Thursday, September 18, 2008

8 Diet Tips Without Eating Healthy Rice To Lose Weight

Diet Tips Without Eating Rice should be true you pay attention to your diet successfully with satisfactory results. The main food or main food for the people of Indonesia

is rice or corn because it contains carbohydrates that provide human energy and is an Indonesian culture about food. It is also because of Indonesia

8 Diet Tips Without Eating Healthy Rice To Lose Weight

is an agrarian country where most of its livelihoods are rice farmers. Even in everyday Indonesia, where there is food there should be rice as

main menu.

If you eat without rice, even if you have enough, it will be less if you eat without rice. Even in a day, we will also meet the rice three times deep

a day. This has been ingrained to the people of Indonesia which is due to the region and culture. However, what if you have and try a diet program

without a rice menu? This may make you a little awkward when trying initially.

This diet program is not detrimental to your body, because you can see Western culture that has been accustomed to eating without rice. Indeed this is a strange thing

for the people of Indonesia who want to do this diet without rice program. (Read also: How to Diet Carbohydrates)

If you know the little girl artist who ever sang the song 'Bolo-bolo', yes none other than Tina Toon. You must have time to ask, 'How can ya, first right

fat'. How is her body now? Slim is not it? Many say that Tina Toon undergo a diet program with the method of eating without eating rice. Tina Toon herself

admits that he is in the running of this diet program without using diet drugs to make him look slim and ideal. He just needs to avoid and / or reduce

foods that contain carbohydrates and fats such as rice, fried foods, ice cream, and others.

Tina Toon is one of the people who use the method without rice in a diet program that is said to work. He is able to run this diet program with

consistent up to 8 months and people will not think that he will be slim like that. (Read also: OCD Diet Tips For Beginners)

In essence, the method without eating rice in this diet program is actually the easiest method to run compared with other dietary methods. (Read

also: How to Diet Fast)

Diet Tips Without Eating Rice

1. Consuming Bread and Milk

Bread and milk also contain high-value proteins, so bread and milk can actually replace rice as an energy filler in your body. Same

as you need rice as an energy filler in your body.

2. Avoiding Foods That Contain Fat

You need to avoid foods that contain saturated fats like fried or chocolate. Because the food contains fat derived from the oil

making your body experience carbohydrate accumulation to become fat in your body. So you will experience weight gain drastically. (Read

also: White Water Diet Rules)

3. No Smoking

Here, we do not recommend to stop or not to smoke, but if you are on a diet you simply reduce the portion of your cigarette. If usually

You spend a pack a day, then try to smoke a pack in two days. Do this periodically until gradually from day to two day,

up to a month. Over time you will get used to not smoking anymore. If you are still smoking, you simply drink water or high-protein milk as

neutralize toxins in the body brought from cigarettes.

4. Doing Sports

With regular exercise and lifestyle, then you need not be afraid anymore to do a diet program without rice. Sports we advise is not necessary

cost a lot or go to a fitness center to pay. You just do light exercise such as jogging, swimming, or gymnastics. (Read also:

Blood Type Diet A)

5. Enough sleep

You also pay attention to your sleep patterns. Do not let you sleep deprivation or excessive sleep. Generally, people need to sleep eight hours each day. With

maintain a stable sleep pattern, you will be helpful in maintaining your body stamina. So the metabolism in your body can work well and regularly.

6. Consuming White Water

Water is indispensable for a healthy human body. In the human body, most of it consists of water up to 75%. So, water is the most important component

in the human body as human energy in the move. Water is also able to neutralize toxins in the body if taken regularly and consistently. On

generally, a good white water drink at least 8 glasses in a day. You can see the condition of your body, being short of water or not from urine.

If when you urinate and your urine is a clear white color, then you do not experience the lack of water in the body. If your urine is yellow

clear, then you need to add a portion of water in your daily life. However, if your urine is dark yellow, then you need to drink water

as much as possible to neutralize your body. It denotes that your body lacks water. (Read also: Warm Water Benefits For Diet)

7. Consuming Fruits

Food substitute for rice can also be replaced by consuming fruits. Because fruits have high fiber and protein that keeps your body occupied

with nutrients as energy in your body.

8. Reduce High Sugar Foods

You need to avoid foods or drinks that have high glucoma content. Because in addition to making you hit by diabetes, you are also able to help

program your diet in a method without rice. Because this sugar can also accumulate into your body into fat. Although sugar is a good source of energy for

body, but if excessive sugar in your body, then this can be detrimental to your body.

The Dangers of Consuming Excess Rice
Carbohydrates are one of the nutrients that contain calories and learn diet tips without eating rice. Indeed, our bodies desperately need carbohydrates

as the energy intake for our body that is used to perform the activity. However, if we consume foods that contain excess carbohydrates then

fat will not be a good food reserve in the body even become fat in the body and make our weight increase. (Read also: Food

Healthy for Diet)

Rice is a carbohydrate-containing food with a high value. If these carbohydrate substances accumulate in our body, then carbohydrates will become fat

and make our body fatter. These accumulated fats will eventually make our body obese. Especially now the more rampant cases of death

because of obesity or overweight. Although some say also if there is bad impact when diet without eating rice. (Read also: Diet Hazard Without Eating


Food Substitute Rice
You do not have to worry if you can not eat without rice. Actually you can change the rice into a secondary need only or sufficient and more understanding

diet tips without eating rice. You can substitute rice into high-fiber foods like fruits. Plus, if the carbohydrates do not accumulate

in our body, will help our body to take energy from the spare fat on our body.

Also read:

The Benefits of Lime for a Quick Diet
Blood Type Diet O
AB Blood Type Diet
Diet method in the body, has variations. It all depends on the fit in your body. It also matches your appetite using the diet method.

Which diet method suits you all depends on your taste and needs on your body.
Read more