How Natural Diet can help you lose weight quickly and definitely keep your body healthy. Not a new thing again diet ditelingga Indonesian society. They go on a diet for one purpose that is to get the ideal body weight in accordance with expectations. Due to an uncomfortable feeling with stomach sagging, big arms and thighs, chubby cheeks make them very intent on dieting.
Various kinds of diets are performed by a person ranging from a regular diet to extraordinary or extreme. Start with OCD diet, mayo diet, diet with fruits and vegetables, diet with water, until diet without eating rice (Read Also: How To Diet With Lime). In addition to that way many other kinds of diets without having to avoid one type of food, the diet in a natural way.
1. Define the Target
Tragetkan your body decline realistically. Do not be too obsessed to get the ideal body weight with a short time. Suppose you target within a week your weight should be 5kg down. This makes you very controlling your daily intake. But if your weight loss goal is not achieved, what happens? You will be frustrated and frustrated because you feel you are failing to diet. There you will hate this and eat as much food as vengeance has failed to diet. So target your weight loss rationally. Do a reasonable diet but get satisfactory results. Also target your bad habits. Usually you love to eat snacks, start now to stop consuming snacks and replace it with eating fresh fruit every day. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)
2. Optimistic For Skinny
In addition to the target weight loss rate, you also have to mind your mind to manage the body. Thus you will be dieting seriously. But if your lips say to be thin but your mind still imagine good food and fear of starvation while dieting, then your diet will fail instantaneously. So start to think for thin, so your diet will feel enjoy lived.
3. Sports
In modern times like this many people who prefer to ride a motorcycle or car to travel. So they just rely on machines without using their feet. Though the sport starts from the habit of walking. You can exercise about 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. Beginning with warm hands, feet, and head. then can be continued with jogging, sit ups, or push ups. These sports activities if done regularly can help you in the process of weight loss. In addition to losing weight with exercise you can avoid high cholesterol, stress, can increase the performance of brain and body look fresher. So start from now to exercise 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)
4. Increase Drinking Water
Water in the body plays a very important role, such as:
Eliminates dehydration
improve kidney performance
get rid of toxins that enter the body through the urine
making skin look soft and bright
relieve headaches
Prevent constipation
helps improve brain performance
In addition to the above benefits, one of the benefits that are often sought is water can help you lose weight. Every time you are hungry try to shake by drinking 2 glasses of water, then your stomach will be full of water and your hunger is resolved. To get the benefits of water so much drink 8 glasses of water a day. (Also Read: How To Diet With Water)
5. Eat Pistachio Nuts
Why should pistachio nuts? This is because in pistachio nuts contain enough fat and calories for the body's needs. But the fat contained in these pistachios is easily soluble in water so will not raise your weight. In addition to losing weight, this nut can also prevent cancer, maintain heart health, protect the nervous system, reduce the risk of diabetes and maintain eye health. These beans grow up in Iran, Turkmenistan, Western Azerbaijan. These pistachio nuts also contain high protein similar to other types of nuts.
6. Consume Rich Fiber Foods
Fiber is very important function for the body, among others:
Helps detoxification process in the body
Helps to lose weight
Lowers high cholesterol
Cleaning the digestive tract
Protects the body from colon diseases
avoiding fatty deposits in blood vessels
Controlling blood sugar
Slows the absorption of glucose
Try by consuming these fiber-containing foods on a regular basis and feel the benefits above. Examples of foods that contain fiber: Peas, avocados, bananas, papaya, broccoli, cabbage, pears, corn, brown rice. By consuming fiber-rich foods help launch the digestive system and help you lose weight.
7. Often Eat But With Little Portion
The next natural way to eat is to eat but still with a small portion. Many people think that being overweight is caused by eating too often. The edge of this response is false, because people who eat this large and rare portion are creating new problems. People who eat small portions but often make them think to consume nutritious foods. People who eat in large portions tend to eat dinner and make the body become fat. So if you can not reduce the portion of food each time you eat, then eat one portion of your food it repeatedly. So you can measure sebrapa number of calories that enter the body. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)
8. Consume Foods That Able to Burn Fat
Fat itself is also an important component in the body, the fat works regulate body temperature, the largest energy supply in the body, other organ shelter, controlling the performance of bile. But if you consume foods that gore fat excessively it can raise your body weight. Examples of vegetables that can burn fat in the body such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, beans, asparagus, chili, and nuts. Brokilo contains vitamin A, riboplavin, vitamin B6 which can increase fat burning and calories in the body faster. Fruits can also burn fat in the body quickly, such as avocados, coconuts, pineapples, cucumbers, bananas, and apples. Papaya fruit contains water, vitamin C, fiber, and low fat. So you can consume papaya fruit to speed up fat burning in the body and make digestion smooth.
9. Replacing Ordinary Carbohydrates with Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates in the body function as:
Maintain body metabolism
Fat oxidation process
The main energy in the body
Optimize protein performance
give full effect
Carbohydrates in the body are processed into sugar and can cause overweight or obesity if the consumption is too much. Carbohydrates that we often consume are rice, sugar, flour, noodles, bread, pasta, corn, cassava. With it to get the ideal weight replace ordinary carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates whose chemical structure consists of three sugar molecules. Because the molecule is more complex it takes a long time to digest. These complex carbohydrates also cause a slowing rise in glucose in the blood. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, potatoes, bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados and soybeans. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
10. Reduce Food Packaging
Food packaging is very cheap and easy to obtain. Eating a snack with a reason to block the stomach, but this is wrong. Because in the food packaging contains harmful ingredients such as salt, MSG, sugar in high doses and also food preservatives. Food packaging also does not contain fiber but contains fat. So to get the ideal weight less to consume food packaging. Better to make our own food with fresh ingredients and can measure the amount of salt, MSG and sugar that enter our body. And replace your snack by consuming fresh fruit. (Read Also: Diet Mayo Diet)
11. Avoid Dinner Time
At breakfast we are required to consume enough food, because the food we eat in the morning is used for activity. At lunch eat with a moderate portion. And at dinner eat with very little portion. If necessary you do not consume rice but by consuming an apple only. Due to excessive dinner will cause people easily drowsy and finally fall asleep. Dinner can cause undigested food and lead to obesity. Good dinner less than 6 pm.
12. Organize Food Contents In Dishes
Arranging the contents of the food in the dish is very important, so you can estimate how many calories in your body. You should also replace your original plate into a smaller plate so you can not take too much food. Fill your half-pity with green vegetables, a quarter plate with meat or protein-containing food, and a quarter more filled with carbohydrates like white rice, brown rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes. If you want to add fruit, look for fruits that are not too sweet like apples, avocados, or bananas.
13. Avoid Foods With High Sugar Content
It is also very important for your diet process. Avoid consuming foods with high sugar content. By reading the table of nutrients in every packaged food purchased. Thus you know how many calories and sugar in the food. Eating foods containing excess sugar has many risks such as diabetes, high cholesterol, addiction to eat sweet, obesity, cavities and other diseases. Avoid too soft drinks because in soft drinks contain very high sugar.
14. Consume Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetables and fruits are very well consumed when you are on a diet program. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body such as mecegah cancer cell development. All kinds of vegetables and fruits are good for consumption. Benefits of consuming vegetables and fruits:
The immune system in the body increases
Teeth and bones grow strong and healthy
Lowers high cholesterol
Lowering blood pressure
Preventing diabetes
Prevent heart disease
You can consume vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, carrots, beans, broccoli, sledri, eggplant and also fruits such as apples, bananas, papaya, grapes, oranges and others. Or you can also make fruit and vegetable salads. By means of diced the fruits you want as well as cut vegetables. Stir fruits and vegetables until well blended in a bowl.
15. Reduce Fatty Foods
In the diet we often avoid foods that are calorie and fatty, but you love the food. As an example, you are very fond of fried foods but you know that fried foods are not good for health and cause obesity. But you do not automatically hate the food and will not eat it again. This even makes you more eager to consume fried foods. You better try slowly to eat less fried foods. By buying fried in small amount. Ordinary you in an instant can spend 5 fried, now reduced to 1 fried course. Eventually you will get used to not eating fried foods. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
16. Consuming Green Coconut Water
Green coconut water contains very low fat, calories and sugar. Green coconut is great for losing weight. In addition, many other benefits are obtained by consuming green coconut water such as:
Neutralize rancun in the body
Enhancers of energy in the body
Protect mother and fetus from disease
Maintain heart health
Maintaining kidney health
Maintain digestive health
Ward off free radicals
You do not need to consume green coconut water every day, at least 3 times a week then your body will stay slim.
17. Consume Protein Rich Foods
Foods that contain protein include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, soybeans, wheat, beans, potatoes, broccoli and so forth. Why consume foods containing protein? Because protein is very important function in the body in addition to weight loss are:
As an energy source
Fixed damaged cells
Setting the function of DNA
Helps metabolize the body
Proteins themselves are formed from carbon molecules, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. Phosphorus in proteins serves as an energy giver to accelerate the process of fat and starch metabolism. So the fat in the body will be metabolized by protein. Protein gives a feeling of fuller longer.
18. Laugh
It turns out laughing can burn calories and lose weight. Laughter will make the heart beat faster and the muscles work more actively. Laughing for 5- 10 minutes can burn 10-40 calories. Laughter can also reduce pain, relieve stress, and blood circulation. Laughter can widen the blood vessels, so the circulation of oxygen from the heart to the whole body becomes smooth. But keep in mind laugh as long as you do not laugh alone.
19. Enough Sleep
Adequate sleep can affect a person's diet. They assume that by staying awake the weight will go down, but instead by staying up late you will feel hungry in the middle of the night. Or you drink a cup of coffee to get rid of sleep, that's the wrong thing. Caffeine in coffee causes high cholesterol, high blood pressure, infertility in women, and obesity. So the quality of one's sleep is very important. If you sleep less than 4 hours during the day then you will consume many calories on the next day.
20. How to Breathe
This may often be underestimated. They do not understand breathing can also lower calories in the body. The correct way of breathing and can decrease calories is by diaphragmatic breathing. How to breathe with the diaphragm of the body upright and take a breath from the nose and remove through the mouth. Do this activity for about 10 minutes then your calories will burn quickly. Oxygen that enters the body also serves to improve the brain's performance system, Boost immunity, Smooth blood circulation, strengthen the heart, treat headaches or migraine.
Various kinds of diets are performed by a person ranging from a regular diet to extraordinary or extreme. Start with OCD diet, mayo diet, diet with fruits and vegetables, diet with water, until diet without eating rice (Read Also: How To Diet With Lime). In addition to that way many other kinds of diets without having to avoid one type of food, the diet in a natural way.
How To Diet With Natural
1. Define the Target
Tragetkan your body decline realistically. Do not be too obsessed to get the ideal body weight with a short time. Suppose you target within a week your weight should be 5kg down. This makes you very controlling your daily intake. But if your weight loss goal is not achieved, what happens? You will be frustrated and frustrated because you feel you are failing to diet. There you will hate this and eat as much food as vengeance has failed to diet. So target your weight loss rationally. Do a reasonable diet but get satisfactory results. Also target your bad habits. Usually you love to eat snacks, start now to stop consuming snacks and replace it with eating fresh fruit every day. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)
2. Optimistic For Skinny
In addition to the target weight loss rate, you also have to mind your mind to manage the body. Thus you will be dieting seriously. But if your lips say to be thin but your mind still imagine good food and fear of starvation while dieting, then your diet will fail instantaneously. So start to think for thin, so your diet will feel enjoy lived.
3. Sports
In modern times like this many people who prefer to ride a motorcycle or car to travel. So they just rely on machines without using their feet. Though the sport starts from the habit of walking. You can exercise about 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. Beginning with warm hands, feet, and head. then can be continued with jogging, sit ups, or push ups. These sports activities if done regularly can help you in the process of weight loss. In addition to losing weight with exercise you can avoid high cholesterol, stress, can increase the performance of brain and body look fresher. So start from now to exercise 30 minutes a day on a regular basis. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)
4. Increase Drinking Water
Water in the body plays a very important role, such as:
Eliminates dehydration
improve kidney performance
get rid of toxins that enter the body through the urine
making skin look soft and bright
relieve headaches
Prevent constipation
helps improve brain performance
In addition to the above benefits, one of the benefits that are often sought is water can help you lose weight. Every time you are hungry try to shake by drinking 2 glasses of water, then your stomach will be full of water and your hunger is resolved. To get the benefits of water so much drink 8 glasses of water a day. (Also Read: How To Diet With Water)
5. Eat Pistachio Nuts
Why should pistachio nuts? This is because in pistachio nuts contain enough fat and calories for the body's needs. But the fat contained in these pistachios is easily soluble in water so will not raise your weight. In addition to losing weight, this nut can also prevent cancer, maintain heart health, protect the nervous system, reduce the risk of diabetes and maintain eye health. These beans grow up in Iran, Turkmenistan, Western Azerbaijan. These pistachio nuts also contain high protein similar to other types of nuts.
6. Consume Rich Fiber Foods
Fiber is very important function for the body, among others:
Helps detoxification process in the body
Helps to lose weight
Lowers high cholesterol
Cleaning the digestive tract
Protects the body from colon diseases
avoiding fatty deposits in blood vessels
Controlling blood sugar
Slows the absorption of glucose
Try by consuming these fiber-containing foods on a regular basis and feel the benefits above. Examples of foods that contain fiber: Peas, avocados, bananas, papaya, broccoli, cabbage, pears, corn, brown rice. By consuming fiber-rich foods help launch the digestive system and help you lose weight.
7. Often Eat But With Little Portion
The next natural way to eat is to eat but still with a small portion. Many people think that being overweight is caused by eating too often. The edge of this response is false, because people who eat this large and rare portion are creating new problems. People who eat small portions but often make them think to consume nutritious foods. People who eat in large portions tend to eat dinner and make the body become fat. So if you can not reduce the portion of food each time you eat, then eat one portion of your food it repeatedly. So you can measure sebrapa number of calories that enter the body. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)
8. Consume Foods That Able to Burn Fat
Fat itself is also an important component in the body, the fat works regulate body temperature, the largest energy supply in the body, other organ shelter, controlling the performance of bile. But if you consume foods that gore fat excessively it can raise your body weight. Examples of vegetables that can burn fat in the body such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, beans, asparagus, chili, and nuts. Brokilo contains vitamin A, riboplavin, vitamin B6 which can increase fat burning and calories in the body faster. Fruits can also burn fat in the body quickly, such as avocados, coconuts, pineapples, cucumbers, bananas, and apples. Papaya fruit contains water, vitamin C, fiber, and low fat. So you can consume papaya fruit to speed up fat burning in the body and make digestion smooth.
9. Replacing Ordinary Carbohydrates with Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates in the body function as:
Maintain body metabolism
Fat oxidation process
The main energy in the body
Optimize protein performance
give full effect
Carbohydrates in the body are processed into sugar and can cause overweight or obesity if the consumption is too much. Carbohydrates that we often consume are rice, sugar, flour, noodles, bread, pasta, corn, cassava. With it to get the ideal weight replace ordinary carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates whose chemical structure consists of three sugar molecules. Because the molecule is more complex it takes a long time to digest. These complex carbohydrates also cause a slowing rise in glucose in the blood. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, potatoes, bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados and soybeans. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
10. Reduce Food Packaging
Food packaging is very cheap and easy to obtain. Eating a snack with a reason to block the stomach, but this is wrong. Because in the food packaging contains harmful ingredients such as salt, MSG, sugar in high doses and also food preservatives. Food packaging also does not contain fiber but contains fat. So to get the ideal weight less to consume food packaging. Better to make our own food with fresh ingredients and can measure the amount of salt, MSG and sugar that enter our body. And replace your snack by consuming fresh fruit. (Read Also: Diet Mayo Diet)
11. Avoid Dinner Time
At breakfast we are required to consume enough food, because the food we eat in the morning is used for activity. At lunch eat with a moderate portion. And at dinner eat with very little portion. If necessary you do not consume rice but by consuming an apple only. Due to excessive dinner will cause people easily drowsy and finally fall asleep. Dinner can cause undigested food and lead to obesity. Good dinner less than 6 pm.
12. Organize Food Contents In Dishes
Arranging the contents of the food in the dish is very important, so you can estimate how many calories in your body. You should also replace your original plate into a smaller plate so you can not take too much food. Fill your half-pity with green vegetables, a quarter plate with meat or protein-containing food, and a quarter more filled with carbohydrates like white rice, brown rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes. If you want to add fruit, look for fruits that are not too sweet like apples, avocados, or bananas.
13. Avoid Foods With High Sugar Content
It is also very important for your diet process. Avoid consuming foods with high sugar content. By reading the table of nutrients in every packaged food purchased. Thus you know how many calories and sugar in the food. Eating foods containing excess sugar has many risks such as diabetes, high cholesterol, addiction to eat sweet, obesity, cavities and other diseases. Avoid too soft drinks because in soft drinks contain very high sugar.
14. Consume Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetables and fruits are very well consumed when you are on a diet program. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body such as mecegah cancer cell development. All kinds of vegetables and fruits are good for consumption. Benefits of consuming vegetables and fruits:
The immune system in the body increases
Teeth and bones grow strong and healthy
Lowers high cholesterol
Lowering blood pressure
Preventing diabetes
Prevent heart disease
You can consume vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, carrots, beans, broccoli, sledri, eggplant and also fruits such as apples, bananas, papaya, grapes, oranges and others. Or you can also make fruit and vegetable salads. By means of diced the fruits you want as well as cut vegetables. Stir fruits and vegetables until well blended in a bowl.
15. Reduce Fatty Foods
In the diet we often avoid foods that are calorie and fatty, but you love the food. As an example, you are very fond of fried foods but you know that fried foods are not good for health and cause obesity. But you do not automatically hate the food and will not eat it again. This even makes you more eager to consume fried foods. You better try slowly to eat less fried foods. By buying fried in small amount. Ordinary you in an instant can spend 5 fried, now reduced to 1 fried course. Eventually you will get used to not eating fried foods. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
16. Consuming Green Coconut Water
Green coconut water contains very low fat, calories and sugar. Green coconut is great for losing weight. In addition, many other benefits are obtained by consuming green coconut water such as:
Neutralize rancun in the body
Enhancers of energy in the body
Protect mother and fetus from disease
Maintain heart health
Maintaining kidney health
Maintain digestive health
Ward off free radicals
You do not need to consume green coconut water every day, at least 3 times a week then your body will stay slim.
17. Consume Protein Rich Foods
Foods that contain protein include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, soybeans, wheat, beans, potatoes, broccoli and so forth. Why consume foods containing protein? Because protein is very important function in the body in addition to weight loss are:
As an energy source
Fixed damaged cells
Setting the function of DNA
Helps metabolize the body
Proteins themselves are formed from carbon molecules, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and phosphorus. Phosphorus in proteins serves as an energy giver to accelerate the process of fat and starch metabolism. So the fat in the body will be metabolized by protein. Protein gives a feeling of fuller longer.
18. Laugh
It turns out laughing can burn calories and lose weight. Laughter will make the heart beat faster and the muscles work more actively. Laughing for 5- 10 minutes can burn 10-40 calories. Laughter can also reduce pain, relieve stress, and blood circulation. Laughter can widen the blood vessels, so the circulation of oxygen from the heart to the whole body becomes smooth. But keep in mind laugh as long as you do not laugh alone.
19. Enough Sleep
Adequate sleep can affect a person's diet. They assume that by staying awake the weight will go down, but instead by staying up late you will feel hungry in the middle of the night. Or you drink a cup of coffee to get rid of sleep, that's the wrong thing. Caffeine in coffee causes high cholesterol, high blood pressure, infertility in women, and obesity. So the quality of one's sleep is very important. If you sleep less than 4 hours during the day then you will consume many calories on the next day.
20. How to Breathe
This may often be underestimated. They do not understand breathing can also lower calories in the body. The correct way of breathing and can decrease calories is by diaphragmatic breathing. How to breathe with the diaphragm of the body upright and take a breath from the nose and remove through the mouth. Do this activity for about 10 minutes then your calories will burn quickly. Oxygen that enters the body also serves to improve the brain's performance system, Boost immunity, Smooth blood circulation, strengthen the heart, treat headaches or migraine.
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