Saturday, April 9, 2005

3 Ways To Make Yogurt For A Healthy And Easy Diet

Most people are now starting to leave the Strict Diet Ways that tend to have side effects for health. Different Dangerous Diet Habits also lurk you if you are on a strict diet that is excessive. Because it is now a few ways powerful Diet without side effects are preferred most people, including the Indonesian people to streamline the body. One of the most natural ways of diet is to consume certain foods that have the ability to slim body.

Some research now also proves some good food can help your diet such as Benefits of Chocolate For Diet, the efficacy of milk for diet, and the efficacy of Fruit For Diet. Because it is now a lot of emerging ways of delicious diet, such as How To Diet With Chocolate, How To Diet With Fruits, and How To Diet With Yoghurt. For those of you who are interested in how to diet with yogurt, we will provide a recipe or how to bolt yoghurt for a healthy and easy diet of course.

Recipes Make Yoghurt

Not all yoghurt can be used for diet. In the super market also not many who sell yoghurt specifically for the diet. If any are usually the price is more expensive than ordinary yoghurt.

Therefore we will explore how to make special yoghurt for the diet that you can make yourself at home with simple ingredients but can help your body slimming. In addition to proven to be slimming, homemade yoghurt is also more assured cleanliness. Here's how to make yoghurt for your diet:


1 liter of pure low-fat milk (no taste and try to buy directly on cow's milk farmers or do not use packaging milk).
50 ml or 2 tbsp yoghurt seeds (you can buy at the bakery making shop)
How to make:

Heat pure milk by using a small flame to keep milk from boiling quickly. Because if boiling it will increase the risk of damage to proteins contained in the milk. To keep milk from boiling you are also required to continue stirring milk with a wood spatula for 30 minutes.
After that lift the milk and chill it by moving it to a larger container. Wait for milk until it feels warm or not hot.
If you feel it is not too hot or warm nails then you can immediately put the seeds of yoghurt into the milk.
After that stir until yogurt seeds mixed evenly with milk. You should also make sure the spatula used to stir in a sterile or completely clean condition. If you are unsure, you can take a spatula with hot water before using it for stirring as a sterilization process.
Once mixed, store the milk with a mixture of yoghurt seeds in a closed container. After that use napkins or laps to coat the outside of the container to create a dark condition.
Wait up to 20-24 hours or until the fermentation bacteria live. The sign of live bacteria is the appearance of a yellowish layer and a little thick above the surface of milk.
Then stir using the sterile tool as before
If it is then ready to enjoy yogurt as your diet food.
How to make yoghurt for diet can also add some pieces of fresh fruit such as mango or apple. Pieces of fresh fruit that can be mixed after the yoghurt ready for consumption or ready made. Efficacy Apple For Diet also quite a lot. One is that it contains good fiber for the digestive system when dieting.

Differences Yoghurt Diet

As already discussed earlier that not all yogurt can be used for diet. That's because the content of each yogurt is different. So you must be smart to choose a good yogurt for deit. Here are some of the different yoghurt you should know:

Although almost all yogurt has a sour taste, but not all yogurt is low in fat. And for those who are on a diet should avoid consuming fat in excess. The fat in yoghurt depends on the milk used. Therefore, how to bake yogurt for diet should use low-fat milk.
If you are someone who is on a diet by consuming yogurt, then you should pay attention to the information contained in the yogurt packaging you buy. Especially the description of the flavor of yoghurt. If written 'strawberry yoghurt' then most likely the yoghurt is added strawberry fruit which is good for the diet. but if written 'strawberry yogurt taste then it helps you avoid buying yoghurt it's because the yogurt is only added to the taste instead of fresh fruit.
Even if you go on a diet by consuming yoghurt you should also consider the doses allowed to consume yoghurt daily. In a day you simply consume 200-400 ml yoghurt. How to make your own yoghurt is also more recommended than yoghurt packaging purchased at the supermarket.
That's three different yogurt that is sold in the market and good for diet. You can follow how to make yoghurt for the above diet and keep some of the yellow fermentation results as a starter. So if you want to bolt yoghurt again you do not need to do how to bolt yogurt from scratch.
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