Thursday, September 22, 2005

6 Diet Hazards Without Eating Rice and Infectious Diseases

In addition to the danger of extreme diet, diet without eating rice was quite horrible also for the health of the body. Dangers Diet Without Eating Rice should be the attention of you who want to lose weight well and healthy. Rice is one source of high carbohydrate. Carbohydrates in the body need to help the process of burning calories into energy. This is what makes the body so stronger when doing the activity. Most women who want to get the ideal body usually do not consume rice.

6 Diet Hazards Without Eating Rice and Infectious Diseases

In fact, a diet without eating rice that is not done correctly will endanger the health of the body and trigger disease. Decreased intake of carbohydrates can be detrimental to health. Limit consume carbohydrates instead of avoiding them. Among young people this diet may not affect the body's performance because the body can adapt quickly. But the way this diet is actually bad for the health of the body.

The illness that arises because it does not consume carbohydrates

Heart and diabetes, Cholesterol levels can increase due to lack of carbohydrates and cause you to be susceptible to heart disease and diabetes.
Depression, One of the brain's nutrients is carbohydrates. The benefits of sufficient carbohydrates will make the mind calm. Carbohydrate deficiency can make the mind uneasy and cause depression.
Hypoglycemia, Due to low blood sugar levels due to insufficient carbohydrates to process calorie burning. This disease can infect all circles. Early signs of this disease are wet skin, irritability, rapid heartbeat, frequent sweating and fast hungry.
Maramus, Occurs at the age of children under 5 years. Children often experience health problems due to lack of carbohydrate intake.
Kwasiorkor, This disease arises from loss of calories. Someone who has this disease is marked with hair easily fall out, limp, wrinkled, emaciated, aged quickly even though age is young and face looks puffy and round.

Maramus-kwasiorkor, This disease falls into the category of malnutrition diseases. Due to lack of carbohydrate and protein intake. Resulting in liver disorders and impaired protein absorption.
The Best Diet Without Eating Properly

Rice is the staple food of Indonesians. Inside rice contains carbohydrates, water, and fiber. When we eat excessive rice then blood sugar in the body will quickly rise in a few moments and then the blood sugar rise will fall faster. So that trigger hunger, by not eating rice then we will reduce the intake of carbohydrates in the body that is needed to make energy. If the body lacks energy naturally the body will look for other sources of energy that is fat this is what makes you diet is advised to limit the consumption of rice. Eating rice is not something that can make us fat if the rice is consumed normally.

How To Diet Without Eating Rice
Breakfast - Consumption of whole grain cereals + low-fat milk or can be replaced by eating fruits and eggs of the cow's eye
Afternoon - Choose a replacement carbohydrate source such as Chicken, Fish, Vegetables and others. Avoid foods that contain lots of oil
Night - Eat only fruit every night like eating apples, bananas, oranges and others you can also be a juice or salad.
When on a diet should not eat too many snacks or snacks outside can be a snack you eat contains a lot of unhealthy saturated fat and make you become fat.

Food Substitute Rice With Normal Carbohydrate Level
Cassava - Cassava has low levels of calories for those of you who are dieting should be cassava by way of boiled only. Cassava can lose weight and Reduce this bad cholesterol is a benefit of fiber cassava that has cassava.
Potatoes -Vitamin B complex, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C contained in potatoes have long-term filling benefits. It is suitable for those of you who are dieting without eating rice.
Corn-Corn contains excellent fiber for the body. Corn preparations such as cereals can also be used as a substitute food at a minimum risk for health.

Light exercise activities when doing a diet without rice
stretching - Posture will increase with diligent stretching exercises. Especially in the chest, shoulders, and lower back.
Running or Jogging - Every run of one minute will burn 12.46 calories in the body and in an hour 748 calories. This will help you lose weight quickly
Shit up - Routine shit up every day will shrink the stomach quickly. Do it 10 to 15 minutes the morning after waking up and the night before bed.
Push up - Push ups in the know of sports that can train the arm muscles but it turns out push ups also have the benefits of toning the abdominal muscles.
Yoga - Movement in yoga does not require much energy but effectively lose weight and burn fat. In addition to maintaining body fitness.
From the above information we can know that rice has an important role for the health of the body. Whether it's a negative or a positive side so you who do this diet should consult your diet method first to the doctor. In order for the diet you run does not affect your health.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

5 How To Diet Detox 3 Days Down 1 kg Prove Your Own Results

If you are one of those people who are looking for Natural Diet Ways, healthy, and fast, then you should read this article thoroughly. We will discuss about 3 day detox diet that can reduce body up to 1 kg. Imagine if this Detox Diet Method you do up to 1 or 2 months. Then you can lose weight approximately 10 to 20 kg. This diet includes the healthiest diet in the world. In addition you can also make this diet method as Diet Fun Fun Happy every day.

5 How To Diet Detox 3 Days Down 1 kg Prove Your Own Results

That's because this diet does not have much restriction detox diet and you also do not need to find How To Withstand Hunger Without Eating. In fact you are not at all advisable to withstand hunger. You can still consume three meals a day and may consume snacks at your leisure. However, on condition, you should consume the recommended diet detox diet. Eating is like a Fruit For Diet, Juice For Diet, and other natural foods that have many good nutrients for the body. You are also not advised to consume excess sugar and fast food.

Food konsusmi is detox
Expand the consumption of vegetables and fruits that are able to mendetokikasi body of toxins. Usually these foods are foods that contain high antioxidants, such as red fruit, purplish, to black. In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables you are also advised to consume nuts as a source of food rich in other antioxidants.

Drink plenty of water
Mineral water or water contains many natural minerals that are good for the body. There are even seven natural minerals that we can only get from water because our bodies do not produce these minerals. Therefore White Water Efficacy For Diet can also be saidn very much and powerful to lose weight.

Consumption of organic foods
Organic food is very good for maintaining a healthy body and avoiding the body from toxins like pesticides. Pesticides are materials or chemicals that farmers use to avoid their crops from pests and diseases. Usually Pesticides are found in the outer layer of fruits and vegetables and still settles despite being washed with water and soap. Finally, pesticides are inadvertently ingested and into the human body, thus endangering toxins in the body.

Avoid sugar in foods and drinks
How to detox diet the next 3 days dalah by avoiding foods and beverages with the addition of excessive sugar. If you are a lover of sweet taste, you can choose other natural sweetener which is good for diet like palm sugar. Sugar Palm Benefits For Diet and the efficacy of brown sugar for the diet can also be felt if consumed regularly and according to the recommended dosage.

Drink special herbal teas for detox if necessary
If deemed necessary, you can also speed up your diet process by consuming a herbal concoction in the form of a special tea for the diet. if it is difficult to find herbal tea for detox, you can also replace it by drinking green tea regularly. Benefits of Green Tea For Diet one of them can also mendetokfikasi toxins in the body.

That's how 3-day detox diet you can try at home. You can also consult a doctor before doing this diet. Good luck.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

4 How to Shrink Waist Fast, Precise and Comfortable

How to shrink the waist easily? Having a big waist is not only unsightly. But it can also bring various diseases. In addition, with a large waist, you can not look beautiful and comfortable.

Surely the big waist is not only experienced by women. Many men also have a large waist. However, the number of women has a wide waist more and more troublesome than men.

4 How to Shrink Waist Fast, Precise and Comfortable

Therefore, many women are trying hard to find ways to shrink the waist effectively. The training places to shrink the stomach, waist and body, they go. Potbelly-lowering drugs and their large waist consumption.

But why does your waist look so big? How to shrink or streamline the waist as what is effective and quick to fruition?

How to Shrink Waist - Large Waist Risky Diabetes, Stroke, etc.
Yes, large waists and hips, bulging belly and fat body, should be downsized. Not only because it is unsightly and makes you not PD (confident), but such physical conditions can bring on a variety of severe diseases.

For example, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. All of this is a serious illness.

You must try to streamline your body and other organs that look distended. You should try to find ways how to shrink the waist, shrink the scars and other organs of your body.

how to shrink the waist the way shrink the wide waist

You should try to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome that can make your body slim, lean and healthy.

No need for you to take the hard way. Just do it gradually, comprehensively but consistently or continuously. Do not be easily discouraged and easily interested in living a lifestyle that makes your waist and hips big, belly fat and body fat.

List 4 Ways to Minimize Large Waist
Here are the details of the 4 ways to shrink the large waist. You can do it gradually so successful shrink the waist.

1. Wrinkle Waist, Reduce Food Warmer
Many of us already know fatty foods can lead to obesity, including making belly fat, waist and big hips. However, we or you are often lax or difficult to avoid those fatty foods.

Similarly, foods with high calories. You should also begin to reduce it so that your weight, bulging stomach and your large waist begin to decrease.

Record all foods that contain lots of fat and high calorie. Put the notes on the dining table or anywhere that you can easily see. The goal is that you can avoid the forbidden food.

In the early stages, you will feel the way the waist is shrunk like that is heavy. Many times you broke it. However, you must constantly encourage yourself to reduce and eventually leave fatty and high-calorie foods.

Read Also: How To Easily Shrink Belly Stomach in 1 Week
This way, you can shrink the large waist. You will also look beautiful and healthy with a slim waist.

High-calorie and High-fat Foods You Should Avoid:
1. Various fried foods such as fried tofu, fried tempe, fried chicken, crackers, chips, etc. Snacks are generally made up of various fried foods. Caloric content is very high. Each 100 grams of fried food contains 902 calories.

2. Nuts such as peanuts, cashews, almonds, watermelon seeds (kwaci), and other processed products with nuts. Each 100 grams of peanuts contains 718 calories.

3. Chocolate, especially cocoa chocolate (dark chocolate) or food made from chocolate or high chocolate mixture such as various cakes. Each 100 grams of dark chocolate contains 589 calories.

4. Avocado fruit. Each 100 grams of avocado contains 160 calories. The calories will be higher when made juice with additional milk and sugar. Other fruits that also contain high calories are mango, dates and coconut.

Fast Food Fat Content High
5. Fast food. For example, hamburgers, pizza, so fries. The fat is high until the calories are also high.

6. Milk. In addition to high fat, calories are also high. Per 100 grams of milk contains 452 calories.

7. Fatty fish and contain high calories. For example, meckerel, salmon, sardines, and other fatty fish. Each 100 grams of fatty fish contains 300-400 calories.

8. Meat and processed meats also contain fat and high calories. Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages and more. In addition to fat and high calories, the salt content is also high.

9. Ice cream. Do not be tempted and deceived. Ice cream contains sugar, fat and high calories that can cause obesity, distended stomach and large waist.

10. Soft drinks are very fresh, especially if you drink when thirsty. However, the content of sugar, fat and calories high. You who have problems of obesity, belly fat or big waist, avoid soft drinks.

11. Animal oil. For example, fat from goat meat, from beef, chicken skin or fish oil containing high calories. Each 100 gram contains 902.

12. Vegetable oils or vegetable oils also contain high calories, ie 884 calories per 100 grams of vegetable oil. Healthy vegetable oil to consume is olive oil.

13. Instant noodles also contain high calories. Each pack of instant noodles contains 330 calories.

14. Dried fruit such as made sweets or made juice also contains high calories. Bananas are dried and made sweets such as sele, containing high calories. A half-glass fruit juice contains 224 calories.

Read Also: 25 Tips to Shrink Stomach Quickly After Childbirth
If you are able to reduce the consumption of 500-1000 calories per day, then you will be able to lose weight from 0.5 to 1 kg per week. But, again, do it gradually so that your body is not shocked. You will feel comfortable because it will not feel heavy.


avoid dinner after 19:00 let the waist can be slim
2. Avoid Eating Too Night
You, as explained by, should not eat too late. Because, eating too late can disrupt the circadian rhythm or biological clock that regulates the human body cycle.

In addition, eating too late can change the appetite-controlling hormone. Similarly eat before bed. How it will aggravate the process of digestion and trigger a sense of bloating or pain in the pit of the stomach.

Especially when you are tired. Dinner makes the food digestion process slow.

As a result, dinner can make you more fat. Moreover, if the portion of the dinner is a large portion. Calories that enter your body more and more.

On the other hand because after dinner there is no physical activity, be calories from dinner will turn into fat that is growing in number in your body. What happens is that your body is getting fatter, including your stomach and waist.

How to shrink the waist or lose the right weight is to eat in the evening before 18:00. Or at least before 19:00. However, it should be accompanied by a diet to eat at night. For example, eat less snack at night.

Do not eat it before 18.00, but the night consumes a lot of snacks. That's the same you do not reduce fat in the body. For more details, yes please you try it. Prove it in your life.

3. Avoid Bad Diets
How to shrink the other waist is to improve diet. Not only to shrink the waist, a good diet is also very important to lose weight, shrink the belly and lower the large waist. How, among others by:

a. Do not Eat While Doing Other Deeds
Ever watch people eat while working? Typing, noting things, serving buyers, eating while watching TV, etc. This is the way you should avoid because it is not healthy. How to eat like that does not make your weight or big waist you can go down.

b. Avoid Eating in Big Portions
Better several meals in small portions, instead of eating one or two meals a day but with large portions. It's an unhealthy way of eating. It makes you stay fat or gain weight with the belly or the waist getting bigger.

c. Avoid Trans Fat Fats
Eating foods that contain lots of unsaturated fats no problem. That just gets better for your waist. As with trans fat, will make the waist bigger.

Some foods that contain unsaturated fats include green tea, yogurt, blueberries, and bulgur. Chocolate milk is also a good source, especially when made from low-fat milk.

Read Also: 11 How to Protrudy Belly Stomach in Women
Foods that contain trans fat and you should avoid as a way to shrink the waist and other organs are baked goods, biscuits, popcorn, ice cream, beef, various fried foods, canned milk and coffee cream.

popcorn avoid the consumption of popcorn snacks to shrink the waist (source:

4. Do Sports Regularly
Exercise is a common means to do anywhere to make yourself healthy, including how to shrink the waist. No need to exercise hard. You can streamline the waist, shrink the belly and shrink the butt with light exercise.

Most importantly, the various sports activities that you do can burn fat in large quantities effectively. Among other things do cardio with running and cycling. It's an easy and inexpensive way, especially run. If cycling, yes depending on the price of the bike used. Expensive bikes or cheap bikes.

Other light exercises you can do are push ups, gymnastics, sit ups, and jogging. Perform routine every 3 or 4 weeks. You can do it anywhere. Beside the house, front of house, in garage or other. Most importantly do the routine casually. You will succeed in how to shrink the waist, belly bulge, big butt, etc.

Similarly an article on how to successfully shrink the waist. May you successfully streamline your waist and belly.
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Saturday, April 9, 2005

3 Ways To Make Yogurt For A Healthy And Easy Diet

Most people are now starting to leave the Strict Diet Ways that tend to have side effects for health. Different Dangerous Diet Habits also lurk you if you are on a strict diet that is excessive. Because it is now a few ways powerful Diet without side effects are preferred most people, including the Indonesian people to streamline the body. One of the most natural ways of diet is to consume certain foods that have the ability to slim body.

Some research now also proves some good food can help your diet such as Benefits of Chocolate For Diet, the efficacy of milk for diet, and the efficacy of Fruit For Diet. Because it is now a lot of emerging ways of delicious diet, such as How To Diet With Chocolate, How To Diet With Fruits, and How To Diet With Yoghurt. For those of you who are interested in how to diet with yogurt, we will provide a recipe or how to bolt yoghurt for a healthy and easy diet of course.

Recipes Make Yoghurt

Not all yoghurt can be used for diet. In the super market also not many who sell yoghurt specifically for the diet. If any are usually the price is more expensive than ordinary yoghurt.

Therefore we will explore how to make special yoghurt for the diet that you can make yourself at home with simple ingredients but can help your body slimming. In addition to proven to be slimming, homemade yoghurt is also more assured cleanliness. Here's how to make yoghurt for your diet:


1 liter of pure low-fat milk (no taste and try to buy directly on cow's milk farmers or do not use packaging milk).
50 ml or 2 tbsp yoghurt seeds (you can buy at the bakery making shop)
How to make:

Heat pure milk by using a small flame to keep milk from boiling quickly. Because if boiling it will increase the risk of damage to proteins contained in the milk. To keep milk from boiling you are also required to continue stirring milk with a wood spatula for 30 minutes.
After that lift the milk and chill it by moving it to a larger container. Wait for milk until it feels warm or not hot.
If you feel it is not too hot or warm nails then you can immediately put the seeds of yoghurt into the milk.
After that stir until yogurt seeds mixed evenly with milk. You should also make sure the spatula used to stir in a sterile or completely clean condition. If you are unsure, you can take a spatula with hot water before using it for stirring as a sterilization process.
Once mixed, store the milk with a mixture of yoghurt seeds in a closed container. After that use napkins or laps to coat the outside of the container to create a dark condition.
Wait up to 20-24 hours or until the fermentation bacteria live. The sign of live bacteria is the appearance of a yellowish layer and a little thick above the surface of milk.
Then stir using the sterile tool as before
If it is then ready to enjoy yogurt as your diet food.
How to make yoghurt for diet can also add some pieces of fresh fruit such as mango or apple. Pieces of fresh fruit that can be mixed after the yoghurt ready for consumption or ready made. Efficacy Apple For Diet also quite a lot. One is that it contains good fiber for the digestive system when dieting.

Differences Yoghurt Diet

As already discussed earlier that not all yogurt can be used for diet. That's because the content of each yogurt is different. So you must be smart to choose a good yogurt for deit. Here are some of the different yoghurt you should know:

Although almost all yogurt has a sour taste, but not all yogurt is low in fat. And for those who are on a diet should avoid consuming fat in excess. The fat in yoghurt depends on the milk used. Therefore, how to bake yogurt for diet should use low-fat milk.
If you are someone who is on a diet by consuming yogurt, then you should pay attention to the information contained in the yogurt packaging you buy. Especially the description of the flavor of yoghurt. If written 'strawberry yoghurt' then most likely the yoghurt is added strawberry fruit which is good for the diet. but if written 'strawberry yogurt taste then it helps you avoid buying yoghurt it's because the yogurt is only added to the taste instead of fresh fruit.
Even if you go on a diet by consuming yoghurt you should also consider the doses allowed to consume yoghurt daily. In a day you simply consume 200-400 ml yoghurt. How to make your own yoghurt is also more recommended than yoghurt packaging purchased at the supermarket.
That's three different yogurt that is sold in the market and good for diet. You can follow how to make yoghurt for the above diet and keep some of the yellow fermentation results as a starter. So if you want to bolt yoghurt again you do not need to do how to bolt yogurt from scratch.
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Friday, April 8, 2005

3 Ways Of Cooking Macaroni For Diet Delicious And Easy

Macaroni is one of the most popular types of pasta besides spaghetti in Indonesia. Almost all pasta is made from the same ingredients that is blend of wheat flour, olive oil, eggs, and other complementary spices. Pasta became one of the ingredients to serve as Italian cuisine that contains many carbohydrates. In Indonesia pasta or macaroni also commonly become Food Substitute Rice for diet or Carbohydrate Source For Diet.

Some Ways Strict Diet does require the perpetrators avoid consuming rice as a complement to daily carbohydrates. In addition to macaroni, some people also choose to Diet With Rice Maize or use the Benefits Cilembu Ubi For Diet as a substitute for carbohydrates in rice. But this time we will give some ways to cook macaroni for diet which you can try as a substitute of rice without raising the weight.

Chicken macaroni and cherry tomatoes

Macaroni already contains many carbohydrates so we do not need to add foods rich in carbohydrates as well as corn. You can choose Vegetables For Diet such as Cherry Tomato Efficacy For Diet and other leafy vegetables as a mixture of macaroni cuisine. Here's an easy step to make chicken and tomato cherry macaroni.

Ingredients :

100 grams of macaroni
100 grams of chicken breast meat
50 grams of cherry tomatoes
3 pieces of oregano leaves
3 pieces of basil leaves
Sufficient pepper powder
How to cook:

Enter the diced chicken meat and oregano and basil leaves that are cut into boiling water.
Add a little olive oil if desired then wait 3 to 4 minutes or until chicken meat turns white to white.
If it is ripe grab and drain.
Cook macaroni together with the cherry tomatoes that have been cut into two parts by boiling until shiny then add pepper powder
If it is cooked, remove and drain. After that mix with chicken meat that has been cooked earlier.
Macaroni chicken meat ready to eat.
2. Steamed macaroni eggs

How to cook macaroni for the next diet is by steaming. The Steamed Food Menu For Diet is also very healthy. That's because the processing of food by steaming makes nutrients in the food is not lost after the cooking process. In addition to steamed food, you can also do a Boiled Food Diet with macaroni. Both ways of processing also make the Diet Food Menu Without Healthy Oil.

Ingredients :

1 egg
Handful of boiled macaroons
A little pepper
A little salt
Cayenne (if liked)
Cheese (if liked)
How to cook:

Beat the chicken eggs, put boiled macaroni, pepper, salt, cheese, and sliced ??cayenne pepper
Add the ingredients to a heat-resistant container and steam for 10 minutes
The steamed macaroni eggs are ready to serve
3. Steamed potato steamed macaroni

How to cook macaroni for the next diet is still steamed. Here are the steps and ingredients to make steamed salica potato macaroni easily.

Ingredients :

200 grams or 1 steamed potato
100 grams of boiled macaroni
50 ml of low fat milk
1 egg
Pepper to taste
Olive oil
How to cook:

Saute garlic and bawng bombai that have been sliced thin with olive oil until wilted and fragrant
Put liquid milk then wait until it boils
Add the eggs and stir them quickly so the eggs do not clot
Enter the boiled potatoes and finely ground and stir until mixed
Enter boiled macaroons and small chopped celery.
If all ingredients are already mixed, transfer them to a heat-resistant and steamed container for 20 minutes
After that lift and serve for your diet.
That's three ways of cooking macaroni that you can try as your diet. You can consume macaroni as your lunch menu.
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