Prohibition of diet mayo be a thing to be known for the smoothness of the diet program. Lately there are many different types of diets that can lose weight quickly. Starting from the usual diet until the extreme taken to lose weight. Many people are very obsessed with a skinny, slim, and attractive body. Because with a fat body aka excess body weight can be a mockery of others (Read Also: How To Diet With Lime).
Diet can lose weight and prevent us from various diseases caused by obesity. In the diet alone there must be taboos or things to do while on the diet. One of them in mayo diet. Diet Mayo is a diet that requires not to consume foods or beverages containing salt. Diet This is done for 13 days and can lose weight 7kg to 13 kg. This diet is very much done among the people of Indonesia. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)
Several types of foods and drinks should also be avoided when doing mayo diet:
1. White Rice
White rice is the staple food of people in Indonesia. Many people say that a day has not eaten rice is the same as having not eaten even though a day had eaten snacks. White rice contains very high carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the body converted into sugar and lead to obesity or overweight. This sugar can also lead to diabetes mellitus. White rice should be avoided when diet mayo because it can make this diet fail. You can replace white rice with tubers, potatoes, wheat, brown rice, and so forth. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
2. Frying
Probably the next mayo diet is to stay away from fried foods. Fried is not something foreign to the tongue of the Indonesian people. This one food is perfect to eat when relaxed, side dishes to eat, and also very suitable dikantong alias people cheap. Gorengan own terdoro from banana, tuber, cassava, tempeh, tofu, oncom and so on. But why fried foods should be avoided when dieting mayo? This is because how to make this fried by frying with oil. In the oil itself there is 13.6 pure fat and 177 calories. Imagine the calories as much as it is contained by 1 gorengan only. Well how many calories we eat when consuming 5 fried, starch a lot and can make the body instead of slim but fat. So fried foods should be avoided when diet mayo. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)
3. Fast Food or JunkFood
Not a new thing fast food for the tongue of Indonesia. Fast food or junk food does not contain fiber but contains fat. This causes diabetes if consumed excessively. In serving fast food we can not control how much salt, MSG, and oil. Thus consuming fast food is to be avoided when the diet mayo. We better cook ourselves at home and can adjust how much salt, MSG or oil that enters our body. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)
4. Sugar
Who does not like the sweet taste, surely everyone likes. Sugar is very needed in the body, but if consuming too much sugar can cause various diseases. Such as obesity or overweight, cavities, diabetes, diabetes or high blood pressure, fat is contracted, and other diseases. Therefore consume sugar should be avoided for the success of mayo diet. One way to avoid excessive consumption of sugar is to read the label of nutritional content or drinks we buy, so we can choose which foods are good to eat without containing a lot of sugar.
5. Meat
Meat a lot of processed cuisine such as rendang meat, meat stew, meatballs and so forth. Meat contains a lot of protein as a builder substance in the body. Consuming a lot of red meat can cause colon cancer if the way of cooking meat is too ripe or immature. Eating meat in excess amounts can also cause obesity or overweight. High iron content in red meat can also cause Alzheimer's disease. (Read Also: How To Diet Mayo)
6. Instant Noodles
This is the food of a million instant noodle people. His own existence is very important to society. When there is no cooking side of instant noodles when the money is thinning instant noodles is also an option for fine dining. But inside the noodle contains many ingredients that are not good for health like preservative content. This if consumed continuously will make bloated belly, obesity, diabetes and other diseases.
7. Martabak
Martabak usually searched at night to block the stomach. But inside martabak there is fat, sugar and calories fast enough to raise your weight. Plus consume martabak at night, just get ready your body will be fat.
8. Donuts
Who is not interested in eating donuts with chocolate or cheese meses. This delicious snack is served with a cup of tea. But if consumed in large quantities and added again tonight will make you fat because the content of sugar, fat and calories are high enough in the donuts.
9. Soft Drinks
In soft drinks contain lots of sugar, calories and even fat. If you consume excessive soft drinks will cause health disruption, such as:
Damage to the teeth
Disruption of kidney work
Increases cancer risk
Obesity or overweight
The risk of osteoporosis or brittle bones
Reduce the quality of sperm in men
Increase urine production
Of the many dangers caused by excessive consumption of soft drinks whether you will stick with your habits? then from now start a healthy life by replacing soft drinks with healthy water for the body. (Also Read: How To Diet With Water)
10. High-fat milk
Drinking milk in the morning with a piece of bread must be very tasty. But what happens when we consume high fat milk is excessive and in a long time? Fat in the milk will pile up in the body, especially in the stomach. High sugar levels in high fat milk can also clog blood flow. You can replace this fat milk with soy milk or green bean milk.
11. Coffee
Coffee is not a drink that is foreign to us. When we feel sleepy to consume a cup of coffee can refresh our eyes because the content of caffeine in it. In addition, caffeine in coffee is also harmful if consumed in excess, such as:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Reduce female fertility
Back pain
12. Alcohol
Prohibition of diet mayo should be avoided is to consume alcohol. This one drink is very familiar to our ears. The long-term intoxicating drink will be deadly. In alcohols contain methanol chemicals that can make blindness and paralysis if consumed. Here are the dangers that we can consume with alcohol:
Inflammation of the pancreas
High blood pressure
Heart failure
Belly stomach and obesity or overweight
Loss of consciousness
Anemia (lack of red blood cells)
Nerve damage
Of the many dangers posed by consuming alcohol, there is one of the most frightening dangers of causing death. Love your life from now and stay away from alcohol.
Mistakes That Are Frequently Performed At Diet
1. Applying weight loss targets is not realistic
The first mistake is often done by people who will undergo the process of dieting. Targeting weight should fall by 7kg within a week, this is very impossible and unrealistic. How do you target your target in a week is not achieved or your diet fails, then that happens you stress, despair. What happens is that you will eat as much because of the mixed mood and feelings that want revenge for this failure. So start now targeting the small numbers first in order for your diet to work.
Skip the main meal
Skipping the main meal is often ignored by someone who is on a diet. They assume that the main meal can make the body consume many calories and fat. But breakfast must eat a lot of food because for all day activities, then the fat and calories will burn by itself. At lunch eat with moderate portions and at night eat aja aja or need not eat rice but only eat fresh fruit only. It can also lose weight fast.
3. Consume less water
Many people do not like water with a variety of reasons one of them because the water has no taste and cause them to switch packing keminuman. Many also think that too much consume white water causes fattening, but it is wrong because water helps the body in the process of metabolism. Water also helps in the process of losing weight and maintaining fluid balance in the body. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
4. Understanding snack content
Snacks or snacks are sold in shops and supermarkets. In the diet process it is known that snacks or snacks contain lots of salt, calories and so on. But there are snacks that do not contain too much harmful ingredients. Then re-read the nutrition label dapa every packet of snacks so you can choose foods that may enter into your body.
5. Consume beverages with high calorie content
Many lay people know that the diet does not eat much, but they switch to drink high-calorie drinks such as coffee, milk, or soft drinks to fill quickly. But that's the wrong thing with consuming that drink can actually make your diet fail. So drink 4 liters of water a day will help you lose weight.
6. Perfect diet
A perfect diet means you really do what you can and should not while on the diet. If you are not allowed to drink milk do that well, until your diet is reached and weight drops on target. After you finish your diet revenge to drink milk as much as we menjunpainya. It's not good for health. So diet properly.
7. Only consume vegetables
Our bodies need a variety of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients. While you are on your diet just increase the consumption of vegetables, where the other nutritional intake required by the body is not met. So in addition to eating vegetables multiply also eat fruits, nuts, and foods that contain other essential nutrients.
8. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep is also a common mistake during a diet mayo. People think if staying up can lose a person's weight but this is misguided because if you lack sleep then you will be hungry fast. If a person sleeps less than 4 hours a day then he will consume many calories the next day. Sleep quality also affects weight loss.
A lot of things to be considered in doing the mayo diet. Starting from foods and beverages that should be avoided so that the diet can run smoothly and the weight you are targeting can be achieved.
Diet can lose weight and prevent us from various diseases caused by obesity. In the diet alone there must be taboos or things to do while on the diet. One of them in mayo diet. Diet Mayo is a diet that requires not to consume foods or beverages containing salt. Diet This is done for 13 days and can lose weight 7kg to 13 kg. This diet is very much done among the people of Indonesia. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)
12 Diet Challenge Mayo
Several types of foods and drinks should also be avoided when doing mayo diet:
1. White Rice
White rice is the staple food of people in Indonesia. Many people say that a day has not eaten rice is the same as having not eaten even though a day had eaten snacks. White rice contains very high carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the body converted into sugar and lead to obesity or overweight. This sugar can also lead to diabetes mellitus. White rice should be avoided when diet mayo because it can make this diet fail. You can replace white rice with tubers, potatoes, wheat, brown rice, and so forth. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
2. Frying
Probably the next mayo diet is to stay away from fried foods. Fried is not something foreign to the tongue of the Indonesian people. This one food is perfect to eat when relaxed, side dishes to eat, and also very suitable dikantong alias people cheap. Gorengan own terdoro from banana, tuber, cassava, tempeh, tofu, oncom and so on. But why fried foods should be avoided when dieting mayo? This is because how to make this fried by frying with oil. In the oil itself there is 13.6 pure fat and 177 calories. Imagine the calories as much as it is contained by 1 gorengan only. Well how many calories we eat when consuming 5 fried, starch a lot and can make the body instead of slim but fat. So fried foods should be avoided when diet mayo. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)
3. Fast Food or JunkFood
Not a new thing fast food for the tongue of Indonesia. Fast food or junk food does not contain fiber but contains fat. This causes diabetes if consumed excessively. In serving fast food we can not control how much salt, MSG, and oil. Thus consuming fast food is to be avoided when the diet mayo. We better cook ourselves at home and can adjust how much salt, MSG or oil that enters our body. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)
4. Sugar
Who does not like the sweet taste, surely everyone likes. Sugar is very needed in the body, but if consuming too much sugar can cause various diseases. Such as obesity or overweight, cavities, diabetes, diabetes or high blood pressure, fat is contracted, and other diseases. Therefore consume sugar should be avoided for the success of mayo diet. One way to avoid excessive consumption of sugar is to read the label of nutritional content or drinks we buy, so we can choose which foods are good to eat without containing a lot of sugar.
5. Meat
Meat a lot of processed cuisine such as rendang meat, meat stew, meatballs and so forth. Meat contains a lot of protein as a builder substance in the body. Consuming a lot of red meat can cause colon cancer if the way of cooking meat is too ripe or immature. Eating meat in excess amounts can also cause obesity or overweight. High iron content in red meat can also cause Alzheimer's disease. (Read Also: How To Diet Mayo)
6. Instant Noodles
This is the food of a million instant noodle people. His own existence is very important to society. When there is no cooking side of instant noodles when the money is thinning instant noodles is also an option for fine dining. But inside the noodle contains many ingredients that are not good for health like preservative content. This if consumed continuously will make bloated belly, obesity, diabetes and other diseases.
7. Martabak
Martabak usually searched at night to block the stomach. But inside martabak there is fat, sugar and calories fast enough to raise your weight. Plus consume martabak at night, just get ready your body will be fat.
8. Donuts
Who is not interested in eating donuts with chocolate or cheese meses. This delicious snack is served with a cup of tea. But if consumed in large quantities and added again tonight will make you fat because the content of sugar, fat and calories are high enough in the donuts.
9. Soft Drinks
In soft drinks contain lots of sugar, calories and even fat. If you consume excessive soft drinks will cause health disruption, such as:
Damage to the teeth
Disruption of kidney work
Increases cancer risk
Obesity or overweight
The risk of osteoporosis or brittle bones
Reduce the quality of sperm in men
Increase urine production
Of the many dangers caused by excessive consumption of soft drinks whether you will stick with your habits? then from now start a healthy life by replacing soft drinks with healthy water for the body. (Also Read: How To Diet With Water)
10. High-fat milk
Drinking milk in the morning with a piece of bread must be very tasty. But what happens when we consume high fat milk is excessive and in a long time? Fat in the milk will pile up in the body, especially in the stomach. High sugar levels in high fat milk can also clog blood flow. You can replace this fat milk with soy milk or green bean milk.
11. Coffee
Coffee is not a drink that is foreign to us. When we feel sleepy to consume a cup of coffee can refresh our eyes because the content of caffeine in it. In addition, caffeine in coffee is also harmful if consumed in excess, such as:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Reduce female fertility
Back pain
12. Alcohol
Prohibition of diet mayo should be avoided is to consume alcohol. This one drink is very familiar to our ears. The long-term intoxicating drink will be deadly. In alcohols contain methanol chemicals that can make blindness and paralysis if consumed. Here are the dangers that we can consume with alcohol:
Inflammation of the pancreas
High blood pressure
Heart failure
Belly stomach and obesity or overweight
Loss of consciousness
Anemia (lack of red blood cells)
Nerve damage
Of the many dangers posed by consuming alcohol, there is one of the most frightening dangers of causing death. Love your life from now and stay away from alcohol.
Mistakes That Are Frequently Performed At Diet
1. Applying weight loss targets is not realistic
The first mistake is often done by people who will undergo the process of dieting. Targeting weight should fall by 7kg within a week, this is very impossible and unrealistic. How do you target your target in a week is not achieved or your diet fails, then that happens you stress, despair. What happens is that you will eat as much because of the mixed mood and feelings that want revenge for this failure. So start now targeting the small numbers first in order for your diet to work.
Skip the main meal
Skipping the main meal is often ignored by someone who is on a diet. They assume that the main meal can make the body consume many calories and fat. But breakfast must eat a lot of food because for all day activities, then the fat and calories will burn by itself. At lunch eat with moderate portions and at night eat aja aja or need not eat rice but only eat fresh fruit only. It can also lose weight fast.
3. Consume less water
Many people do not like water with a variety of reasons one of them because the water has no taste and cause them to switch packing keminuman. Many also think that too much consume white water causes fattening, but it is wrong because water helps the body in the process of metabolism. Water also helps in the process of losing weight and maintaining fluid balance in the body. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)
4. Understanding snack content
Snacks or snacks are sold in shops and supermarkets. In the diet process it is known that snacks or snacks contain lots of salt, calories and so on. But there are snacks that do not contain too much harmful ingredients. Then re-read the nutrition label dapa every packet of snacks so you can choose foods that may enter into your body.
5. Consume beverages with high calorie content
Many lay people know that the diet does not eat much, but they switch to drink high-calorie drinks such as coffee, milk, or soft drinks to fill quickly. But that's the wrong thing with consuming that drink can actually make your diet fail. So drink 4 liters of water a day will help you lose weight.
6. Perfect diet
A perfect diet means you really do what you can and should not while on the diet. If you are not allowed to drink milk do that well, until your diet is reached and weight drops on target. After you finish your diet revenge to drink milk as much as we menjunpainya. It's not good for health. So diet properly.
7. Only consume vegetables
Our bodies need a variety of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients. While you are on your diet just increase the consumption of vegetables, where the other nutritional intake required by the body is not met. So in addition to eating vegetables multiply also eat fruits, nuts, and foods that contain other essential nutrients.
8. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep is also a common mistake during a diet mayo. People think if staying up can lose a person's weight but this is misguided because if you lack sleep then you will be hungry fast. If a person sleeps less than 4 hours a day then he will consume many calories the next day. Sleep quality also affects weight loss.
A lot of things to be considered in doing the mayo diet. Starting from foods and beverages that should be avoided so that the diet can run smoothly and the weight you are targeting can be achieved.