drink a cup of coffee or tea with 1 teaspoon of sugar and you can also consume 1 piece of burned toast.
Lunch: by eating steamed chicken meat with a little butter without saltiness.
Dinner: drink a glass of low-fat, unsweetened milk with a snack of papaya or banana fruit.
Diet Mayo On Day 12

Breakfast Morning: consume 1 piece of fresh bread accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea that has been added 1 teaspoon granulated sugar.
Lunch: 1 fresh carrot and 1 egg that has been boiled briefly with grated cheese.
Dinner: by eating roasted steak and lettuce.
Diet Mayo On Day 13

Breakfast Morning: by drinking a cup of coffee or tea without any sugar and 1 piece of fresh baked bread.
Lunch: It is advisable to consume chicken meat that has been in the previous steamed with additional lemon that has been squeezed.
Dinner: eat fresh medium-sized fresh carrots and boiled eggs.
Things to Look For While Doing The Mayo Diet

1. Avoid Eating (heavy meals or snacks) At Night

Dinner before 6 pm. Eating heavy meals or snacks at night has many risks:

Gain weight drastically. Because every food or snack has a high calorie and used for the move. Eating at night in large numbers and direct sleep can lead to food is not digested perfect in the body, thus causing obesity or obesity.
Diabetes is an advanced disease in the accumulation of fat in the body. If the habit of eating or snacking at night is not abandoned then diabetes will attack you.
Eating heavy meals or even snacks at night also causes Heart Attacks. This is because the accumulation of fat in the body. These fats clog the ducts to the heart. So that blood vessels can not do their job well.
Affects sleep patterns and quality. The food that we eat at night it contains many calories, so this causes you not immediately to sleep. Thus eating at night greatly affects the pattern and quality of sleep.
Stomach acid will rise. This is because we after eating or snacking at night will surely lie down and this causes stomach acid to work and up to the throat. The effect we can feel in the morning, throat will feel hot and sick. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
2. Drinking Water Minimum 8 glasses per day

Benefits of drinking water at least 8 glasses per day:

Brain performance increases
Maintain healthy liver and kidney
Strengthen the immune system
Make youthful
Lose weight
3. Use Low Calorie Sugar

In the mayo diet should use low-calorie sugar and also avoid drinking too sweet especially containing artificial sweeteners. This low-calorie sugar is very good for your body because it is able to keep blood sugar levels in the body and functioning liver according to its function.

4. Keep Applying Healthy Diet After End of Mayo Diet

After the end of the diet mayo does not mean you can eat as good as you like. but stick to a healthy diet and avoid lots of foods containing sugar and salt. Expand to eat vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, and so forth. Do not forget also the consumption of fresh fruits such as melon, papaya, apple, watermelon, wine, bananas and other fruits are good for health. Thus your posture remains ideal as you want and your Mayo diet for 13 days is not in vain.

Foods to Avoid When Diet Mayo
Fried is one of the most popular foods among Indonesian society. Because the fried itself is very good for snacks at leisure time but also fit the price in the community bag. The fried itself is made from healthful ingredients such as tempeh, tofu, banana, cassava. but in the process of making it yourself, fried food is cooked with oil. In the oil itself there is a very high calorie. In 1 tablespoon of cooking oil there is pure fat of 13.6 grams and 177 calories. Imagine how many calories how fat we can when consuming two fried or more. Fried also causes high cholesterol. This is because the oil for frying is used many times and causes the buildup of trans fats that lead to cholesterol.

2. White Rice

People say Indonesia just a day we have not eat white rice is the same we have not eaten even though we've eaten a lot of snacks. High carbohydrate content in white rice is processed in human digestion and produces sugar in the body that causes obesity in humans. Our way to avoid white rice that is replaced with sweet potatoes, potatoes, wheat, brown rice. Sugars derived from carbohydrate digestion can cause diabetes militus. Diabetes militus is a disease of diabetes or blood sugar disease. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

3. Fast Food or Junk Food

Many people choose fast food or junk food because it is fast serving, tasty, and the price is quite affordable. But in these fast foods contain high levels of saturated fat. This fast food or junkfood can lead to diabetes because junkfood does not have fiber and keeps the sugar levels elevated in the body. Junkfood also leads to obesity or obesity. Because the content of sugar, salt, or MSG is very high outside the limit of our dosage. MSG in high doses can also cause damage to the brain and spur inflammation of the liver.

4. Sugar

Sugar that taste sweet of course very liked many people. However, if consuming also in large quantities will cause effects not good for the body, such as:

Obesity or overweight
Destructive tooth
Sickness or high blood pressure
Fat on the abdomen
Sugar also leads to addiction. Because it causes people easily hungry and want to eat that contains sugar so obesity is inevitable. To avoid excessive consumption of sugar by checking the content in food or drink to be purchased, so we can choose which foods are good for the health of the body without containing a lot of sugar.

5. Meat

In the meat itself there is a good protein for the body. its function is as a substance builder and booster of metabolism in the body. Excessive consumption of red meat can also cause the risk of colon cancer. This is because red meat cooked too cooked or immature will grow nitrosamine which leads to growth of lesions in the colon. Many consume red meat can also cause Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is a condition of abnormalities characterized by decreased memory, ability to think and speak, and behavior change patients become more aggressive. This is because the amount of iron content in red meat.

The Dangers of Mayo Diet
It turned out that in addition to the benefits are so great that can lose weight 7 kg to 13 kg within 13 days I, mayo diet also has a risk or danger. Among them:

Increased blood sugar
Increased blood sugar in people who undergo mayo diet program caused by many things, such as drinking coffee. caffeine in coffee can increase sugar levels in the body, so it is advisable to drink a cup of tea with an additional 1 teaspoon granulated sugar. To cope with increased blood sugar is recommended for people who are dieting mayo eat vegetables and fruits.

2. System Performance Impaired Body

In people who are diet mayo system of body performance can be disrupted because in one day the body requires enough calories to perform the activity. While this body may only receive few calories during mayo diet. So that the body becomes easily weak, tired, lethargic, pale and not excited.

3. Kidney damage

This mayo diet encourages patients to consume lots of protein. Protein in large quantities can disrupt the performance of the kidneys become severe. Dehydration is also a cause of severe kidney work and chronic renal failure. This is because no fluid is absorbed by the kidneys. Signs of a person experiencing dehydration of the head feels dizzy, weak, mouth odor and urine turns yellowish.

4. Constipation

Constipation is a commonly experienced disease characterized by difficult bowel movements. Constipation is due to lack of fiber in the body, dehydration or lack of fluids, lack of physical activity and lifestyle changes or routines. Constipation is very torturous because we can not get rid of dirt in the body smoothly.

5. The smell of the mouth

Bad breath is commonly caused by bacterial buildup of teeth, tongue, and gums. This condition arises because of lack of saliva in the oral cavity. So when the diet mayo required to drink water at least 8 glasses a day. Because if the lack of fluids result in decreased levels of saliva. If we lack saliva then the cells in the body will die and that is also the cause of bad smell in the mouth.

6. Rising cholesterol

Rising cholesterol levels in the body caused by the habit of eating unhealthy foods. Rarely exercise can also trigger the rise of cholesterol in the body. For smokers and drinkers these liquors are bad for health one of them is also the increase in cholesterol in the body. Increased cholesterol is also caused by obesity or obesity because of fat deposits in the body.

Why Mayo Diets Are Better Than On Other Diets
In general, this mayo clinic diet has two patterns of program that is "REMOVING 5 BAD HABITS AND HAVING GOOD HABITS". Diet mayo is one way to lose weight is highly recommended.

5 Bad Habits to Leave:

Eat snack, snack or junk food
Eat foods that contain lots of sugar
Eat with other activities such as watching tv, playing gadgets, reading books or other activities that can interfere with eating
Eat foods that contain lots of meat
Eat at a restaurant or roadside stall
5 Good habits to be lived:

Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits
Always keep up with a healthy, fiber-packed menu
Familiarize yourself to consume nuts or seral
Increase consumption of healthy fats
Exercising at least 30 minutes in 1 day
Diet Mayo In America

How to diet mayo is very much interested in including in America. Dindonesia itself applies diet mayo's diet without drinking ice water and not consuming foods containing salt. This diet is done within 13 days and if you break the rules in the mayo diet then you have failed to diet mayo and must repeat from the beginning or the first day. But according to the mayo clinic only apply two patterns of program "eliminates 5 burk habits and runs 5 good habits" then in a week one's weight will be reduced.

Actually in the guide mayo clinic there is no prohibition to menghaindari food containing salt, but because Indonesian society only rely on the internet and do not ask it to a nutritionist popular diet style mayo food without using salt.

Diet Mayo Asli in Indonesia

But although the guidelines of the mayo diet between what is known to the people of Indonesia with the original is very different even deviate, but the Indonesian society mayo diet is no effect as well. How could this happen ? Because most of the human body consists of water. So if we reduce the salt intake in our bodies then the body weight will decrease. The salt is osmosis or absorbs the liquid. So within 13 days it is lost in the body only water content alone, fat in the body remains.

That way the body will lose a lot of fluid, so the diet mayon ala Indonesian society is a lot of risk due to lack of fluids in the body. Like limp, tired, lack of excitement, bad breath, constipation and others. This diet also promises weight will drop by approximately 7kg to 13kg in 13 days, this diet is viewed for desire in one time only. So can-can after a diet that mayo very guarded eat it makes us after the program is finished like revenge by eating food as much.

So the mayo diet is very effective to lose weight. Behind the effectiveness of mayo diet also there are dangers such as the rise in blood sugar. So keep the diet with the right guidance.
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Thursday, February 21, 2019

30 Low Fat Calorie and Low Fat Diet Foods

Low-calorie foods do not mean they should have an unpleasant taste or low nutritional value. We're sure you'll want to know what low-calorie foods can support your health and at the same time help your efforts to lose weight.

Low Calorie Diet Food

This is a list of the 30 best foods to help you in your diet.

1. Watercress

Watercress is the vegetables you need in your diet. According to the CDC (Centers for Deisease Control), watercress is one of the most nutritious vegetables with high antioxidant content and contains only 4 calories per bowl. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

2. Arugula

If you have never heard of the name of this vegetable, maybe you are more familiar with the other name that is rocket. This vegetable contains 5 calories per bowl and in this vegetable is rich in antioxidants and vitamin K. (Read Also: Paleo Diet)

3. Celery

Celery contains lots of Vitamin K which in addition to bone health benefits is also a nutrient that helps reduce the risk of death from diseases such as heart attacks. Celery contains 6 calories per bowl. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)

4. Bok Choi

The content of calories contained in green vegetables originating from the Asian continent is 9 calories per 5 leaves. Bok Choi is a vegetable that is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A and antioxidants. All these are elements that strengthen your body's defenses. (Read Also: A Blood Type A Diet)

5. Radish

Radishes have a slightly spicy flavor and provide texture on a variety of dishes. Calories in radish are 17 calories per bowl. The nutrient content in the radishes is vitamin C, which serves to help cell growth and repair damaged tissue. In addition to tubers, turnip leaves can also be eaten. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)

6. Cucumber Japanese

Japanese cucumber is a source of dietary fiber and is also rich in potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin K and manganese. Per one medium-sized japanese cucumber contains 31 calories. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

7. Cucumber

The content of water in the cucumber is 95% which makes this fruit is one of the best choices for low-calorie diet foods. High water content will keep your body hydrated well and also keep you feeling full, so you do not feel the desire to snack. If you want to get more dietary fiber, you do not peel the cucumber skin, because cucumber skin is where you will find dietary fiber. The calorie content in cucumber is 22 calories per ½ cucumber.

8. Prem

Plums are rich in antioxidants and contain about 30 calories per fruit. The sweet taste will help you to reduce your desire for other sweet foods like candy and chocolate. (Read Also: Blood Type Diet B)

9. Orange Bali

Like other citrus fruits, grapefruit is rich in vitamin C. According to research from the University of Arizona (Tucson), grapefruit will help reduce waist circumference, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In ½ grapefruit fruit there are 37 calories.

10. Strawberry

It is a fruit that you can find all year long in the supermarket. This fruit contains high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants. High levels of vitamin C can help alleviate breathing during exercise. In addition, levels of antioxidants in strawberries can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The calorie level in strawberry is 49 calories per bowl. (Read Also: Diet Blood Type Diet O)

11. Melon

Melon fruit is sweet and fresh only contains 61 calories per bowl, but rich in vitamin C and potassium. Potassium is a nutrient that helps reduce the risk of heart disease,

12. Blackberry

It contains only 61 calories per bowl, blackberry is also rich in filling food fiber. Dietary fiber will also help slow the digestive process so you will feel full longer. Obviously blackberries are also rich in vitamin K and antioxidants. (Also Read: Healthy Drinks For Diet)

13. Bulgur

Is a type of grain made from whole wheat cooked half cooked, dried and peeled. Rich in dietary fiber, bulgur will help control your blood sugar levels. Contains 76 calories per ½ cup.

14. Mi Soba

Mi soba contains 113 calories per bowl. Made from sorghum, this Japanese-style noodle is low in calories and will certainly help control the levels of calories you consume.

15. Teff

Teff is a grain crop grown widely in Ethiopia and contains calories as much as 128 calories per ½ cup when it is cooked. In addition teff is rich in various nutrients such as fiber, magnesium, alsium and phosphorus. (Read Also: Warm Water Benefits For Diet)

16. Wheat bran

Wheat bran contains 31 calories per ¼ cup and contains many nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin B complex and dietary fiber that will help you stay full.


Containing 31 calories per bowl, plain popcorn is a low-calorie snack that can help reduce weight. (Read Also: How to Diet Fast)

18. Plain Rice Cake

A plain rice cake is a good choice when you want something that tastes crisp and satisfies your needs without adding significant amounts of calories. Calorie content in rice cake is 35 calories per cake. (Read Also: Blood Type Diet O)

Mi Shirataki

The transparent and gelatinous noodles are made from Asian konjac plant roots. Caloric content is 0 per 3 ounces. Most of the nutrients contained in it is a dietary fiber called glucomanan.

20. Turkey breasts

The turkey breast is the right choice when you want to make your own sandwich for lunch. This is the most low-fat option of meat. Choose a plain type to avoid adding sugar. Caloric content is 72 calories per 3 ounces. (Read Also: How Natural Diet)

21. Fish Cod

Code fish with calorie content of 70 calories per 3 ounce but rich in selenium. Selenium acts as an antioxidant and increases the consumption of selenium can reduce muscle fatigue. Caloric content is 70 calories per 3 ounces.

22. Green Shells

Green shells are rich in protein and contain 73 calories per 3 ounces. In addition, hiaju jga shells are rich in omega-3 fats that can help to improve exercise performance by increasing blood flow, maximizing oxygen levels absorbed by the muscles. (Also Read: Healthy Drinks For Diet)

23. Chicken Breast

Chicken breast contains 92 calories per 3 ounces and is a protein-rich food to help build muscle. Protein-rich foods will help you lose weight because it will help you to feel full longer and increase thermic effects at the time of food. Here means the number of calories spent digesting food is greater than the amount of calories contained in the food itself

24. Know silk

There are many types of tofu that are on the market. The calorie level of tofu silk is 31 calories per 3 ounces. This is a type of tofu that has not been through a process of water squeeze which causes it to have lower caloric levels than other types of know. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

25. Red Beans

The canned red beans are a quick way to add plant protein and dietary fiber to your diet. Red beans contain 108 calories in ½ cup.

Also read:

How to diet with lemon
how to diet without exercise
how to diet with water
26. Lentils

This type of nuts is not only low in calories, but also rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Lentils also contain many healthy dietary fiber for the body. The calorie content in lentils is 115 calories in 1/2 cup

27. White Eggs

Egg whites contain 25 calories per 3 tablespoons. If you're looking for a low-calorie protein source, this is the answer. Egg white is rich in amino acids making it very suitable for muscle formation. (Read Also: How To Diet Carbohydrates)

28. Low Fat Mozzarella Cheese

Low-fat Mozzarella cheese contains about 61% less calories than cheddar cheese. The content of calories in mozzarella cheese is 71 calories per ounce.

29. Skim milk

Skim milk allows you to get protein content from milk without extra calories from fat. The calorie content in 1 cup skim milk is 83 calories. In addition skim milk also contains calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus that helps to strengthen bones. (Also Read: How To Diet The Right GM)

30. Nonfat plain yogurt

Yogurt is rich in protein and also probiotics, which is good for the health of the digestive tract. Probiotics will also help to reduce fat in the body. Calories in nonfat plain yogurt is 137 calories per bowl.

Also Read:

AB Blood Type Diet
Blood Type Diet B
Blood Type Diet A
Well that's the 30 types of low-calorie diet foods that you can consider and include in your diet. Hope to help ya for you who are on a diet but confused about the choice of food that you may eat.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

20 Ways to Diet Natural and Healthy Fast In 1 Week

How Natural Diet can help you lose weight quickly and definitely keep your body healthy. Not a new thing again diet ditelingga Indonesian society. They go on a diet for one purpose that is to get the ideal body weight in accordance with expectations. Due to an uncomfortable feeling with stomach sagging, big arms and thighs, chubby cheeks make them very intent on dieting.

Various kinds of diets are performed by a person ranging from a regular diet to extraordinary or extreme. Start with OCD diet, mayo diet, diet with fruits and vegetables, diet with water, until diet without eating rice (Read Also: How To Diet With Lime). In addition to that way many other kinds of diets without having to avoid one type of food, the diet in a natural way.

How To Diet With Natural

1. Define the Target

Tragetkan your body decline realistically. Do not be too obsessed to get the ideal body weight with a short time. Suppose you target within a week your weight should be 5kg down. This makes you very controlling your daily intake. But if your weight loss goal is not achieved, what happens? You will be frustrated and frustrated because you feel you are failing to diet. There you will hate this and eat as much food as vengeance has failed to diet. So target your weight loss rationally. Do a reasonable diet but get satisfactory results. Also target your bad habits. Usually you love to eat snacks, start now to stop consuming snacks and replace it with eating fresh fruit every day. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)

2. Optimistic For Skinny

In addition to the target weight loss rate, you also have to mind your mind to manage the body. Thus you will be dieting seriously. But if your lips say to be thin but your mind still imagine good food and fear of starvation while dieting, then your diet will fail instantaneously. So start to think for thin, so your diet will feel enjoy lived.

3. Sports

In modern times like this many people who prefer to ride a motorcycle or car to travel. So they just rely on machines without using their feet. Though the sport starts from the habit of walking. You can exercise about 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. Beginning with warm hands, feet, and head. then can be continued with jogging, sit ups, or push ups. These sports activities if done regularly can help you in the process of weight loss. In addition to losing weight with exercise you can avoid high cholesterol, stress, can increase the performance of brain and body look fresher. So start from now to exercise 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)

4. Increase Drinking Water

Water in the body plays a very important role, such as:

Eliminates dehydration
improve kidney performance
get rid of toxins that enter the body through the urine
making skin look soft and bright
relieve headaches
Prevent constipation
helps improve brain performance
In addition to the above benefits, one of the benefits that are often sought is water can help you lose weight. Every time you are hungry try to shake by drinking 2 glasses of water, then your stomach will be full of water and your hunger is resolved. To get the benefits of water so much drink 8 glasses of water a day. (Also Read: How To Diet With Water)

5. Eat Pistachio Nuts

Why should pistachio nuts? This is because in pistachio nuts contain enough fat and calories for the body's needs. But the fat contained in these pistachios is easily soluble in water so will not raise your weight. In addition to losing weight, this nut can also prevent cancer, maintain heart health, protect the nervous system, reduce the risk of diabetes and maintain eye health. These beans grow up in Iran, Turkmenistan, Western Azerbaijan. These pistachio nuts also contain high protein similar to other types of nuts.

6. Consume Rich Fiber Foods

Fiber is very important function for the body, among others:

Helps detoxification process in the body
Helps to lose weight
Lowers high cholesterol
Cleaning the digestive tract
Protects the body from colon diseases
avoiding fatty deposits in blood vessels
Controlling blood sugar
Slows the absorption of glucose
Try by consuming these fiber-containing foods on a regular basis and feel the benefits above. Examples of foods that contain fiber: Peas, avocados, bananas, papaya, broccoli, cabbage, pears, corn, brown rice. By consuming fiber-rich foods help launch the digestive system and help you lose weight.

7. Often Eat But With Little Portion

The next natural way to eat is to eat but still with a small portion. Many people think that being overweight is caused by eating too often. The edge of this response is false, because people who eat this large and rare portion are creating new problems. People who eat small portions but often make them think to consume nutritious foods. People who eat in large portions tend to eat dinner and make the body become fat. So if you can not reduce the portion of food each time you eat, then eat one portion of your food it repeatedly. So you can measure sebrapa number of calories that enter the body. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)

8. Consume Foods That Able to Burn Fat

Fat itself is also an important component in the body, the fat works regulate body temperature, the largest energy supply in the body, other organ shelter, controlling the performance of bile. But if you consume foods that gore fat excessively it can raise your body weight. Examples of vegetables that can burn fat in the body such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, beans, asparagus, chili, and nuts. Brokilo contains vitamin A, riboplavin, vitamin B6 which can increase fat burning and calories in the body faster. Fruits can also burn fat in the body quickly, such as avocados, coconuts, pineapples, cucumbers, bananas, and apples. Papaya fruit contains water, vitamin C, fiber, and low fat. So you can consume papaya fruit to speed up fat burning in the body and make digestion smooth.

9. Replacing Ordinary Carbohydrates with Complex Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates in the body function as:

Maintain body metabolism
Fat oxidation process
The main energy in the body
Optimize protein performance
give full effect
Carbohydrates in the body are processed into sugar and can cause overweight or obesity if the consumption is too much. Carbohydrates that we often consume are rice, sugar, flour, noodles, bread, pasta, corn, cassava. With it to get the ideal weight replace ordinary carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates whose chemical structure consists of three sugar molecules. Because the molecule is more complex it takes a long time to digest. These complex carbohydrates also cause a slowing rise in glucose in the blood. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, potatoes, bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados and soybeans. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

10. Reduce Food Packaging

Food packaging is very cheap and easy to obtain. Eating a snack with a reason to block the stomach, but this is wrong. Because in the food packaging contains harmful ingredients such as salt, MSG, sugar in high doses and also food preservatives. Food packaging also does not contain fiber but contains fat. So to get the ideal weight less to consume food packaging. Better to make our own food with fresh ingredients and can measure the amount of salt, MSG and sugar that enter our body. And replace your snack by consuming fresh fruit. (Read Also: Diet Mayo Diet)

11. Avoid Dinner Time

At breakfast we are required to consume enough food, because the food we eat in the morning is used for activity. At lunch eat with a moderate portion. And at dinner eat with very little portion. If necessary you do not consume rice but by consuming an apple only. Due to excessive dinner will cause people easily drowsy and finally fall asleep. Dinner can cause undigested food and lead to obesity. Good dinner less than 6 pm.

12. Organize Food Contents In Dishes

Arranging the contents of the food in the dish is very important, so you can estimate how many calories in your body. You should also replace your original plate into a smaller plate so you can not take too much food. Fill your half-pity with green vegetables, a quarter plate with meat or protein-containing food, and a quarter more filled with carbohydrates like white rice, brown rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes. If you want to add fruit, look for fruits that are not too sweet like apples, avocados, or bananas.

13. Avoid Foods With High Sugar Content

It is also very important for your diet process. Avoid consuming foods with high sugar content. By reading the table of nutrients in every packaged food purchased. Thus you know how many calories and sugar in the food. Eating foods containing excess sugar has many risks such as diabetes, high cholesterol, addiction to eat sweet, obesity, cavities and other diseases. Avoid too soft drinks because in soft drinks contain very high sugar.

14. Consume Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are very well consumed when you are on a diet program. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body such as mecegah cancer cell development. All kinds of vegetables and fruits are good for consumption. Benefits of consuming vegetables and fruits:

The immune system in the body increases
Teeth and bones grow strong and healthy
Lowers high cholesterol
Lowering blood pressure
Preventing diabetes
Prevent heart disease
You can consume vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, carrots, beans, broccoli, sledri, eggplant and also fruits such as apples, bananas, papaya, grapes, oranges and others. Or you can also make fruit and vegetable salads. By means of diced the fruits you want as well as cut vegetables. Stir fruits and vegetables until well blended in a bowl.

15. Reduce Fatty Foods

In the diet we often avoid foods that are calorie and fatty, but you love the food. As an example, you are very fond of fried foods but you know that fried foods are not good for health and cause obesity. But you do not automatically hate the food and will not eat it again. This even makes you more eager to consume fried foods. You better try slowly to eat less fried foods. By buying fried in small amount. Ordinary you in an instant can spend 5 fried, now reduced to 1 fried course. Eventually you will get used to not eating fried foods. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

16. Consuming Green Coconut Water

Green coconut water contains very low fat, calories and sugar. Green coconut is great for losing weight. In addition, many other benefits are obtained by consuming green coconut water such as:

Neutralize rancun in the body
Enhancers of energy in the body
Protect mother and fetus from disease
Maintain heart health
Maintaining kidney health
Maintain digestive health
Ward off free radicals
You do not need to consume green coconut water every day, at least 3 times a week then your body will stay slim.

17. Consume Protein Rich Foods

Foods that contain protein include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, soybeans, wheat, beans, potatoes, broccoli and so forth. Why consume foods containing protein? Because protein is very important function in the body in addition to weight loss are:

As an energy source
Fixed damaged cells
Setting the function of DNA
Helps metabolize the body
Proteins themselves are formed from carbon molecules, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. Phosphorus in proteins serves as an energy giver to accelerate the process of fat and starch metabolism. So the fat in the body will be metabolized by protein. Protein gives a feeling of fuller longer.

18. Laugh

It turns out laughing can burn calories and lose weight. Laughter will make the heart beat faster and the muscles work more actively. Laughing for 5- 10 minutes can burn 10-40 calories. Laughter can also reduce pain, relieve stress, and blood circulation. Laughter can widen the blood vessels, so the circulation of oxygen from the heart to the whole body becomes smooth. But keep in mind laugh as long as you do not laugh alone.

19. Enough Sleep

Adequate sleep can affect a person's diet. They assume that by staying awake the weight will go down, but instead by staying up late you will feel hungry in the middle of the night. Or you drink a cup of coffee to get rid of sleep, that's the wrong thing. Caffeine in coffee causes high cholesterol, high blood pressure, infertility in women, and obesity. So the quality of one's sleep is very important. If you sleep less than 4 hours during the day then you will consume many calories on the next day.

20. How to Breathe

This may often be underestimated. They do not understand breathing can also lower calories in the body. The correct way of breathing and can decrease calories is by diaphragmatic breathing. How to breathe with the diaphragm of the body upright and take a breath from the nose and remove through the mouth. Do this activity for about 10 minutes then your calories will burn quickly. Oxygen that enters the body also serves to improve the brain's performance system, Boost immunity, Smooth blood circulation, strengthen the heart, treat headaches or migraine.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

17 Ways to Shrink Calves - Sports and Consumption of Healthy Foods

WHOM WOMEN who does not want to have a beautiful calf? The calves are small but tight? With a large calf certainly can not look attractive and beautiful. Can-can make self not PD. But, how to shrink the calf?

Of course, many ways you can do to shrink the calf. For example doing a special sport that can shrink the calf. Eating foods and drinks that can help shrink the calves.

17 Ways to Shrink Calves

Instead, avoid foods that can make a lot of fat in the calf area so that the calves become large. Wearing women's standard pants is often a hardship.

Drink supplements on how to shrink the calves, thighs and abdominal area you can also do. The important thing is the willingness to shrink the calf, thigh and other. You need to constantly keep yourself in order to always look beautiful, attractive and healthy.

How about you? Want to try shrink calves, thighs and more?

That's a good determination. And, it's not hard and not heavy. What is difficult is to encourage yourself to continue to exercise and avoid the consumption of foods that bring a lot of fat so that the calves and thighs become big.

13 Types of Sports Shrink Calves, Do Your Routine Will Be Successful
shrink the calf

Many sports you can do to shrink the calf. You can choose whichever you want to do. Adjust the type of sport you want to choose with your body condition.

If your weight is very high, yes you need harder in exercising or exercising. You need to be harder in trying to lose weight and shrink thighs, calves, etc.

For those of you who are tall, certainly uasaha shrink the calf can not be done directly. However, you first have to lose weight, shrink the stomach, and the next shrink the calf, thigh, and so on.

Here are 13 types of sports to shrink the calf that you can do to shrink the calf and thighs.

1. Shrink Calves with Jogging One Hour / Day
You can do jogging every day by walking around the residential complex where you live. Jogging routine every morning for 1 hour can erode the fat that accumulate in the area of ??the calf and thighs.

You can start with light jogging. If you are used to it, increase by walking rather quickly so that the result can burn more fat. Longer, your calves and thighs will shrink or shrink.

You will have a proportioned calf. In fact, the ideal and healthy physical. Can look healthy and interesting should always be your motivation to always exercise every day.

2. Run, Decrease Betis Faster
If you are young and love to exercise, yes you can choose to run. Of course not run fast, but in medium speed. To be able to do sport run, you do need a special area such as a field or a vast empty land.

In addition to the field (stadium), you can run in the company's workplace complex. This is if the company is large and has a large yard. Running on the highway is very dangerous because the traffic is crowded.

Running sports to shrink the thigh is certainly better than jogging or walking. Ability to burn fat in the calf higher. But, if there is no place to run, yes jogging aja. Jogging does not require a special place. Can be done in a residential complex where you live.

3. Up Down the Stairs
Up and down stairs you can also choose to shrink the calf and thighs. If your home level, certainly equipped with a ladder. You can go up and down stairs every day. At least exercise up and down stairs for 15 - 30 minutes every day.

You can also go up and down stairs in the office. Time to be arranged by yourself. Exercising before work hours, during breaks or after hours. The important thing you do not be lazy to go up and down stairs.

If you need to invite friends to be more excited and successful shrink the calf.

4. Walking Hiking Can Shrink Calves
If you live in a hilly area, you can choose to walk on foot. Now a lot of housing is located in the hills. In fact, there are developer entrepreneurs who did choose the hilly area for the construction of housing complexes.

Of course, the inhabitants can go up and down when traveling around the housing complex. If you are diligent about climbing every day, you will be healthy and successfully shrink the calves, thighs, stomach, buttocks, and so on.

5. Cycling or Cycling Static
Cycling can also choose to shrink your calves, thighs or other body parts. When pedaling the bike, of course your feet work hard to move the pedal let the bike continue to run.

This allows you to burn lots of fat in the legs, both calves and thighs. So, with regular cycling every day (morning), you can shrink the calf and thighs.

However, cycling on the highway is now prone to accidents because of the densely packed highways with motor vehicles. Except on certain days where there is a motorway freed. The road is reserved for cyclists and pedestrians.

If you want to be safe, use a static bike or a treadmill. Static bikes do not wear wheels. The bike stays in place and you just pedal a bike. With a static bike you have been exercising and able to burn a lot of fat, especially in the legs, the calves and thighs.

6. Treadmill, You Faster Shrink Betis
If you have the funds, you can use a treadmill. Treadmill equipped with the spacer you travel, the fat you burn, etc. Yes, it's more sophisticated equipment to make you shrink the calves, thighs and other limbs.

Using a treadmill as you walk fast. It's just a quick walk in place. The cheapest treadmill price is around Rp 1 million. However, you can use the treadmill alternately with other family members.

So, treadmill can be used crowded. It's more efficient and treadmill usage can be maximized. What is clear, you will be more successful to shrink the calves, thighs, perus, even weight can be lowered.

The more important thing is you will be healthy. Can choose a treadmill manual or electrically. Treadmill manual of course cheaper.

7. Swim
Swimming can also shrink the calves. When swimming, you would move both legs to keep the body moving forward. The more so during the race, the legs will work hard so you can swim faster and beat your opponent.

Not only the feet, both hands are also working hard to pull the body forward so fast forward. Not just the legs. Almost all limbs also move so that the pool is very effective to shrink the calf, thigh, stomach and make the body healthy.

By swimming for at least 30 minutes per day, you will successfully shrink the calf.

8. Doing Yoga
Many yoga movements that you can choose to shrink the calf. In fact, yogya movement can also shrink other members of the body such as stomach, thighs, buttocks, and arms.

Many yoga movements you can do to shrink the stomach. Choose the type of movement that is easy and can shrink the calf. Unless you like challenges.

You can choose heavy and difficult movements, but the results are able to burn fat quickly and lose weight. However, you need to be careful when performing a heavy and challenging yoga movement.

Another case if you are skilled at doing yoga. You can exercise with many types that can be exhibited to visitors.

9. Lifting Weight Training
Weight lifting exercises can also shrink your calves. This exercise is able to burn fat in all parts of the body. As you lift the load, both hands lift the load. Of course, here bekerje hard to succeed needs a landing.

Start this exercise by lifting weights that are not too heavy. If you want to be practical, you can set up a barbell by buying a barbell or other. You can choose to lift the barbell from a low number.

Then, increase your ability to lift a heavier load. Lifting weights can also shrink the thighs and calves. body and other health.

10. Lifting Lifting Heel
You can lift the heel to tighten the muscles on the heel and calf. The trick is you stand up straight, then lift both your heels together. After a while, then go down. Repeat this movement for up to a dozen times.

It's a lightweight and convenient way but effective results. You can try it. This sport does not require special time or special place. You can do where saha. The important thing is you can make athletic calf and healthy.

11. Sitting and both hands reach the big toe
This movement is quite easy, but you can shrink the calf. Way, you sit with your legs straightened forward. Next, lift both hands and aim to reach the big toe.

In order to succeed, you also thrust your head and body so that the hands can touch your toes. This movement you can repeat a few feet and later you will see the calf and thighs will go down to be smaller.

12. Pilates Gymnastics
Pilates gymnastics is also very good you do to shrink the calves and thighs. In fact, pilates not only shrink the calf, but also can make slim limbs you, as well as you can focus.

For this sport, you need a mat and a tool for strengthening and stretching exercises. Includes shrink the calf.

You can do saw and roll down movements that can stretch as well as shrink the calf area.

13. Jump Rope, Start with Heating
Jump rope is also a very effective way to shrink the calf. Jump rope can burn a lot of fat and calories. When doing a jump rope, toes play an important role to support the legs and the whole body.

You should warm up before doing jump rope. The goal lets leg muscles become supple so you feel comfortable when playing jump rope. Continue to jump rope continuously so you can achieve the results yng you expect, the calf legs are ideal and healthy.

Actually there are many sports, gymnastics or other movements that you can do to shrink the calf and thighs. But, with an example of 13 types of sports shrink the calves, you can choose some that you want to do.

Again, the toughest to shrink the calves, thighs, buttocks, stomach, etc. is consistent to continue to exercise to shrink the calf. So you have to fight the laziness of exercise. Energize you to exercise in an effort to shrink the calf.

4 Types of Food to Shrink Calves
To shrink the calves, you need to eat foods rich in fiber, but little fat. Among green vegetables that can be processed directly by boiling.

Let me be more optimal to shrink the calf, you can eat foods rich in fiber as well as rich in protein.

1. Wine Consumption to Shrink Calves
You can eat grapes to shrink the calf. Red wine is effective to burn fat around the calves and thighs. Nutrition in wine can make you healthy while reducing fat.

You need to consume wine every day if you want to shrink the calf takes place faster. Also complete with sports activities and eating healthy food.

2. Drinking Green Tea After Eating
Another way to shrink the calf is to consume or drink green tea. Polyphenol content in green tea is not only good for protecting the body from free radicals. This substance can also affect the absorption of fat in the body.

Also Read: 6 Ways to Shrink Your Hips Quickly
Eating green tea over the meal can destroy the fat in the body, including in the calf. It also can launch metabolism. In fact, the ability of green tea to destroy fat is the same as exercising.

3. Eating Milk and Fruit Juice
You can also choose a drink of milk and fruit juice to shrink the calf and thighs. You can drink both daily on a regular basis so that the effort to shrink the calves can take place quickly.

How to provide two drinks is certainly not difficult. Many ingredients are available and you can easily make the best milk drinks and the best juices that are comfortable, delicious and healthy.

4. Expand Drinking Water
Drinking water can also make your calves and thighs slim. Before eating, you should drink enough water. This will make you full quickly when eating. This means drinking water can keep you from overweight (obesity).

Of course, you need to avoid the consumption of beverages that actually make heavy weightmouse like drinking soft drinks, juice or a very sweet drink. White water contains no calories so it will not make you fat, including in the calf.

Avoid High-Calorie Food and Wear Leggings
However, in order to minimize calves and thighs for long periods of time, you should avoid foods that contain high calories. For example, fast food such as fast food, junk food, various fried foods and instant food. Read: 16 High-Calorie Foods That Can Cause Obesity.

Eating needs to be done 3 times with regular meal times. In addition, the food portion should be limited. Do not make too big a portion. In order to quickly satisfy, before eating first consume water.

Food needs a lot of nutrition. Expand to eat fruits and vegetables, but limit eating a variety of fried foods.

Finally, to minimize the calf and thighs, you can also wear topslim leggings slimming top slim. This equipment can be used temporarily or permanently.

When used, leggings can shrink the calf and thighs up to 5 cm. Legs and calves are fat, while wearing leggings will look sleek and beautiful.

Leggings can be used as a tool for gymnastics, yoga, and sports. Its function can accelerate the burning of fat and form the calves and thighs are slim (ideal). The price is not expensive. That is Rp 188,000.

Similarly article on how to shrink the calf. There are several ways you can do, namely sports, eating certain beverages, avoid certain beverage foods, and use special equipment.
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