Wednesday, November 28, 2018

13 Blood Type A Diet - Food and Drink

Blood Type A Diet A diet can be the right reference for those of you who are on a diet based on blood type. Along with the development of the times, dietary trends also continue to change. Starting from a fruit diet, to a diet without carbohydrates is tried by those who want to have a slim and slim body shape. Recently, a diet based on blood type emerged and attracted many people to try it. Many believe that a blood type based diet can be more effective at reducing weight when compared to other types of diets. (Read also: Paleo Diet)

Blood Type Diet A diet

Do you know, from blood type we can know the character of someone? Both positive and weak things can be found in everyone, and vary in each blood group. For blood type A, following its uniqueness (also read: Natural Diet Method)

Good Food for Blood Type Diet A
For blood type A, some foods will help you to have a healthy and ideal body. Especially if you yourself are naturally susceptible to interference such as stress and difficulty sleeping, food intake as much as possible you choose that does not affect the production of stress hormones. Especially for you who are in weight loss program, sufficient nutritional intake still needed by the body. Here are the foods you can try: (Also read: Blood Type Diet A)

1. Soy or Nuts

Soy or beans contain lots of protein. Protein itself is a substance that is needed for energy production in the body and increase muscle mass. For 1 cup of soybeans equivalent to 172 grams, contains 30% carbohydrates, 40% fat, 30% protein. (Read also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

2. Salmon Fish

Salmon is also very good for consumption by those with blood type A, and is on a diet program. In 159 grams of salmon meat contains 0% carbohydrates, 27% fat and 73% protein. (Read also: How to diet fast)

3. Olive Oil

Extremely delicious olive oil is consumed in addition to the vegetable salad. It is also suitable for you who want to be healthy and have a slim body. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports)

4. Green Vegetables

To keep the body fit and avoid fat accumulation, multiply the consumption of green vegetables. Spinach one of them, it is advisable to give you a lot of fiber intake so as to prevent constipation and launch body metabolism. (Also read: Healthy Drinks for Diet)

5. Garlic

Did you know that garlic is good for improving blood circulation? For nutrients in 1 cup of garlic contain vitamin C 71%, 25% calcium and 13% iron useful for the formation of red blood cells and low fat. (Also read: How to Diet with Water)

6. Onion Red

In Indonesia, red onion is very popular in addition to cooking spices or can be fried to sprinkle food and aroma enhancer. In addition to the delicious taste, it turns out the onion also has many properties and became one of the highly recommended for the owner of blood type A. (Read also: How to Diet with Lime)

7. Different Types of Berry Fruit

Berry berries have long been known to help in weight loss. In addition, consuming berries is also very healthy. So that your body can be ideal and importantly healthy.

Green Tea

Green tea or green tea is increasingly popular these days. Even not only in the form of brewed, green tea can also be enjoyed in the form of chocolate and steeping a glass of coffee. Green tea is proven to contain many antioxidants and other substances that are useful for the health of the body. One of them EGCG or Epigallocatechin gallate substances that help launch the body's metabolism. Therefore, green tea is also known as the healthiest beverage in the world. (Read also: How to Diet with Lemon Fruit)

Foods to Avoid Blood Type A
The Blood Type A Diet consists of several types of foods and drinks. Lose weight or known by the term diet sometimes easy-difficult. And it turns out, for certain blood type there are some foods that should be avoided. Blood type A for example, as previously described, is very susceptible to stress. For that, here are some foods that should be avoided blood type A. (Also read: Diet Mayo Diet)

Meat poultry such as chicken and duck and its processed
Eggs and foods made from eggs
Milk and dairy foods
Seafood like octopus, scallops
Soft drink
Alcoholic beverages
Black tea
Sweet potato
The Uniqueness of Blood Type A

1. Stress easily

Everyone can experience stress because of various causes. And unfortunately, in people with blood type A, they are more susceptible to stress. This is because naturally Blood Type A people produce many stress-inducing cortisol hormones. And if in certain situations that make it depressed, this hormone cortisol will be more produced.

2. Frequent sleep disorders

Stress that often attacks in people with blood type A sometimes causes difficulty sleeping. This condition can be more intense if people with blood type A is confronted in certain situations. (Read Also: Blood Type B Diet)

3. Easy Fat

Still associated with stress hormones that are produced more by people with blood type A, they tend to decrease muscle mass. And conversely, they will very easily absorb fat. As a result, weight can be very easy to grow. (Read also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

4. Blood easily clot

Again this is a matter of high levels of stress hormones, causing easy blood clot. To avoid increased production of cortisol known as stress hormones, those with blood type A are strongly advised to avoid the following:

Fragrant perfume that is too stinging
Many eat sweet
The show is violent
Stay up late
Eat when anxiety or worry
In addition there are some things to avoid, here are the things that can be done to control the production of stress hormones:

Often eat in small quantities. It can also help stabilize blood sugar in the body
Have a regular daily schedule
Sleep before 11 pm
Minimum rest 20 minutes while working
Consume more protein
Exercising at least 3 times a week
Conduct heart check regularly
Two Types of Blood Type A
There are two types of blood group A namely A negative and A positive. To know the difference with the explanation:

1. A Negative

Of the total population of the world, only about 6.3% of them who have blood type A. This makes blood group A as a very rare blood type. For that, it is advisable for those of you who have blood type A negative and have prime condition, transfusing blood to the nearest PMI. To help those with the same blood type who are in need of help. (Also read: Blood Type Diet O)

2. A Positive

Good news for those who have a blood type A positive. A positive being one of the most common blood groups. Approximately 35.7% of the world's population of blood type A positive. (Also read: AB Blood Type Diet)

Many people find it difficult to get rid of meat consumption. If you are one of them, you can start by avoiding the consumption of fatty meat. Start subtracting the intensity, and replace it with a replacement food like a healthier mushroom. Similarly, eggs and milk, if you are still very fond of these foods, you can still consume it but limit the amount.
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