How To Diet Without Eating Rice can be one of the choices of a good diet for you. Rice is the staple food for Asian people especially in Indonesia. As a result of processing of rice, in 100 grams of white rice consists of calories as much as 129 cal, 0.28 grams of fat, 27.9 grams of carbohydrates and 2.66 grams of protein. As a major source of carbohydrates are widely consumed, ordinary rice is processed into a variety of dishes and usually eaten for three times a day.
Today, as health awareness is on the rise, especially for weight loss to be ideal, diverse diet programs are introduced. One of them is a diet program without consuming rice or still consume rice but with a reduced dose than usual. Diet without rice is done by diverting carbohydrate intake from rice to other food sources containing carbohydrates. (Read also: Paleo Diet)
The principle of diet without rice is to reduce the intake of carbohrdat, so the body will look for other nutrients that will be converted into energy, for example from the fat reserves in the body to process it into a source of energy. Certainly eliminating the role of carbohydrates in the body can not be done for it the wisest thing is to reduce its intake on the body and start to get used to eating carbohydrate menu with a reasonable portion. Also schedule regular exercise to support a healthier lifestyle. (Read also: How to diet fast)
1. Replacing Rice with Other Carbohydrates
Foods that contain carbohydrates other than rice are plentiful. For that reason no diet will be boring without rice because there are still many variations of food sources that can be included in the diet. Try to vary the food each day and different food companions, to get the optimal diet and no cheating. (Read also: How to naturally diet)
Foods such as rice substitutes are:
Brown rice
Sweet potato
Wheat bread
Green vegetable
Berry Fruit
2. Create a Diet Menu
The key to diet is discipline. For that diet menu made during the month should be implemented so that the weight can go down quickly and nutrients are maintained. Diet menu without rice in a week: (Also read: Prohibition diet mayo)
First Day Menu
Breakfast: Oatmeal Porridge and a few pieces of berry
Lunch: Chicken steaks and chopped beans / carrots
Dinner: Salad of green vegetables and cheese slices
Snack: Almond or granolaMenu
The second day
Breakfast: A handful of burnt wheat buns and a butter / butter, a glass of warm sweet tea
Lunch: Gado-gado
Dinner: 250 grams beef steaks with mashed potatoes
Snack: Slices of fresh fruit and yogurt
Third Day Menu
Breakfast: Ubi boiled and a glass of warm sweet tea
Lunch: brown rice and roasted chicken
Dinner: Pea Soup
Snack: Fruit pudding
Fourth Day Menu
Breakfast: Mashed Potatoes
Lunch: Soto ayam and boiled eggs
Dinner: Cream Corn Soup
Snack: Boiled peanuts
Fifth Day Menu
Breakfast: Banana Fruit
Lunch: Vegetable Salad and sliced ??pieces of meat
Dinner: Pepes chicken and tempeh stew
Snack: Low-fat milk
Sixth Day Menu
Breakfast: Apple Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Soup and Potato Cake
Dinner: Tim fish and sliced ??boiled carrots
Snack: Fruit salad and yogurt
The Seventh Day Menu
Breakfast: Sandwich Wheat bread and tuna
Lunch: Asem and tempe bacem
Dinner: Pasta
Snack: Corn on the cob
Examples of the above menu can be combined and varied as an alternative to a healthy diet and remain delicious. In the processing so as not to use too much oil, it is advisable to process it baked or boiled. Portions also remain in a reasonable quantity and not excessive. Allowed to consume snacks but healthy and low calorie. (Read also: How to diet with lemon)
3. Doing Sports
Exercise is strongly recommended to lose weight quickly. Because in addition to work to maintain fitness also to help optimize the benefits of the diet program. Sports that do not need to be heavy, light enough but will be carried out regularly. For example, walking for 15 minutes or climbing / down the stairs and others. (Read also: How to diet with lemon)
Diet without rice is believed to lose weight up to 2 pounds per week. Because carbohydrate elements in rice can be reduced and replaced with other food sources. In addition, sugar intake in the blood can also be reduced, so good for diabetics. To be sure this diet program will run optimally when it can be done regularly. For the early onset of the diet may be for some people are not accustomed to eating without rice but will eventually get used. Most importantly still pay attention to the variations of the menu that will be eaten.
1. As a source of energy for the body
Carbohydrate content in rice will act as fuel on the body and convert it into energy that can be used for the move. (Read also: The Benefits Of Lime For Diet)
2. Launch the digestive system
White rice contains lots of fiber that can help overcome digestive problems like colitis or diarrhea. (Read also: How to Diet Carbohydrates)
3. Maintain immunity
White rice contains manganese minerals that can serve to strengthen body immunity. (Read also: Prohibition of Blood Type A diet)
4. Reduce the risk of high blood pressure
Because of the lack of sodium content in white rice, so it is often a diet for hypertensive people. (Read also: Blood Type Diet B)
5. Increase muscle growth
Amino acid content in white rice can help increase muscle mass growth. (Read also: Prohibition of Blood Type O diet)
Keep your mood in good condition
Those who do not eat rice tend to be emotionally and easily angry, this is true supported by some research. The cause is carbohydrates in the rice can stimulate serotonin or compounds that can cause pleasure in the brain. (Read also: Healthy Diet For Diet)
7. Caring for the skin
Water soaked rice or steam from rice that is believed to be able to smooth the skin and make skin become more white and glowing. Rice flour can cure various types of skin diseases. (Read also: Warm Water Benefits For Diet)
8. Prevent cancer
Insoluble fiber in brown rice can protect the body from cancer cells. (Also read: Blood Type Diet O)
9. Prevent cholesterol
White rice does not contain harmful substances so safe as a diet diet of cholesterol sufferers. (Also read: AB blood type diet)
10. Very good for healthy bones and teeth
White rice contains minerals and calcium that can support the growth of bones and teeth. (Read also: Blood Type B diet)
Because so many benefits of white rice, often How To Diet Without Eating Rice many who ignore the dangers that can be caused by consuming excessive amount of white rice. One of them is very fast white rice raises blood sugar levels in the body. So it is very unsafe for diabetics. In addition, excessive carbohydrate intake of rice will increase the body fat reserves. And very susceptible to trigger obesity. Obesity alone can be a source of all kinds of diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, gout, high cholesterol. Therefore carbohydrates in rice are often called "silent killer". (Also read: Blood type diet a)
How To Diet Without Eating Rice
Today, as health awareness is on the rise, especially for weight loss to be ideal, diverse diet programs are introduced. One of them is a diet program without consuming rice or still consume rice but with a reduced dose than usual. Diet without rice is done by diverting carbohydrate intake from rice to other food sources containing carbohydrates. (Read also: Paleo Diet)
The principle of diet without rice is to reduce the intake of carbohrdat, so the body will look for other nutrients that will be converted into energy, for example from the fat reserves in the body to process it into a source of energy. Certainly eliminating the role of carbohydrates in the body can not be done for it the wisest thing is to reduce its intake on the body and start to get used to eating carbohydrate menu with a reasonable portion. Also schedule regular exercise to support a healthier lifestyle. (Read also: How to diet fast)
1. Replacing Rice with Other Carbohydrates
Foods that contain carbohydrates other than rice are plentiful. For that reason no diet will be boring without rice because there are still many variations of food sources that can be included in the diet. Try to vary the food each day and different food companions, to get the optimal diet and no cheating. (Read also: How to naturally diet)
Foods such as rice substitutes are:
Brown rice
Sweet potato
Wheat bread
Green vegetable
Berry Fruit
2. Create a Diet Menu
The key to diet is discipline. For that diet menu made during the month should be implemented so that the weight can go down quickly and nutrients are maintained. Diet menu without rice in a week: (Also read: Prohibition diet mayo)
First Day Menu
Breakfast: Oatmeal Porridge and a few pieces of berry
Lunch: Chicken steaks and chopped beans / carrots
Dinner: Salad of green vegetables and cheese slices
Snack: Almond or granolaMenu
The second day
Breakfast: A handful of burnt wheat buns and a butter / butter, a glass of warm sweet tea
Lunch: Gado-gado
Dinner: 250 grams beef steaks with mashed potatoes
Snack: Slices of fresh fruit and yogurt
Third Day Menu
Breakfast: Ubi boiled and a glass of warm sweet tea
Lunch: brown rice and roasted chicken
Dinner: Pea Soup
Snack: Fruit pudding
Fourth Day Menu
Breakfast: Mashed Potatoes
Lunch: Soto ayam and boiled eggs
Dinner: Cream Corn Soup
Snack: Boiled peanuts
Fifth Day Menu
Breakfast: Banana Fruit
Lunch: Vegetable Salad and sliced ??pieces of meat
Dinner: Pepes chicken and tempeh stew
Snack: Low-fat milk
Sixth Day Menu
Breakfast: Apple Fruit
Lunch: Chicken Soup and Potato Cake
Dinner: Tim fish and sliced ??boiled carrots
Snack: Fruit salad and yogurt
The Seventh Day Menu
Breakfast: Sandwich Wheat bread and tuna
Lunch: Asem and tempe bacem
Dinner: Pasta
Snack: Corn on the cob
Examples of the above menu can be combined and varied as an alternative to a healthy diet and remain delicious. In the processing so as not to use too much oil, it is advisable to process it baked or boiled. Portions also remain in a reasonable quantity and not excessive. Allowed to consume snacks but healthy and low calorie. (Read also: How to diet with lemon)
3. Doing Sports
Exercise is strongly recommended to lose weight quickly. Because in addition to work to maintain fitness also to help optimize the benefits of the diet program. Sports that do not need to be heavy, light enough but will be carried out regularly. For example, walking for 15 minutes or climbing / down the stairs and others. (Read also: How to diet with lemon)
Diet without rice is believed to lose weight up to 2 pounds per week. Because carbohydrate elements in rice can be reduced and replaced with other food sources. In addition, sugar intake in the blood can also be reduced, so good for diabetics. To be sure this diet program will run optimally when it can be done regularly. For the early onset of the diet may be for some people are not accustomed to eating without rice but will eventually get used. Most importantly still pay attention to the variations of the menu that will be eaten.
1. As a source of energy for the body
Carbohydrate content in rice will act as fuel on the body and convert it into energy that can be used for the move. (Read also: The Benefits Of Lime For Diet)
2. Launch the digestive system
White rice contains lots of fiber that can help overcome digestive problems like colitis or diarrhea. (Read also: How to Diet Carbohydrates)
3. Maintain immunity
White rice contains manganese minerals that can serve to strengthen body immunity. (Read also: Prohibition of Blood Type A diet)
4. Reduce the risk of high blood pressure
Because of the lack of sodium content in white rice, so it is often a diet for hypertensive people. (Read also: Blood Type Diet B)
5. Increase muscle growth
Amino acid content in white rice can help increase muscle mass growth. (Read also: Prohibition of Blood Type O diet)
Keep your mood in good condition
Those who do not eat rice tend to be emotionally and easily angry, this is true supported by some research. The cause is carbohydrates in the rice can stimulate serotonin or compounds that can cause pleasure in the brain. (Read also: Healthy Diet For Diet)
7. Caring for the skin
Water soaked rice or steam from rice that is believed to be able to smooth the skin and make skin become more white and glowing. Rice flour can cure various types of skin diseases. (Read also: Warm Water Benefits For Diet)
8. Prevent cancer
Insoluble fiber in brown rice can protect the body from cancer cells. (Also read: Blood Type Diet O)
9. Prevent cholesterol
White rice does not contain harmful substances so safe as a diet diet of cholesterol sufferers. (Also read: AB blood type diet)
10. Very good for healthy bones and teeth
White rice contains minerals and calcium that can support the growth of bones and teeth. (Read also: Blood Type B diet)
Because so many benefits of white rice, often How To Diet Without Eating Rice many who ignore the dangers that can be caused by consuming excessive amount of white rice. One of them is very fast white rice raises blood sugar levels in the body. So it is very unsafe for diabetics. In addition, excessive carbohydrate intake of rice will increase the body fat reserves. And very susceptible to trigger obesity. Obesity alone can be a source of all kinds of diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, gout, high cholesterol. Therefore carbohydrates in rice are often called "silent killer". (Also read: Blood type diet a)