Wednesday, June 13, 2007

7 Ways to Reduce Eating Most Effectively

Are you doing the Carbohydrate Diet? if yes, then white rice is one of the foods that you are definitely avoiding. White rice is the staple food of most people in Asian countries, not least Indonesia. Indonesian people love to consume white rice with various kinds of side dishes. Even white rice is given early as one of the complementary foods. Therefore, the taste and texture of white rice has been firmly attached as a staple food since the first.

7 Ways to Reduce Eating Most Effectively

So do not be surprised if many people who have trouble avoiding white rice while on a diet. Although there are many Food Substitutes Rice for diet. Most people are not satisfied with the result because the texture and taste tend to be different. Therefore, in this article we will give tips and how to reduce white rice when a very effective diet.

How To Reduce White Rice For Beginners

Reduce the portion of rice every meal
If people usually consume 1 cup or 180 grams or 8 to 9 tablespoons every meal. You can reduce the portion to half a cup or 90 grams or 4 to 5 tablespoons at a time. Reducing the portion of the meal in this first stage can be done for every meal that is morning, noon, and night.

Do not eat rice for breakfast
Breakfast is important, especially for those of you who are doing Diet Safe. However, the Healthy Breakfast Menu For Diet is also worth noting. For the second stage how to reduce white rice on an effective diet you can replace white rice with tubers or corn on the cob for breakfast.

One medium boiled sweet potato flour or 2 pieces of corn on the cube measuring 5 cm you can consume as a menu substitute for rice. Both foods contain carbohydrates that can replace carbohydrates from white rice.

Do not eat rice in the morning and evening
After can reduce the portion of white rice from 1 cup to half cup. Then replace the white rice with other foods in the morning. Next you also need to replace white rice with fruit or vegetables for dinner menu. Fruit for diet can be used as the main menu at dinner.

Fruit can be processed into fruit salad or fruit juice. One glass of fruit juice with fresh fruit pieces as toppingnya is enough to make your stomach full without rice at night.

Choose high-fiber vegetables
How to reduce the next white rice is to consume foods high in fiber. Fiber in the body can serve to smooth the digestion and make the stomach feel full longer. That way you are spared from keiingan to consume white rice as staple food.

Vegetables For a good diet to replace the function of rice such as carrots and tomatoes. Both vegetables have a high enough fiber and can be consumed in an easy way. If you want you can consume carrots and tomatoes fresh or unprocessed. Usahana consume organic vegetables to avoid pesticide poison.

Replace white rice with brown rice or brown
How to reduce the next white rice is to replace white rice with brown rice. In addition to being healthier and safer, brown or brown rice also has a higher fiber content and a lower GI value. So you get full faster by consuming only a little red or brown rice.

Meanwhile, a low glycemic or GI index value on a food keeps the food digested longer in the body. So the stomach will feel full longer and avoid hunger. You can read the article How to Cook a Red Rice For a Safe Diet if you want to reduce the consumption of white rice this way.

Choose the right source of fat
How to reduce white rice to six is ??to choose the right source of fat when the diet. To avoid the body of nutritional deficiencies that are needed when dieting. Especially the lack of akrbohidrat from rice, you can also increase the consumption of fatty foods. But note the fat jernis. High-fat foods such as fried foods, red meat, and ready-to-eat foods are foods you should avoid.

While high-fat foods such as avocados, nuts, and salmon are good and may be consumed. Nutritional Beans For Diets not only contain good fats but also contain high in protein.

Less carbohydrates slowly
Most people do Diet Strictly with excessive. Instead stop consuming rice as a carbohydrate-rich diet in lagsung. Though it will actually harm the body and slow the body's metabolism drastically. Therefore you need to pay attention to How to Diet Good in order to avoid adverse side effects for the body.

The seven ways to reduce white rice that you can apply to reduce the intake of carbohydrates when the diet. But before doing that, it helps you consult a doctor first.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007

7 The Most Powerful and Safe Way of Apple Diet

How to Diet Fruit Apples become one type of diet that is popular. Apple is a kind of fruit that may be the oldest fruit grown and developed by humans. Apple itself has long held a special position in mythology and religious especially in continental Europe.

Apples really have a big role in maintaining health. This is evident from the English proverb that says "an apple a day, will keep the doctors away". This is a clear evidence that apples are considered efficacious for maintaining and maintaining a healthy body.

How to Diet Apple Fruit

Likewise, in controlling and regulating weight by regulating the nutrients of food we accept or that are more popularly known today as diet, apples play an important role. Why is that? Because apples are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals that will help your body to have a better metabolism. Apples are also a tonic for the nervous system that aids digestion and acts as a laxative. Apples depending on the size only have about 80 to 100 calories per fruit.

Well, with so many benefits in apples, the English proverb in modern times is spoofed into "an apple a day, will keep the extra pounds away". Is that right? According to recent research conducted on food chemistry, this is a fact that can be proved because apples contain components that can not be digested. This component will then help the development and growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system that is directly related to weight loss. (Read also: How to Diet Carbohydrates)

How does this work? Basically, when you eat apples, there are 2 components of apples that do not decompose in the digestion, namely fiber and polyphenols. Both components in this apple through various stages of digestion without being digested until they go through the process of fermentation that occurs in the colon. Inside your large intestine, fibers and polyphenols are fermented and then feed the good bacteria that live there and help your body to reduce the population of harmful bacteria present in the colon.

By restoring the balance of microbes in the digestion, it will help to reduce the risk of obesity and at the same time help you to get a sense of satiety and thus prevent you to overeat. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice). So we've seen above that the apple is very useful to help you lose weight. Then you must ask, what is the way to run a diet with apples?

1. Consult With Doctor

you first before starting an apple diet. Your doctor will know and recommend whether you can run this diet. This is especially important because dieting can have side effects like fatigue and nutritional deficiencies. You must remember to always eat healthy foods and natural foods are always better than packaged foods. (Read Also: How to Diet Sugar)

2. Know the Benefits of Apple

Some of the benefits of apples that we need to know before eating an apple diet are:

Improve heart health
Lose weight
Prevent both types of diabetes
Increase life expectancy
Maintain the digestive system
Healthy teeth
Controlling sugar in the blood
Lower cholesterol
3. Select Apple Type

Different types of apples will provide different nutrients and health benefits. Before you start an apple diet, it helps you find the best apple to be able to support your diet runs to the maximum. Organic apples are a type of apple grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, making it the safest type of apple to eat. Other apple types like Granny Smith, Liberty, Red Delicious, honeycrisp and Braeburn are good choices and contain high nutrients. But there are some types of apples like Golden Delicious that contain high levels of sugar. (Read also: How to Diet Fast)

4. Reduce the Portion of Eating

Remember to avoid overeating before starting an apple diet. Before you start an apple diet, it's good to slowly reduce the portion of the meal, especially three days before you start apple diet.

5. Focus Mind For Diet

Your diet will not work if you are easily tempted to snack during your dieting. You must have strong intentions and desires. Focus your mind on your desire to live healthy and do not be easily tempted with other foods. If you really can not help it, then you can divert it by eating an apple. (Also Read: Low Calorie Diet Food)

6. Consuming White Water

Do not forget to drink water at least 2 liters a day to keep your body hydrated well. Because 70% of the human body consists of fluid, then water will help the body's metabolism to stay smooth. By drinking water will also help your body to get rid of toxins.

7. Doing Sports

After all the diet is well regulated for the success of the apple diet, then the thing to do is exercise. Exercise is a very supportive activity of a diet program. You can do light exercise such as jogging, cycling, yoga, or other sports. Do this light exercise regularly at least 3 times a week. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports)

The Apple Fruit Diet Menu
Here we will share ways to diet apples are good and correct so you can get maximum benefits. Anything? Let's see how to diet apples for 5 days as follows:

Day 1

Breakfast: 2 apples
Lunch: 1 apple
Dinner: 3 apples
You must remember that on this first day you eat only apples and do not eat other foods. The total weight of apples you eat on this day is about 1.5 pounds. Apples are rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. All of these nutrients are nutrients needed by the body to maintain levels of fat in the body, heart health and help improve brain function and prevent various diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's and gastrointestinal irritation. (Also Read: How To Diet The Right GM)

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 apple and a glass of pure milk or soy milk
Lunch: 1 apple and green salad with 2 medium carrots and half medium size bits. Make salad dressing from mint leaves, Dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper
Dinner: 2 apples
On this second day you can eat apples along with a healthy lunch of vegetable major. This will help you to tap the necessary nutrients from vegetables. In addition, olive oil is an excellent source of healthy fats and will help keep the strength of the cell membrane in the body. (Read Also: How To Diet Carbohydrates)

Day 3

Breakfast: 1 apple and 1 cap from a grain and scrambled egg
Lunch: 1 apple and a salad made of beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, mint leaves, salt and pepper
Afternoon snack: 1 cup of low-fat yogurt
Dinner: 1 apple and lentil bean soup OR 1 apple and smoked turkey, carrots and broccoli salad.
Today is the time when you get protein foods. Protein is a nutrient that helps build our body. Start your harvest with a good protein source such as scrambled egg. Use chicken eggs. Beans are also rich in prtein and will help you to feel full for longer periods of time. Yogurt is the source of good bacteria that will help your digestion. For dinner, eat a protein source and 1 apple. Since you've been eating apples for 2 consecutive days, your body may lack energy for digestion and metabolism. Therefore, do not eat too much. (Read Also: Blood Type Diet O)

Day 4

Breakfast: 1 apple and smoothie from cabbage vegetable
Lunch: 1 apple and vegetable digrill OR 1 apple and clear vegetable soup
Afternoon snack: 1 bowl of watermelon OR 1 orange and 1 cup green tea or black tea.
Dinner: 1 apple and a smoothie from a mixture of beetroot and celery OR 1 apple and a salad of vegetarian lettuce.
On this day start your day by eating apples and cabbage smoothie. Vegetable cabbage helps you to lose weight and makes you feel full for longer periods. A vegetarian lunch today will help you get the nutrients your body needs from a variety of vegetables including green vegetables and other colored vegetables.

Green tea and the black is a recommended drink because it is rich in antioxidants. In addition, it is also recommended for you to drink fruit juice or eat fruit. The antioxidant from tea will help your body to remove all toxic substances from within your body. Close your day by eating a vegetarian dinner that will help digest your body. (Read Also: Diet Food Combining Menu)

Day 5

Breakfast: 1 apple and 1 boiled egg OR 1 apple and 1 bottled pumpkin juice
Lunch: 1 apple and vegetable grill OR 1 apple and clear vegetable soup
Afternoon snack: 2 almonds or 1 peach and 1 cup green tea and 1 biscuit
Dinner: 1 apple and steamed fish and asparagus OR 1 apple and red beans and peppers.
On this last day you are allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, good fats, good carbohydrates and protein. This combined food will help your body to recover from the low calorie diet you have been living for the last few days.

Remember always that when you follow the stages, you want your body to do the metabolism. To help your body metabolism, do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day as long as you run this apple diet.

Easy and simple is not it? So keep your spirit and try to follow the apple diet as we described above. Good luck well!
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