The Blood Type Diet B diet can also serve as a guide for you to succeed in losing weight. Blood type is an important indicator of our body physiology so that we can know how to guard it. This also applies to those who want to do a diet based on blood type, especially blood type B. Note, diet does not mean reducing the intake of nutrients for the body but actually sufficient nutritional intake the body in a healthy way.
For those with blood type B, there are also foods that should be avoided when in weight-loss programs. Moreover, those who have blood type B is very susceptible to impaired immune system. So the food consumed should be a food that can keep the body immune and healthy overall. (Read Also: Blood Type B Diet)
Foods to Avoid Blood Type B
It is important to note for those who are dieting, especially the diet based on blood type. There are some foods that should be avoided so that the diet can run well and successfully, and certainly healthy. Here are the foods that should be avoided. (Read also: Healthy Food for Diet)
1. Meat-Meat
Not all types of meat-meat can be consumed by those who have blood type B. Meat-derived from poultry animals should also be avoided, such as ducks. In addition to duck, chicken should also be avoided because it contains substances that can increase the risk of immune disorders and even can result in a stroke. (Read also: Blood Type Diet Diet O)
2. Seafood
Who does not like seafood? But seafood is one type of food that should be avoided by those with blood type B. Whether you have a blood type B positive or negative, you should avoid seafood, especially shellfish such as oysters, shrimp or lobster. In addition, also avoid eel, squid and octopus. (Read also: Natural Diet Ways)
3. Wheat
Those who are on a diet often make wheat instead of rice. But unfortunately, for someone who has a blood type B, consuming wheat is not recommended. In fact, people with blood type B should avoid all the processed forms of wheat, whether it be bread or whole grains. (Read also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
4. Dairy preparations
In contrast to diet foods for blood type A or O in which milk and its dairy products are highly recommended, for blood type B should avoid various dairy preparations. Or, you can still consume dairy products but with limited doses. However, for dairy products such as blue cheese, cheddar cheese and ice cream should be avoided.
5. Foods that contain protein
Unlike the usual diet that increases the amount of protein intake, for a blood type B diet is not recommended to consume some foods containing protein. Peanuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews and other legumes are some high protein foods that should be avoided. In these foods are known to contain substances that can cause liver damage, decreased blood sugar, and interfere with the absorption of nutrients in their blood type B. (Also read: Blood Type B Diet)
6. Fruits
Eating fruits is very effective to help weight gain. Almost all kinds of fruits healthy and help speed up make body shape to be ideal. This applies also to those with blood type B. However, for coconuts, pomegranates, starfruit and avocados should be avoided. (Read also: How to Diet Fast)
7. Vegetables
Like fruits, vegetables also contain many nutrients needed by the body. However, there are some vegetables that are not allowed to be consumed by people with blood type B such as tomatoes, corn, turnips, pumpkin and cabbage. These vegetables contain lectins that can cause irritation to the stomach. (Also read: AB Blood Type Diet)
8. Food additives
In addition to food, spices as a seasoning in foods also turned out to be considered the content. Like corn syrup, corn flour and cinnamon contain substances that can irritate the stomach in those with blood type B. (Also read: Diet Mayo Diet)
9. Carbonated Drinks
Basically all fast food and beverages sold freely on the market are not healthy for the body, regardless of blood type. In addition, certain drinks and foods also turn out to have more effect on certain blood type people. Well, for the blood group B along with soda drinks and other carbonated beverages should be avoided. (Also read: Healthy Drinks for Diet)
10. Alcohol
The Blood Type Diet B diet is alcohol. Alcoholic drinks also have a negative impact on the body, not to mention those who have blood type A. In addition to various types of liquor, wine should also be avoided. (Read also: Warm Water Benefits for Diets)
Good Food for Blood Type Diet B
After discussing the various taboos of food and drink for people with blood type B dieting, then will be discussed about the various foods and beverages recommended. And indeed food and drinks is what should be multiplied intake, for a successful diet, fit and ideal body you can get. (Also read: Blood Type Diet O)
1. Meat
If the above has been explained meat that should not be consumed, we will now discuss the various types of meat that is highly recommended consumed them with blood type B. Anything? Sheep, goats, rabbits, turkeys and cows are the kind of meat that boosts the body's immunity, so eating these flesh will help you to be healthy always and not susceptible to disease. (Read also: How to Diet with Lime)
2. Seafood
Some seafood is not allowed, but calm, there is still plenty of seafood you can consume if you have blood type B. Types of deep-sea fish and white flesh are usually very good for those with blood type B. Among them are cod and salmon, etc. (Read also: Blood Type Diet Diet O)
3. Cheddar and yogurt
Some processed products derived from milk should be avoided, but some others are very healthy. Mozzarella cheese, kefir, yogurt and goat milk contain the type of sugar needed by blood type B. (Also read: How To Diet Without Sports)
4. Olive oil
For those of you who have blood type B, multiply the consumption of olive oil. Can for processed cuisine, or can for additional salads. This oil is very good for the health of blood type B. (Also read: How to Diet with Water)
5. Oatmeal and rice
Diet usually avoids the rice. But for blood type B, rice is actually very good to help the body fit and get the ideal posture. In addition to rice, you can replace with oatmeal that will make full stomach longer. (Read also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
6. Fruit
Pineapple, prunes, papaya and grapes are some very good for blood type B. Why? Because these fruits contain enzymes that help blood type B to digest food. (Read also: How to Diet with Lemon Fruit)
7. Green vegetables
Green vegetables contain lots of magnesium that serves as an anti virus for blood type B. In addition, green vegetables contain many nutrients that strengthen the immune system. (Read also: Diet Mayo Diet)
Appropriate Sports for Blood Type B
People with blood type B are known to be active in exercise. For them exercise is a way to train the balance of body and mind, and help improve concentration. Here are some types of exercise that match blood type B. (Also read: Dangers of Extreme Diet)
Cardio Exercise
Tai chi
For this sport should be done regularly. For the duration, keep at least 30 minutes for each session. (Read also: Paleo Diet)
So, if you are on a diet program, better find out exactly what foods and also beverages that are allowed and should not be consumed to achieve your dietary goals.
Blood Type Diet Restriction B
For those with blood type B, there are also foods that should be avoided when in weight-loss programs. Moreover, those who have blood type B is very susceptible to impaired immune system. So the food consumed should be a food that can keep the body immune and healthy overall. (Read Also: Blood Type B Diet)
Foods to Avoid Blood Type B
It is important to note for those who are dieting, especially the diet based on blood type. There are some foods that should be avoided so that the diet can run well and successfully, and certainly healthy. Here are the foods that should be avoided. (Read also: Healthy Food for Diet)
1. Meat-Meat
Not all types of meat-meat can be consumed by those who have blood type B. Meat-derived from poultry animals should also be avoided, such as ducks. In addition to duck, chicken should also be avoided because it contains substances that can increase the risk of immune disorders and even can result in a stroke. (Read also: Blood Type Diet Diet O)
2. Seafood
Who does not like seafood? But seafood is one type of food that should be avoided by those with blood type B. Whether you have a blood type B positive or negative, you should avoid seafood, especially shellfish such as oysters, shrimp or lobster. In addition, also avoid eel, squid and octopus. (Read also: Natural Diet Ways)
3. Wheat
Those who are on a diet often make wheat instead of rice. But unfortunately, for someone who has a blood type B, consuming wheat is not recommended. In fact, people with blood type B should avoid all the processed forms of wheat, whether it be bread or whole grains. (Read also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
4. Dairy preparations
In contrast to diet foods for blood type A or O in which milk and its dairy products are highly recommended, for blood type B should avoid various dairy preparations. Or, you can still consume dairy products but with limited doses. However, for dairy products such as blue cheese, cheddar cheese and ice cream should be avoided.
5. Foods that contain protein
Unlike the usual diet that increases the amount of protein intake, for a blood type B diet is not recommended to consume some foods containing protein. Peanuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews and other legumes are some high protein foods that should be avoided. In these foods are known to contain substances that can cause liver damage, decreased blood sugar, and interfere with the absorption of nutrients in their blood type B. (Also read: Blood Type B Diet)
6. Fruits
Eating fruits is very effective to help weight gain. Almost all kinds of fruits healthy and help speed up make body shape to be ideal. This applies also to those with blood type B. However, for coconuts, pomegranates, starfruit and avocados should be avoided. (Read also: How to Diet Fast)
7. Vegetables
Like fruits, vegetables also contain many nutrients needed by the body. However, there are some vegetables that are not allowed to be consumed by people with blood type B such as tomatoes, corn, turnips, pumpkin and cabbage. These vegetables contain lectins that can cause irritation to the stomach. (Also read: AB Blood Type Diet)
8. Food additives
In addition to food, spices as a seasoning in foods also turned out to be considered the content. Like corn syrup, corn flour and cinnamon contain substances that can irritate the stomach in those with blood type B. (Also read: Diet Mayo Diet)
9. Carbonated Drinks
Basically all fast food and beverages sold freely on the market are not healthy for the body, regardless of blood type. In addition, certain drinks and foods also turn out to have more effect on certain blood type people. Well, for the blood group B along with soda drinks and other carbonated beverages should be avoided. (Also read: Healthy Drinks for Diet)
10. Alcohol
The Blood Type Diet B diet is alcohol. Alcoholic drinks also have a negative impact on the body, not to mention those who have blood type A. In addition to various types of liquor, wine should also be avoided. (Read also: Warm Water Benefits for Diets)
Good Food for Blood Type Diet B
After discussing the various taboos of food and drink for people with blood type B dieting, then will be discussed about the various foods and beverages recommended. And indeed food and drinks is what should be multiplied intake, for a successful diet, fit and ideal body you can get. (Also read: Blood Type Diet O)
1. Meat
If the above has been explained meat that should not be consumed, we will now discuss the various types of meat that is highly recommended consumed them with blood type B. Anything? Sheep, goats, rabbits, turkeys and cows are the kind of meat that boosts the body's immunity, so eating these flesh will help you to be healthy always and not susceptible to disease. (Read also: How to Diet with Lime)
2. Seafood
Some seafood is not allowed, but calm, there is still plenty of seafood you can consume if you have blood type B. Types of deep-sea fish and white flesh are usually very good for those with blood type B. Among them are cod and salmon, etc. (Read also: Blood Type Diet Diet O)
3. Cheddar and yogurt
Some processed products derived from milk should be avoided, but some others are very healthy. Mozzarella cheese, kefir, yogurt and goat milk contain the type of sugar needed by blood type B. (Also read: How To Diet Without Sports)
4. Olive oil
For those of you who have blood type B, multiply the consumption of olive oil. Can for processed cuisine, or can for additional salads. This oil is very good for the health of blood type B. (Also read: How to Diet with Water)
5. Oatmeal and rice
Diet usually avoids the rice. But for blood type B, rice is actually very good to help the body fit and get the ideal posture. In addition to rice, you can replace with oatmeal that will make full stomach longer. (Read also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
6. Fruit
Pineapple, prunes, papaya and grapes are some very good for blood type B. Why? Because these fruits contain enzymes that help blood type B to digest food. (Read also: How to Diet with Lemon Fruit)
7. Green vegetables
Green vegetables contain lots of magnesium that serves as an anti virus for blood type B. In addition, green vegetables contain many nutrients that strengthen the immune system. (Read also: Diet Mayo Diet)
Appropriate Sports for Blood Type B
People with blood type B are known to be active in exercise. For them exercise is a way to train the balance of body and mind, and help improve concentration. Here are some types of exercise that match blood type B. (Also read: Dangers of Extreme Diet)
Cardio Exercise
Tai chi
For this sport should be done regularly. For the duration, keep at least 30 minutes for each session. (Read also: Paleo Diet)
So, if you are on a diet program, better find out exactly what foods and also beverages that are allowed and should not be consumed to achieve your dietary goals.