Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How to Shrink Thighs in 3 Days, Easy or Difficult?

MANY ways you can do to shrink the thighs. For example, how to shrink the thighs in 3 days, in 1 week, etc. Got a big thigh for most people, especially women, is not comfortable. Moreover, for career women who want to always look slim and beautiful.

Therefore, you need to shrink the thighs. The trick, you can practice or exercise alone, practice through the gym, diet to certain foods, etc. Or take medicines, either pharmaceutical drugs or herbal remedies.

How to Shrink Thighs in 3 Days, Easy or Difficult?

Not a few women who are willing to spend deeply in order to appear slim and beautiful with an ideal thigh. Yes, there are tips to shrink the thighs that can be done easily and some are taking a long time.

Why? What causes the effort to shrink the thighs take a long time? Is there a way to shrink on a faster, 3 day for example? How to shrink the thigh easily?

6 Causes of Big Thighs, You Have To Be Aware Of It
how to shrink the thighs in 3 days

women with large thighs and hips

Before determining what way you would do to shrink your thighs in 3 days, you need to know first about what causes you big. Different because it demands an unequal way of tackling for all the big thigh owners.

So, you need to know first what causes the occurrence of a big thigh on yourself. After that select how to shrink the thigh with the right.

1. Big Thighs due to Body shape
Sometimes big thighs because the body shape is also large as shown in the picture above. So, a large body automatically makes the thighs, hips and buttocks are also large. Of course, shrinking such thighs is not easy. You need to choose the right way.

For example exercising using a treadmill, bike or dance. These 3 sports or exercises can exploit the legs and thigh muscles. These tips will make your thighs firmer.

2. Thighs due to heredity
Someone who has a big thigh is very likely the offspring will also have big thighs. Whether it's his son, grandson, or something else. Big thighs like that big thighs due to genetic factors.

3. Big thighs due to Estrogen Hormone
Big thighs can also occur due to the hormone estrogen. In addition to the thighs, this hormone can also cause your buttocks and hips large. Estrogen hormones cause the three parts of the body to be a place of nesting fat.

Of course, you should not eat foods that are high in fat. Instead, choose low-fat and fiber-rich foods. This is how to shrink the thigh according to the cause.

4. Many Fats Make Big Thighs
You should be diligent in exercising or exercising to erode the fat on your thighs. Yes, diligent exercise is necessary because it's an effective way to burn fat.

Well, fat burning in the thighs occurs after fat burning at other locations. So, you can not immediately exercise to shrink your thighs. But burning fat starts from other body parts. Yes, you have to be patient following the correct steps.

Read Also: 17 How To Decrease Your Calves So You Can Look Attractive
5. Too Much Seated, Lack of Sports
Too much sitting can also cause large thighs. Moreover, plus never exercise. Fat will continue to accumulate from day to day. If you have this, how to shrink the thighs is not easy. It takes a lot of effort.

The solution, every two hours you get up from the seat and the road to and fro about 1-2 minutes. This can avoid the possibility of fat accumulation. Or, always do burning fat.

6. Eat a lot of high cholesterol foods
Too often eating foods that contain high cholesterol drinks can also cause large thighs. Food fries, burgers, canned food, instant noodles, and various fried foods are foods that contain high cholesterol.

Shrinking such a large thigh is easy. Way, yes avoid foods that contain high cholesterol. Gradually, your thighs will be slim. Read: Be Careful, 32 Foods Contain High Cholesterol.

How to Shrink Thighs in 3 Days, How to do?
Many ways to shrink the thighs in 3 days you can do. Among other things to do sports, avoid foods that cause fat accumulation in the thighs such as foods that contain high cholesterol, drink plenty of water, and avoid sitting too much.

Some sports you can do to shrink the thighs. Do it gradually. The longer you will enjoy this sport because you will be healthier with stomach, thigh, calf and others can be slim. Read: 6 Light Sports to Decrease Thighs and Calves.


1. How to shrink thighs with Jogging
Jogging you can do with a quick walk or run. Can be done morning or evening. Jogging can burn a lot of fat in the thighs and calves. If you do a routine, can shrink the thighs.

Do not jogging heavy, but effective for health. Heart was so healthy. Fight a sense of lazy exercise.

2. Tips Shrinking Thighs with Sit Up
Sit ups are also light exercise. You can do it anytime and anywhere. Way, you lie face down and lift the body with the retaining of both hands. After the body is lifted, then lower again. Repeat several times. The longer you exercise, the more comfortable and healthy you will be. You can successfully shrink the thighs.

3. Jump Rope Sports
Jump rope can also choose. The trick is easy and cheap, but effective to shrink the thigh or calf. Anyone can do jump rope. It's just that, if you are used to be comfortable and very healthy. You will also be effective to burn lots of fat and calories in the thighs. Do it regularly, at least one week four times.

3. Cycling: Ordinary Bicycle, Static Bike or Treadmill
Cycling can be chosen as a way to shrink the thigh in 3 days. During cycling, the foot works pedal pedal so that the longer your thighs will be slimmer. Pile of fat you can burn.

You can use regular bikes or static bikes, ie bicycle without wheels. Or use a treadmill. Yes, it's up to you.

Read: Perform 7 Yoga Moves to Decrease the Thighs
That's some exercise you can do to shrink the thighs in 3 days. However, if within 3 days has not achieved the results you expect, then continue in the following days.

Sports for the healthy actually need not be limited the number of days. For example, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, etc. However, exercise should be done throughout life. From children, adolescents, adults to old age. Of course, do according to your physical abilities and your goals of exercise.

However, with a target of 1 day, 3 days, 1 week and so on is also good as a motivation. After a successful thigh shrinking effort, exercise time can be reduced. Or sports targets are diverted.

You can create new targets according to your health. For example exercise to lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart healthy, prevent diabetes, shrink the waist, and so on. To shrink the waist, you can read: 4 Ways to Shrink Waist Quickly and Safely.

Similarly, a successful article presented on How to Shrink Your Thighs in 3 Days. Choose the easy way, light, even cheap but the results are great. You will successfully shrink the thighs.
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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Yoga Movement to Shrink, 7 Very Healthy Ways

The motion of yoga as a way to live healthy has been known throughout the world. Among the yoga movements to shrink the thighs. Having big thighs, for anyone will not be comfortable. Moreover, for women who must look beautiful.

Yoga movement can be an effective way to shrink your thighs. Not hard to do yoga movement. All it takes is consistency. That is, you must be diligent in doing yoga in accordance with the goals you want.

Yoga Movement to Shrink, 7 Very Healthy Ways

One is the yoga movement to shrink the thighs and calves. For anyone, especially women, having a large thigh shape is not comfortable. In addition, it can interfere with daily activities and also unhealthy.

Especially besides having big thighs, you also have a big belly and big hips. It feels like to be able to quickly eliminate all the problems that make you uncomfortable and easy to get sick.

How to shrink the other thighs is through cardio exercise. There are at least 15 cardio sports that you can run to shrink your thighs and calves.

List of Yoga Moves to Decrease the Thighs

There are at least 10 yoga moves to shrink your thighs. You can perform this yoga movement anywhere. At home, at work, at a gym or elsewhere.

You can also form a yoga group in your area of ??residence, at work, at work or elsewhere. However, doing yoga alone at home can also.

Yes, all there is plus minusnya. Just choose according to your wishes, Most importantly you should be diligent in doing yoga exercise so you can successfully shrink your big thighs.

Usually, maintaining that consistency is difficult. Many occur, after the sport runs one month and two months, long time the spirit of some participants decreased. In fact, eventually the yoga fitness club broke up.

This I need to emphasize because the main obstacle to exercise or exercise, whatever the shape, is inconsistency. Healthy living needs to be consistent.

Here are 7 types of yoga movements to shrink thighs. The types of yoga presented here are chosen the easiest to do. Nothing heavy, much less dangerous. All is easy and safe.

The 7 ways to shrink the thighs are:

1. Yoga Padahastasana Movement, Burning Many Fats

yoga movement to shrink the thighs

This yoga movement can burn a lot of fat in your body. Whether in the thighs, abdomen, calves or other body parts. In addition, this yoga movement also allows you to concentrate better and facilitate the supply of oxygen to the brain. The ability of the brain increases.

This yoga movement is very easy. Anyone can do it.

First, you stand upright, then lift your hands up while you inhale. After a while, lower both hands and stretch it down until it touches the toes. Of course, your body must be cuddled.

About 1 minute, you again stand up straight with both hands lifted upward like an early movement. Yes, this is a repeat movement. You can repeat this yoga movement several times. It's easy, right???

2. Movement of Baddhakonasana Yoga
This yoga movement can be done as a way to shrink the thighs, stomach and calf. But, also at the same time increase the stamina of the body so you are healthier.

How to do this yoga is you sit on the mat. Then, bend both feet and meet both feet like sitting cross-legged.

Hold both big toes. Push forward and spread both hands to the floor. The position of the body remains straight, not curved. Hold between 1 and 5 minutes.

After that, you rise up and repeat the same movement from the beginning. You will be healthy and can shrink your thighs and stomach if this yoga movement you do every day. Perform all movements with a relaxed and calm atmosphere.

3. Naukasana Yoga Movement

yoga movement

This yoga movement can tighten the abdominal muscles, shoulder muscles, and legs, including the thighs. The way you sit on a mat. Lay your body with your legs and hands straight down.

Then, raise your hands, lift your head, shoulders and legs to a sitting position until you lift both legs and both hands. Hold 30 - 60 seconds, and just lowered.
This yoga movement is up to 5 times.

4. Uttanpadasana Yoga Movement

how to shrink the thighs

Yoga movement is also not difficult. You are lying on a mat. The benefits of this gymnastics to shrink the stomach and legs, including the thighs. This gymnastics is popular among lovers of gymnastics.

After you lie on the mat with both hands straight down, then lift both legs up straight up. Let stand for one minute, then feet lower down. Repeat this yoga movement up to 5 times.

5. Vrksasana Yoga Movement

how to shrink the stomach

You can also tighten the muscles of the thighs and muscles of the body so that you can appear directly with the stomach and healthy body. The trick, you stand upright and lift one leg.

Attach the raised foot to the upper part of the knee. At the same time, tie the two hands in front of your chest. Hold for a few moments, then lift your lifted foot.

Read Also: 11 How To Minimize Stomach Fatty Women Quickly
Now, turn the other foot. Repeat the movement several times so that the yoga movement to shrink your thighs is a success.

6. Paschimottanasa Yoga Movement

tips on shrinking the thighs

This movement is also easy to do by anyone. Movement was easy. Start by sitting on the mat with the position of both feet sticking forward.

Inhale, knead your stomach and lower your head until kissing the knee. Meanwhile, both hands holding the toes. Repeat the movements up to 5 - 10 times. You will be healthy.

7. Sumo Squat Movement, Side Leg, etc.
You can also shrink the thigh with the movement Sumo Squat, Side Leg, Lunges Knee Hops, Bridge, Tip Toe Squat, etc. In addition to tightening or shrinking the thighs, some of the exercises shown in this video can also be to shrink the stomach and the buttocks.

Actually there are still some yoga movements that you can do to shrink the thighs or reduce other organs such as shrink the stomach, shrink the buttocks, and others. But, with the example above, you can try it first. May you successfully shrink the thighs and other important tubal organs as well as you can look beautiful and healthy.
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Friday, April 19, 2019

Paleo Diet - Food, Drink, Benefits and Hazards

Paleo diet is a diet that is also being rife in the Indonesian community. Having the ideal body is everyone's dream. Many ways are done to get the body sexy and interesting. Start with diet, set diet, exercise and so forth (Read Also: How To Diet Mayo). But many want to diet with a short time but produce drastic weight loss. Dieting is not done that easily. Because while doing a lot of diet that becomes abstinence or prohibition. This time we will discuss about one type of diet that is developing also in Indonesia, the paleo diet.

Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet takes the food from the cavemen. The Paleo diet is a diet that focuses on back to nature or back to nature. You can consume all kinds of foods and beverages that are spread out in nature, but do not contain any chemicals. Paleo diet is believed to be able to lose weight drastically in a short time. The content of vitamins, minerals, fiber that is still natural to make the body healthy and protected from any kind of disease. This Paleo diet forbids consuming rice, you can replace it with potatoes, tubers, and cassava. Consuming salt, sugar, fat is not allowed while undergoing this paleo diet. Surely this will make bland food and reduce appetite, but this is very good for the body. Because consuming salt, sugar, fat in large amounts can cause various diseases to the body.

Benefits of the Paleo Diet
1. Avoid from cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is a disease associated with damage to the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease caused by high blood pressure, smoking, obesity or overweight, unbalanced diet, drinking beverages that contain excessive alcohol. Cardiovascular disease can be prevented by eating healthy foods, not smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages, lots of motion and a maintained diet.

2. Avoid of diabetes

Paleo diet is useful to prevent diabetes. Because in the paleo diet program is prohibited to consume excess sugar. Because sugar in the body in addition to causing diabetes can also cause obesity or weight gain.

3. Lowering blood pressure

High blood pressure is caused by obesity or obesity, consuming large amounts of salt, consuming less vegetables and fruits, drinking too much coffee, less exercise and consuming too much alcohol. So this paleo diet can lower blood pressure because it consumes fresh vegetables and fruits and natural.

4. Lose weight

This is a benefit that is often sought by many people that can lose weight drastically. Because by consuming healthy and natural foods, without consuming rice containing many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the body digested into sugar and cause obesity or overweight if consumed in excess.

5. Maintain fitness

The benefits of paleo diet can further maintain body fitness. This happens because in the paleo diet is also required to actively move. Also balanced with eating healthy foods and drinks, the body becomes fitter, fresher and more vibrant.

6. Prevent acne

Acne occurs when the hair follicles on the skin are blocked by a mixture of dead skin cells, dust, germs, and sebum (substances that produce oil glands). By consuming natural foods and drinking lots of water, paleo diet can prevent acne.

7. Ward off Free Radicals

Vegetables and fruits that we consume while doing paleo diet contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are high so that it can ward off free radicals.

8. Preventing Inflammation

9. Neutralize acid levels in the body

10. The digestive system is more fluent and healthy

Also Read:

How To Diet With Lemon Fruit
How To Diet With Lime
How To Diet Without Sports In A Week
Danger of the Paleo Diet
1. Lack of Nutrition

In the paleo diet is required to consume food and drink derived from nature. But it is forbidden to consume rice containing carbohydrates and also foods that contain fat. While carbohydrates and fats are also needed to increase energy in the body so that the limbs work well. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

2. Have excess protein

The body needs a good nutritional intake every day. In this paleo diet you are required to consume many foods containing protein. Protein itself is good for health as a substance builders, energy sources, and sources of hormone production. But if high protein intake in the body can cause diseases such as:

Weight gain or obesity
It damages the heart and brain
Damage to the kidneys
Increase cholesterol
Causes dehydration
Cancer Risk
Uric acid
3. Overhydration

Overhydration occurs when you consume too much water. This paleo diet requires you to drink 8 glasses of water every day without drinking other drinks such as soda or coffee. So the body will experience overhydration which resulted in nausea, dizziness, fullness and bloating, even swelling of the feet and hands.

4. Infected bacteria

The paleo diet is a diet that focuses on foods that come from nature. By doing this diet you will most likely be infected with bacteria. As an example of cooking your food is not cooked cooking bacteria are also not dead, consuming raw fish can also cause the body at risk of exposure to waste in seawater. We recommend that you properly wash vegetables or fruits to be cooked. That way the bacteria will be lost carried water and also cook food until cooked so that the bacteria contained lost.

5. Body Odor

Body odor when doing paleo diet is caused by fat that is split or called ketosis and from ketosis process this produces acetone. Excess acetone is produced and causes body odor.

6. Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition of reduced thyroid production in the body. Thyroid hormone serves to control the metabolism in the body, processing food into energy for the continuity of body performance. The thyroid hormone is located at the front of the neck. Ordinary hypothyroid symptoms are characterized by the body experiencing fatigue, depression, low heart rate, not resistant to cold temperatures.

Paleo diet is very useful if done properly. Can lose weight quickly and in a short time. But if you do this paleo diet excessively will cause various risks. Then do the diet properly.
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