Wednesday, December 19, 2018

15 Ways to Diet With Lemon Fruit Most Powerful and Successful

How to Diet With Lemon Fruit is a very effective way to lose weight. Perhaps many people are doing various ways to diet. There are those who do with sports or any of the instant, like taking drugs that are often sold on various online sites. But do you know the way that done by way of drinking instant drugs always cause very harmful effects of our body organs, then slowly our body will start to hurt. Preferably, the diet is done in a natural way, why?

Because, by natural we will be easy to make and natural processes will not do side effects. As exercise is one natural way that we can do, but if our diet is not regular this is also the same effort we do fail. There are many types of fruits and vegetables that can make our body as ideal. However, in this article it turns out the lemon fruit is also no less useful in other fruits and vegetables.

15 Ways to Diet With Lemon Fruit Most Powerful and Successful

There are still many people who are confused how to process a diet that is correct and healthy. This healthy menu can also be processed with lemon. For those of you lemon lovers, and again try a diet with this lemon. There are tips and easy way when processing lemon fruit. This lemon fruit can be made with a mixture of drinks, not just drinks but can also be processed in foods as well. Want to know tips and how? Here are easy and practical ways.

Made As Drink
Can be made with water, how to prepare warm or cold water and then cut lemon with the size of taste. After that, mix lemon into the water. Then ready to drink.
Can be made with tea, how to make hot or cold tea and then cut lemon with the size of the taste can and cut into pieces of mint leaves to increase the taste. Mix the ingredients into tea, ready to drink.
Can be made with a drink mojito, how to prepare soda in cold conditions that have been mixed by syrup (select according to taste). Then add the lemons that have been cut into pieces, and add a stawberry that has been cut, to beautify drinks can be added mint leaves.
Make ice fruit with lemon, the same prepared ingredients depending on the fruit you want to use. After that, mix the finished fruit ice with 1/2 lemon juice, and the rest can be cut and put into the fruit ice
Lemon Honey Water, this can be made in the same way as ingredients like, water, lemon, and honey. Mix one by one slowly. Stir and ready to serve.
Lemon cucumber ice, the ingredients that need to be prepared such as sugar, water, pandan leaves, cucumber, and lemon flavored water. Mix ingredients into one gradually. Once ready to be drunk.
Made For Food
1. Fish crispy lemon sauce

how to make crispy fish with ingredients such as fish (anything), flour, and eggs. Once the ingredients are ready to fry, then make the sauce. How to squeeze lemon sisihkaan water. Puree ingredients such as garlic, onion, ginger and stir-fry. Add sugar and salt, after dissolved mix with cornstarch. Then, lemon sauce is ready for crispy fish.

2. Lemon Cheese Cake

how to prepare the usual cake ingredients namely, flour, egg, margarine, developer, softener, sugar, and complement such as lemon and cheese. Then usual you make to make a cake or you can search diinternet materials. How to add lemon when the ingredients have been mixed all but the last ingredient is liquid margarine. Add 3 tablespoons lemon juice to the dough. Go back the way as usual.

3. Lemon Lean Pudding

materials made the same as, packaging pudding, coconut milk that has been squeezed by coconut, sugar, and lemon complementary materials. Added with coconut milk and on before the process want to put into the mold add lemon water flavor according to taste. Then after pudding so, use the remaining lemon as a decoration dipudding.

4. Lemon Fruit Salad

prepare the ingredients such as salad, kiwi, watermelon, pear, apple, banana, mango, orange, and pineapple, (can be selected according to taste). Cut the fruit into small or taste sizes and mix with lemon juice or can also be cut into small pieces and mixed in other ingredients. Do not forget to add mayonise as a salad flavor. Then stir the ingredients together, and one of the lemons is ready to eat.

Processed With Other Lemon Fruit Variations
1. Yellow Pepper Juice of Lemon Carrots

The ingredients are 1/2 yellow pepper or can be replaced with green or red peppers, 1 carrot, 1 lemon then take the water as its ingredient, 1/2 cup water about 100mL, and sugar according to the dose (better not use sugar when it is in diet process). Once the material is available so one, then blend all the ingredients together until smooth. After that pour and serve the glass.

2. Lemon Mint Watermelon Juice

Prepare watermelon or can be replaced with other fruits other than watermelon according to taste. After that the ingredients of watermelon are cut into pieces, lemon juice 5 tablespoons, sugar, and mint leaves. Mix the ingredients into one blender. After that, add the mint leaves to the juice and ready to serve and drink. It is suitable for those who are on a diet trip.

 3. Lemon Ice With Lemon

Prepare the ingredients like 2 lemon juice water, 1/2 juice sankis or grapefruit juice, sugar according to taste, 3 mint leaves, 200 mL water, after the material is ready mixed one by one into one. Stir into one, after the ingredients have been tasty can be prepared and can be directly drunk. Suitable drink daily for diet users.

4. Chicken sauce Oyster Mix Lemon

the ingredients are 1 chopped chicken, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon water ginger odor of abuses of chicken, onion, garlic, and mix 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Then saute onion, garlic, and ginger that has been mashed after enter the chicken that has been fried cooked, add soy sauce after that sweet soy sauce, and finally enter lemon water.

5. Brownies Chocolate variations of Lemon

The ingredients are flour, egg, softener, cocoa powder, liquid chocolate, margarine and lemon water variation. Then mix the ingredients one by one in the mixer into a thick and soft dough. Enter in the cake cake according to taste form. Preheat the oven 18o degrees, after heat insert into the oven wait for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes lift, serve, and cut to taste. Ready to eat right away.

Benefits contained in Lemon Fruit
Lemon is one of the oval-shaped fruit, lemon is also often used for cooking. Lemon is the same role as lemon when cooking. This is because lemon is rich in vitamin C bigger than lime. Vitamin C contained by lemon fruit is up to 88%. Here are other benefits of lemon.

Eliminates dehydration
Lemon acids that can help us when we are thirsty, because lemon acid that can break down the leftovers we eat. So the thirst was gone.

Lose Weight Naturally
Acid water content contained in lemon fruit can help us lose weight. This acidic water works to dissolve the saturated fats in our body and burn excessive calories in our body.

Increase Vitamin C
Vitamin C contained in lemon fruit is very much from the fruit of lime. This vitamin C content is excellent for maintaining and strengthening the immune system in the body. It can also repair damaged cells in the body.

Shrink the Pot Belly
Vitamin C contained in lemon fruit, was able to neutralize the fat in the stomach. So that the stomach can shrink little by little.

Can Whiten Skin
The fruit is very high vitamin C extract is very good for the skin, how to care with a mask with lemon skin.

Overcoming Flatulence
If you are the one who may often experience flatulence, this can be tried tipsnya. Warm water mixed with the feeling of lemon water can control for those of you who overcome a bloated stomach.

Eliminating blackheads
Same with skin facial tightening, it turns out citric acid is also able to eliminate blackheads. The function of citric acid is also able to tighten the pores and banish back blackheads on our face.

Eliminate Black Spots
Lemon flavor water has many benefits, but its skin is also very useful. Proven lemon skin is able to remove the marks of black spots or black spots. By doing mask treatment with lemon skin, able to prevent the loss of black spots one by one.

Side Effects Of Lemon Fruit Diet
Although lemon is very beneficial, but the way the diet with lemon fruit also has side effects (Read also: Dangers of Extreme Diet). Because very acidic lemon fruit can make organs such as pain, stomach ulcer or tipes because the stomach can not accept the amount of acid content in the stomach. There are many more side effects, here's the full explanation on this bahwah.

1. Problems For the Stomach

This happens because the acid contained in the lemon is so strong that it can damage the stomach wall causing pain such as ulcers, tipes, or liver.

2. Dangers to the kidneys

For those of you who are having problems in your kidneys, should be avoided. Because the water contained in the lemon is able to absorb calcium in our body, and can damage the kidneys.

3. Causes allergies

For those of you who have allergies should be advised not to drink or eat this lemon. Because some articles read many who have allergies on this lemon fruit.

4. Damaging the tooth enimel

Acid water from lemon fruit will make the enimel scraping the tooth. It can damage your white teeth to dull yellow.

5. Reproduce Iron

The fruits contained in this lemon fruit contain lots of iron, and if often continuously consumed will cause the absorption of excess iron. Research revealed that ascorbic acid content is high. When iron is continuously absorbed and stored every day in the body, it can cause poisoning, such as diarrhea and nausea.

6. Can Make Osteoporosis

This lemon can also make you crack the bone. The amount of potassium contained in this lemon fruit, can also damage to the bones that can cause osteoporosis.

7. Reduced Nutrition

Although lemon juice water is very good for diet, but if we almost every day drink lemon is also not good on our nutrition. Lemon fruit that can lower fat and can reduce these calories. If the calories decrease steadily, the nutrients in our body decreases, and our body becomes weak.

How, many can not do the diet with the most powerful lemon fruit. Many also tips and benefits of what is contained in the lemon. However, of all the advantages lemon also has many of these deficiencies that can cause side effects on lemon fruit.
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Monday, December 10, 2018

15 How To Diet For Lazy People To Lose The Most Powerful Weight

How To Diet For Lazy People could be your choice if you are lazy to diet. Often a person complains about his weight gain. But also they are lazy to do diet and also sports. But there is no term to get the ideal weight in a lazy way. But in this article will help you in losing weight but you are lazy to diet. Let's see!

How To Diet For Lazy People

Here are some ways that can be done for people who are lazy to diet but want the ideal weight. (Also Read: Dangers of Mayo Diet)

1. Stay Active Moves

Most people are lazy to do diet program for many reasons, one of them afraid of hunger or other. But for those of you who are lazy but want to keep getting the ideal weight you can use one of these ways that remain active move. That way your body will experience metabolism and will burn your calories. Examples for staying active are getting used to walking rather than using a vehicle, preferring stairs rather than elevators. By actively moving will make the muscles in the body becomes more lax and also supple. Or you can do homework jobs such as sweeping, mopping, cleaning the glass is also one example of active moves. (Read Also: Dangers of Carbohydrate Diet)

2. Perform Workout

A workout is a simple exercise done at home on a regular basis. The workout consists of heating and also some movements, and every movement is done for 30 seconds and the lag time to rest 10 seconds. Workout can be done inside the house if you are very busy person but still want to have ideal body. You can use the equipment at home to do the workout. For example you can use the chair for step up and down for 30 seconds in turn. Then you can also use a gallon of water as a barbell to form your hand muscles. Perform a daily workout for just 7 minutes then your body will stay fit and healthy. (Also Read: How to Diet Breastfeeding Mom)

3. Do Push-Up

Push-Up is a movement up and down the body with the support of the hands and feet. Push-Up is able to train the strength of the hand muscles and also make a bulging belly to be tight and not sagged. Are you a very busy person and do not have time to sport or be lazy? You can do Push-Up in your office during lunchtime for 10 minutes but daily routine will make your stomach fall off quickly. (Read Also: The Challenge of Banana Diets)

4. Cycling to the Workplace

People in this highly advanced age, want everything practical and fast. Including transportation to work. Prestige also dong when going to work but not using a motorcycle or car. But if you get rid of your prestige for the sake of health, there is no harm in trying to go to work by bicycle. In addition to saving costs and avoiding street jams, cycling will also keep your body healthy and your leg muscles are trained for tough. Cycling to the workplace is not necessary every day, maybe enough 3 times a week. (Read Also: How to Process Vegetables For Diet Menu)

5. The Way to Relax

Relaxing way can also be a way of dieting for lazy people. Examples of small things that we can practice is often we just go to supermarkets or traditional markets better use of motorcycles. But you should immediately change your habits by walking. Why is that? because in addition to saving on parking fees, you can also train your leg muscles to do the hard. (Read Also: The Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Diet)

6. Avoid Fast Food

Fast food should you avoid if you want to get the ideal weight. Because in fast food there is a content that when entered into the body can be a little or even excessive amount. Like the example of sugar, salt, and MSG that we can not control, not to mention the oil used to cook food. The best way is to cook your own home favorite food with sugar, salt, MSG that match your dosage. (Read Also: Diet Inside Diet)

7. Avoid Snack or Snack Food

Similar to fast food, snacks should also be avoided because in snack foods also contain sugar, salt, MSG that do not fit the dosage. Plus snack foods can also contain harmful ingredients such as food preservatives or food colorings. So the diet for people who are lazy one of them by avoiding snacks to keep the body healthy and ideal body weight. (Also Read: How To Diet Apple Fruit)

8. Do not Leave Breakfast

Breakfast is an important thing when you will do the activity, because with breakfast you will not weak and weak. Better at a breakfast meal that much for energy, for lunch reduced in number than breakfast. And for dinner it is better to eat fruit just so as not to cause fat accumulation in the body. Breakfast can also make the brain become more focused and concentrated than the stomach in an empty state. (Also Read: Low Calorie Diet Food)

9. Consuming White Water

Water is very good for the body such as ward off free radicals, remove toxic substances, facilitate the performance of the kidney. We are required to consume at least 2 liters of water a day. It's hard to get used to drinking water in large quantities. But you can mencapurkan lemon juice or native honey to add flavor to water. (Read Also: How to Diet Sugar)

10. Weigh Weight Routinely

Weighing the weight routinely aims to let us know our weight, thus we know our weight every month has increased or decreased. If we know that we gain weight, we will be more motivated to lose weight. Either with diet, exercise or taking medication. (Read Also: Diet Food Combining Menu)

11. Standing

A study revealed that standing more burns calories than sitting. Due to standing, the leg muscles are withdrawn and work properly for muscle work. Imagine if we are in work just sitting every day, leg muscles are not trained. Should walk for 5 minutes every hour you work. Another example is you can choose to stand on the bus despite getting an empty seat. (Read Also: How To Diet Without Eating Rice)

12. Sleep

Sleep was also able to lose weight. But must with the right rule of sleep for 7 hours in a day. But if you sleep less you will be more likely to be obese. Because people who are difficult to sleep or insomnia are people who have a lot of thought and consequently you will instead eat to overcome your insomnia. (Read Also: Diet Tips Without Eating Rice)

13. Chewing Gum

Chewing gum can be your choice when you feel hungry and also when you want to eat snacks. By chewing gum anyway you will keep your jaws moving, then your chubby cheeks will soon disappear and become gaunt. (Read Also: OCD Diet Tips For Beginners)

14. Lowering Room Temperature

According to one study, cold temperatures can lose weight. Why is that? Because when the body is cold, fat will experience metabolism to regulate the temperature in the body. You can adjust your air conditioner temperature by 20 ° C. (Also Read: How To Diet The Right GM)

15. Consuming Spicy Food

Spicy foods can be an option you want to be ideal body weight but lazy to diet. Spicy foods can trigger you to sweat and the body undergoes metabolism. So the fat can burn and come out through the skin in the form of sweat.

So that's how the diet for lazy people who might be your reference to keep the ideal weight. But you should always keep healthy and diligent exercise to keep the body healthy and fresh. So there is no such thing as the ideal weight without keeping the intake of eating and also sports.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

13 Blood Type A Diet - Food and Drink

Blood Type A Diet A diet can be the right reference for those of you who are on a diet based on blood type. Along with the development of the times, dietary trends also continue to change. Starting from a fruit diet, to a diet without carbohydrates is tried by those who want to have a slim and slim body shape. Recently, a diet based on blood type emerged and attracted many people to try it. Many believe that a blood type based diet can be more effective at reducing weight when compared to other types of diets. (Read also: Paleo Diet)

Blood Type Diet A diet

Do you know, from blood type we can know the character of someone? Both positive and weak things can be found in everyone, and vary in each blood group. For blood type A, following its uniqueness (also read: Natural Diet Method)

Good Food for Blood Type Diet A
For blood type A, some foods will help you to have a healthy and ideal body. Especially if you yourself are naturally susceptible to interference such as stress and difficulty sleeping, food intake as much as possible you choose that does not affect the production of stress hormones. Especially for you who are in weight loss program, sufficient nutritional intake still needed by the body. Here are the foods you can try: (Also read: Blood Type Diet A)

1. Soy or Nuts

Soy or beans contain lots of protein. Protein itself is a substance that is needed for energy production in the body and increase muscle mass. For 1 cup of soybeans equivalent to 172 grams, contains 30% carbohydrates, 40% fat, 30% protein. (Read also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

2. Salmon Fish

Salmon is also very good for consumption by those with blood type A, and is on a diet program. In 159 grams of salmon meat contains 0% carbohydrates, 27% fat and 73% protein. (Read also: How to diet fast)

3. Olive Oil

Extremely delicious olive oil is consumed in addition to the vegetable salad. It is also suitable for you who want to be healthy and have a slim body. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports)

4. Green Vegetables

To keep the body fit and avoid fat accumulation, multiply the consumption of green vegetables. Spinach one of them, it is advisable to give you a lot of fiber intake so as to prevent constipation and launch body metabolism. (Also read: Healthy Drinks for Diet)

5. Garlic

Did you know that garlic is good for improving blood circulation? For nutrients in 1 cup of garlic contain vitamin C 71%, 25% calcium and 13% iron useful for the formation of red blood cells and low fat. (Also read: How to Diet with Water)

6. Onion Red

In Indonesia, red onion is very popular in addition to cooking spices or can be fried to sprinkle food and aroma enhancer. In addition to the delicious taste, it turns out the onion also has many properties and became one of the highly recommended for the owner of blood type A. (Read also: How to Diet with Lime)

7. Different Types of Berry Fruit

Berry berries have long been known to help in weight loss. In addition, consuming berries is also very healthy. So that your body can be ideal and importantly healthy.

Green Tea

Green tea or green tea is increasingly popular these days. Even not only in the form of brewed, green tea can also be enjoyed in the form of chocolate and steeping a glass of coffee. Green tea is proven to contain many antioxidants and other substances that are useful for the health of the body. One of them EGCG or Epigallocatechin gallate substances that help launch the body's metabolism. Therefore, green tea is also known as the healthiest beverage in the world. (Read also: How to Diet with Lemon Fruit)

Foods to Avoid Blood Type A
The Blood Type A Diet consists of several types of foods and drinks. Lose weight or known by the term diet sometimes easy-difficult. And it turns out, for certain blood type there are some foods that should be avoided. Blood type A for example, as previously described, is very susceptible to stress. For that, here are some foods that should be avoided blood type A. (Also read: Diet Mayo Diet)

Meat poultry such as chicken and duck and its processed
Eggs and foods made from eggs
Milk and dairy foods
Seafood like octopus, scallops
Soft drink
Alcoholic beverages
Black tea
Sweet potato
The Uniqueness of Blood Type A

1. Stress easily

Everyone can experience stress because of various causes. And unfortunately, in people with blood type A, they are more susceptible to stress. This is because naturally Blood Type A people produce many stress-inducing cortisol hormones. And if in certain situations that make it depressed, this hormone cortisol will be more produced.

2. Frequent sleep disorders

Stress that often attacks in people with blood type A sometimes causes difficulty sleeping. This condition can be more intense if people with blood type A is confronted in certain situations. (Read Also: Blood Type B Diet)

3. Easy Fat

Still associated with stress hormones that are produced more by people with blood type A, they tend to decrease muscle mass. And conversely, they will very easily absorb fat. As a result, weight can be very easy to grow. (Read also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

4. Blood easily clot

Again this is a matter of high levels of stress hormones, causing easy blood clot. To avoid increased production of cortisol known as stress hormones, those with blood type A are strongly advised to avoid the following:

Fragrant perfume that is too stinging
Many eat sweet
The show is violent
Stay up late
Eat when anxiety or worry
In addition there are some things to avoid, here are the things that can be done to control the production of stress hormones:

Often eat in small quantities. It can also help stabilize blood sugar in the body
Have a regular daily schedule
Sleep before 11 pm
Minimum rest 20 minutes while working
Consume more protein
Exercising at least 3 times a week
Conduct heart check regularly
Two Types of Blood Type A
There are two types of blood group A namely A negative and A positive. To know the difference with the explanation:

1. A Negative

Of the total population of the world, only about 6.3% of them who have blood type A. This makes blood group A as a very rare blood type. For that, it is advisable for those of you who have blood type A negative and have prime condition, transfusing blood to the nearest PMI. To help those with the same blood type who are in need of help. (Also read: Blood Type Diet O)

2. A Positive

Good news for those who have a blood type A positive. A positive being one of the most common blood groups. Approximately 35.7% of the world's population of blood type A positive. (Also read: AB Blood Type Diet)

Many people find it difficult to get rid of meat consumption. If you are one of them, you can start by avoiding the consumption of fatty meat. Start subtracting the intensity, and replace it with a replacement food like a healthier mushroom. Similarly, eggs and milk, if you are still very fond of these foods, you can still consume it but limit the amount.
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Thursday, November 15, 2018

12 Ways to Diet With Water Only Without Exercise Quickly

How To Diet With Water Without sport is the most lucrative choice for those of you who are lazy to do physical activity. It is very nice to have a proportional body as we wish. Because often many women complain about weight. Especially after knowing the needle on the scales move towards the right. Various ways are done to lower body weight such as diet, exercise, diet and other ways.

Diet itself many kinds. Starting from the usual diet to the extraordinary or extreme (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet). This time we will discuss about one of the famous diet among the people of Indonesia. Not many are also doing the diet carelessly or just find out on the internet. The principle of a good and proper diet for the body to drink enough water, eat according to your portion, reduce the consumption of foods containing sugar, limit consumption of carbohydrates such as rice, and do not consume fast food or commonly called junk food.

Diet With Water

Diet with water is very good indeed. Diet with water that is by consuming lots of water every day. Thus the more minerals that enter into our bodies the more calories are burned. By increasing the volume of water we drink every day it is very effective against weight loss. This diet strongly recommends us to drink lots of water. So one can reduce the consumption of sweet or sugary foods that contain lots of sugar. With this new habit you will reduce the calories in your body. Besides multiply drinking water imbangi also by consuming green fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Water

Eliminates Dehydration
Makes skin more lustrous and not dull
Helps to lose weight
Maintaining Kidney Performance
Maintain a Fluid Balance in the body
Improve brain function
Prevent constipation
Prevent premature aging
Helps reduce levels of toxins in the body through urine released
Improve the circulatory system
Treating headaches
Keeps the skin moist
Reduce stress and calm the nerves
The normal digestive system
Increase power
Set the temperature in the body
Diet Tips With White Water

How to diet with water is classified very easy. Water also contains many positive ions for the body. How to diet with water is WITH WHITE WATER WHITE ARE MULTY 2 CLASS PER 30 MINUTES. By using this method we will often drink and even will often visit the bathroom. It can also help the performance of the kidneys so that kidney health is maintained. The activity of drinking 2 glasses of water per 30 minutes is done regularly. Because you will feel your body feels lighter, fresher and fitter. In addition to the water diet, do not forget to mix with fruit and vegetables (Read Also: Healthy Foods For Diet). Because it can complement the intake of nutrients in the body.

1. Drink Water Before Eating

How to diet with water quickly without the most powerful exercise is to drink before eating. Why drink 1 glass of water before eating? Because by drinking 1 cup before eating can help reduce hunger, so we already feel full and eat little rice. Thus the calories absorbed by the body the less. Drinking water before meals can also avoid us from the usual hiccups are very disturbing.

2. Drink 2 cups of water after waking up in the morning

When waking up our stomach must be empty. Because the dinner has been digested and absorbed by the body. In addition to foods that have been digested the body also lacks a lot of fluids. With so drink 2 glasses of water after waking up in the morning can make us feel full. It also can lose weight, make skin brighter and fresh, can clean the intestines, kidneys are healthier and launch a bowel movement. So by drinking water in the morning keeps us from constipation.

3. Reduce Hunger With White Water

When hungry of course we really want to eat the food we like. After eating carbohydrates we eat snacks such as chips or candy. But if we want to keep our bodies good and proportional let alone who is on a diet maybe that wishful fantasy should be buried away. Better we eliminate our hunger it by menimum about 2 to 3 glasses of water. Thus you will feel full at once.

4. Drinking Over 4 Liters of Water Per Day

If you are in the process of drinking then drink about 4 liters of water per day. This is very important because the water can malerutkan fat and toxins that stick in the body through the urine we spend.

5. Drink more water than packaged drinks

Packaging drinks sold in stores are good. But the longer and more we drink it we can be sure we will be addicted to the sweet taste. In the beverage packaging also found many ingredients that are not good for health. Such as artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Artificial sweeteners in beverage packaging can cause obesity or obesity, the emergence of diabetes. Because it contains artificial sweetener carcinogens can also cause heart cancer. Then perbanyaklah drinking water is very much usefulness.

6. Detox with water

Water is very good for the body. White water can detox all the toxins in the body. Detox with water is to soak the fruits in water that has been cut first and drink it after a few hours later. This method is well done a week because it can interfere with the nutrients in your body such as protein and fiber.

7. Drink warm water

By consuming warm water every day it will help you lose weight. warm water is better than cold water. In addition, warm water can also make the body feel more comfortable because it can warm the stomach.

8. Green tea

In addition to multiply drinking water, can also combine drinking green tea. Green tea proved to be very powerful as well as losing weight.

9. Sport and drink water

In addition to regulating the diet, diet should also be balanced with exercise. Do light exercise for 30 minutes per day this will also help you lose weight. After 30 minutes of exercise will definitely feel tired thirst. So hurry to drink because it can replace lost ions while exercising.

10. Consistent with the water diet

After seeing the results of the diet with water is very powerful to lose weight, then after the time the diet program still use the diet with this white water throughout the day without ignoring other nutrients for the body.
11. Combine the water diet with salad

Salad consists of vegetables and fruits are good if consumed. When the diet with water is also multiply eating salads, because salads can also balance the necessary nutrients in the body.

12. Drink water all day long

Water is a lot of benefits. If we get water shortage then we will experience dehydration. Then get the fluid intake in the body by drinking 4 liters of water or 8 glasses in a day.

Drinking Water Rules In One Day

One first glass after waking up in the morning
One second when going to work or school
One third at 11 o'clock at work
One to four 30 minutes before lunch hour
One fifth glass at 3 pm at work
One sixth glass at 5 pm when going home to work
One seventh glass at dinner time
One glass of eighth when you will sleep at night
Danger of Water Deficiency

1. Dehydration

Water is very important in the body. Due to lack of fluid intake in the body will cause us dehydration or thirst. If you stop feeling thirsty it's a sign you should immediately drink because when dehydrated the body will turn off the mechanism of thirst in the body.

2. The body becomes tired easily

Keep in mind that some of our bodies are composed of water. So the intake of water that we drink everyday is very important for the performance kelangsungan of organs. With a lot of drinking water the body will feel more fresh. But instead the less we drink water then the body will feel more tired, lethargic and not excited.

3. The digestive system becomes disturbed

Lots of benefits that we get by consuming water in large quantities. In the digestion itself water helps cleanse the dirty intestine. So you can imagine if we do not consume water properly and appropriately according to the dosage then our intestines will become dirty, and also can lead to constipation or difficult bowel movements.

4. Impaired renal function

The kidneys in the human body function as filtration or filter. So all the toxins that enter into our bodies are filtered by the kidneys and secreted with urine. With that water is very helpful kidney in this task. In addition, the kidneys also function manyaring levels of salt and urea are excessive so that the body becomes healthy. If the body lacks water intake then the kidney will be damaged and lead to kidney failure. Treatment for patients with kidney failure is to do dialysis.

5. Skin becomes rough and dull

White water can restore stamina after exhaustion on the move. Consuming lots of water also makes the skin moist, soft and bright. Drink 2 glasses of water each wake up in the morning and routinely because it can brighten your skin. But otherwise if we rarely do not even like drinking water instead prefer beverage packaging then the skin will become rough, dull and not bright.

6. Inflammation of the joints

Drinking water shortage was also able to cause inflammation in the joints. Water in joints is used to help move the joints. So if we are less intake of water then the joints in the body will also have problems. In the elderly are also advised to consume lots of water for old joints do not work too heavy.

7. More easily sleepy

Consume approximately 4 liters of water every day. Because if we lack water then the brain will also not focus and so easily evaporate and finally sleepy. This needs to be watched while at work, can be reprimanded by the boss if sleepy.

8. Inflammation of the throat

Often times we after eating fatty and oily food we are lazy to drink then the throat will feel dry and itchy. These oils and fats will stick to the throat and cause inflammation in the throat.

Dangers of Diet With Water

In addition to the benefits that are very much for the body, the excess consumption of water will also lead to several things, including:

1. Disruption of kidney function

Kidneys as filtration or filter toxins, salts, and urea that enter the body and issued with urine. But if we overdo it in drinking water it can also cause the kidneys to work harder because of the many toxins, salts and urea that enter and must be filtered. So drink water with the correct dose for your kidneys to work properly. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

2. Disrupt the brain's work system

The benefits of water is to improve the performance of the brain, but that's if we drink the right dose. If we drink water in a very large quantity then we will easily drowsy so the work system on the brain becomes disrupted.

3. Overhydration

This overhydration occurs when we drink water in a very large portion. The stomach will feel fuller, nausea, dizziness, can even lead to swelling of the hands and feet.

4. Lack of nutrients for the body

In the diet with white water we are encouraged to drink lots of water. So we ignore the other nutritional intake. Such as fiber, protein, carbohydrates and so on which is also very functional for body performance.

Diet By using water this is very effective to lose weight. Besides all the good benefits to the body of the diet, using water is dangerous if done only with the origin of or without rules. So diet the right way so as not to interfere with body performance.
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Monday, October 15, 2018

12 Diet Challenge Mayo - Fruit, Food and Beverage Mandatory in Avoid

Prohibition of diet mayo be a thing to be known for the smoothness of the diet program. Lately there are many different types of diets that can lose weight quickly. Starting from the usual diet until the extreme taken to lose weight. Many people are very obsessed with a skinny, slim, and attractive body. Because with a fat body aka excess body weight can be a mockery of others (Read Also: How To Diet With Lime).

Diet can lose weight and prevent us from various diseases caused by obesity. In the diet alone there must be taboos or things to do while on the diet. One of them in mayo diet. Diet Mayo is a diet that requires not to consume foods or beverages containing salt. Diet This is done for 13 days and can lose weight 7kg to 13 kg. This diet is very much done among the people of Indonesia. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)

12 Diet Challenge Mayo

Several types of foods and drinks should also be avoided when doing mayo diet:

1. White Rice

 White rice is the staple food of people in Indonesia. Many people say that a day has not eaten rice is the same as having not eaten even though a day had eaten snacks. White rice contains very high carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the body converted into sugar and lead to obesity or overweight. This sugar can also lead to diabetes mellitus. White rice should be avoided when diet mayo because it can make this diet fail. You can replace white rice with tubers, potatoes, wheat, brown rice, and so forth. (Read Also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

2. Frying

Probably the next mayo diet is to stay away from fried foods. Fried is not something foreign to the tongue of the Indonesian people. This one food is perfect to eat when relaxed, side dishes to eat, and also very suitable dikantong alias people cheap. Gorengan own terdoro from banana, tuber, cassava, tempeh, tofu, oncom and so on. But why fried foods should be avoided when dieting mayo? This is because how to make this fried by frying with oil. In the oil itself there is 13.6 pure fat and 177 calories. Imagine the calories as much as it is contained by 1 gorengan only. Well how many calories we eat when consuming 5 fried, starch a lot and can make the body instead of slim but fat. So fried foods should be avoided when diet mayo. (Also Read: Healthy Food For Diet)

3. Fast Food or JunkFood

Not a new thing fast food for the tongue of Indonesia. Fast food or junk food does not contain fiber but contains fat. This causes diabetes if consumed excessively. In serving fast food we can not control how much salt, MSG, and oil. Thus consuming fast food is to be avoided when the diet mayo. We better cook ourselves at home and can adjust how much salt, MSG or oil that enters our body. (Also Read: How To Diet Without Sports In A Week)

4. Sugar

Who does not like the sweet taste, surely everyone likes. Sugar is very needed in the body, but if consuming too much sugar can cause various diseases. Such as obesity or overweight, cavities, diabetes, diabetes or high blood pressure, fat is contracted, and other diseases. Therefore consume sugar should be avoided for the success of mayo diet. One way to avoid excessive consumption of sugar is to read the label of nutritional content or drinks we buy, so we can choose which foods are good to eat without containing a lot of sugar.

5. Meat

Meat a lot of processed cuisine such as rendang meat, meat stew, meatballs and so forth. Meat contains a lot of protein as a builder substance in the body. Consuming a lot of red meat can cause colon cancer if the way of cooking meat is too ripe or immature. Eating meat in excess amounts can also cause obesity or overweight. High iron content in red meat can also cause Alzheimer's disease. (Read Also: How To Diet Mayo)

6. Instant Noodles

This is the food of a million instant noodle people. His own existence is very important to society. When there is no cooking side of instant noodles when the money is thinning instant noodles is also an option for fine dining. But inside the noodle contains many ingredients that are not good for health like preservative content. This if consumed continuously will make bloated belly, obesity, diabetes and other diseases.

7. Martabak

Martabak usually searched at night to block the stomach. But inside martabak there is fat, sugar and calories fast enough to raise your weight. Plus consume martabak at night, just get ready your body will be fat.

8. Donuts

Who is not interested in eating donuts with chocolate or cheese meses. This delicious snack is served with a cup of tea. But if consumed in large quantities and added again tonight will make you fat because the content of sugar, fat and calories are high enough in the donuts.

9. Soft Drinks

In soft drinks contain lots of sugar, calories and even fat. If you consume excessive soft drinks will cause health disruption, such as:

Damage to the teeth
Disruption of kidney work
Increases cancer risk
Obesity or overweight
The risk of osteoporosis or brittle bones
Reduce the quality of sperm in men
Increase urine production
Of the many dangers caused by excessive consumption of soft drinks whether you will stick with your habits? then from now start a healthy life by replacing soft drinks with healthy water for the body. (Also Read: How To Diet With Water)

10. High-fat milk

Drinking milk in the morning with a piece of bread must be very tasty. But what happens when we consume high fat milk is excessive and in a long time? Fat in the milk will pile up in the body, especially in the stomach. High sugar levels in high fat milk can also clog blood flow. You can replace this fat milk with soy milk or green bean milk.

11. Coffee

Coffee is not a drink that is foreign to us. When we feel sleepy to consume a cup of coffee can refresh our eyes because the content of caffeine in it. In addition, caffeine in coffee is also harmful if consumed in excess, such as:

High blood pressure
Heart disease
Reduce female fertility
Back pain
12. Alcohol

Prohibition of diet mayo should be avoided is to consume alcohol. This one drink is very familiar to our ears. The long-term intoxicating drink will be deadly. In alcohols contain methanol chemicals that can make blindness and paralysis if consumed. Here are the dangers that we can consume with alcohol:

Inflammation of the pancreas
High blood pressure
Heart failure
Belly stomach and obesity or overweight
Loss of consciousness
Anemia (lack of red blood cells)
Nerve damage
Of the many dangers posed by consuming alcohol, there is one of the most frightening dangers of causing death. Love your life from now and stay away from alcohol.

Mistakes That Are Frequently Performed At Diet
1. Applying weight loss targets is not realistic

The first mistake is often done by people who will undergo the process of dieting. Targeting weight should fall by 7kg within a week, this is very impossible and unrealistic. How do you target your target in a week is not achieved or your diet fails, then that happens you stress, despair. What happens is that you will eat as much because of the mixed mood and feelings that want revenge for this failure. So start now targeting the small numbers first in order for your diet to work.

Skip the main meal

Skipping the main meal is often ignored by someone who is on a diet. They assume that the main meal can make the body consume many calories and fat. But breakfast must eat a lot of food because for all day activities, then the fat and calories will burn by itself. At lunch eat with moderate portions and at night eat aja aja or need not eat rice but only eat fresh fruit only. It can also lose weight fast.

3. Consume less water

Many people do not like water with a variety of reasons one of them because the water has no taste and cause them to switch packing keminuman. Many also think that too much consume white water causes fattening, but it is wrong because water helps the body in the process of metabolism. Water also helps in the process of losing weight and maintaining fluid balance in the body. (Read Also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

4. Understanding snack content

Snacks or snacks are sold in shops and supermarkets. In the diet process it is known that snacks or snacks contain lots of salt, calories and so on. But there are snacks that do not contain too much harmful ingredients. Then re-read the nutrition label dapa every packet of snacks so you can choose foods that may enter into your body.

5. Consume beverages with high calorie content

Many lay people know that the diet does not eat much, but they switch to drink high-calorie drinks such as coffee, milk, or soft drinks to fill quickly. But that's the wrong thing with consuming that drink can actually make your diet fail. So drink 4 liters of water a day will help you lose weight.

6. Perfect diet

A perfect diet means you really do what you can and should not while on the diet. If you are not allowed to drink milk do that well, until your diet is reached and weight drops on target. After you finish your diet revenge to drink milk as much as we menjunpainya. It's not good for health. So diet properly.

7. Only consume vegetables

Our bodies need a variety of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients. While you are on your diet just increase the consumption of vegetables, where the other nutritional intake required by the body is not met. So in addition to eating vegetables multiply also eat fruits, nuts, and foods that contain other essential nutrients.

8. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep is also a common mistake during a diet mayo. People think if staying up can lose a person's weight but this is misguided because if you lack sleep then you will be hungry fast. If a person sleeps less than 4 hours a day then he will consume many calories the next day. Sleep quality also affects weight loss.

A lot of things to be considered in doing the mayo diet. Starting from foods and beverages that should be avoided so that the diet can run smoothly and the weight you are targeting can be achieved.
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Saturday, September 29, 2018

12 Dangers of Overdone Mayo Diet for Health

The Dangers of Diet Mayo should really be considered because it can easily damage your diet if you do. Excessive weight is certainly a complaint of many people because of body shape that is not good to look at. It can also be bad for health, such as obesity. Thus, more and more people are trying to diet with various methods to lose weight. These methods can be done according to taste or as needed. One method of dieting is the mayo diet we've discussed in previous articles. (Read also: How to Diet Mayo)

However, before we explain how the dangers of the diet mayo, it's good we explain in advance about the diet mayo. Diet mayo is one of the diet program that has many people who do one of them in Indonesia because the method is quite effective. This method can be done by anyone without any age limit. This is one reason why many people are happy to do this method. (Also read: the benefits of lemon for diet)

This method was first introduced by which is one of the health portals in the United States that has stood 15 years more. This method also has passed the test of some diet experts. Implementation of this diet program is very fast that only takes 13 days, if done consistently then it can lose weight up to 8 pounds more.

The Dangers of Mayo Diet

Diet mayo is one of the trending dieting methods at the moment, first introduced by which is a leading health portal in the United States and has stood for more than 15 years. This diet program has been tested in various studies and also studies. One of the striking characteristics of this diet method is to avoid eating foods containing salt. In addition, there are other important rules that are prohibited from eating ice water and it is advisable to consume water at least 8 glasses a day. Application of this Diet is done only for 13 days, and if done continuously then able to lose weight 7 kg to 13 kg. (Also read: Healthy Drinks for Diet)

However, this mayo diet program also has a negative impact on health. Here we explain some of the dangers of mayo diet you should know. There has been a lot of controversy about this mayo diet because of its bad effects. Here are some of the dangers of the mayo diet:

Also read:

How to Diet Breastfeeding Mom
Abstinence of Banana Diet
How to Process Vegetables for Diet

1. Sugar Levels In Blood Rise

The most prominent danger is the presence of sugar levels that rise dramatically in the body. This is because the obligation to consume fruit with the same time, should reduce the intake of other foods. Currently there are many people who diet irregular fruit, so the consumption of fruit was done excessively. Herein lies the risk of mayo diet that allows the increase in sugar levels in the body. Because, mayo diet recommends to consume types of fruits and vegetables. (Also read: Prohibition in Diet)

2. Danger for Diabetes Patients

With the danger of increased sugar levels, then this mayo diet is not recommended for diabetics. If you are suffering from diabetes, you should consult a doctor or health professional so you can undergo a diet program that does not endanger your health. Because if you use the wrong method, instead of diet, even make the body's health becomes decreased. (Read also: Blood Type A Diet)

3. Dehydration

The mayo method, required to reduce food containing salt. Though salt is a substance that is very important for the body. If a person is short of salt, then the person will experience fluid deficiency or dehydration. Because salt contains osmosis that is able to absorb water in the body. This is what causes your body to decrease significantly. However, you will experience a decrease in excess water content, whereas water is the largest element in the body. There are still many people who do not understand about this that lowering salt levels can lower water levels in the body. (Read also: Blood Type Diet B)

4. Nausea

When you use the mayo method for a diet program, then you will often experience high nausea. Because you are required to consume fruits and vegetables without solid food at all. In addition, this is also caused by more hunger but often drink water until most and stomach feels nauseated. (Read also: Blood Type Diet Diet O)

5. Fatigue

With the side effects of dehydration, then you will often experience fatigue in your body, because the energy in the body is reduced. If you have started to experience this danger, then you should immediately consult a doctor or health professional to get handled or diverted to other diet programs. (Also read: The Benefits of Creating a Lemon for Diet)

6. Body Disorders

Actually, salt is a substance that contains elements that are needed by the body. If salt is lowered in excess, it will be bad for the health of the body. You will experience a deficiency of iodine and sodium substances in the body. Though both substances are very important for the body. (Also read: The Benefits of Lime for a Quick Diet)

7. Easy Sleepy

If you have a shortage of salt, then the body will feel tired and make you often drowsy. Do not be trivial if you experience excessive drowsiness. Because this may be one of the effects of nutritional deficiencies in your body. (Read also: Extreme diet hazard)

8. Easy Depression

You will experience difficult emotional control due to excessive fatigue. This is also caused by excessive fruits that make sugar levels rise and make you blood high. So you too will experience a sense of excessive depression. (Read also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)

9. Seizures

Lack of nutrients will cause organs in the body does not work optimally. This can cause seizures in you. Because of the lack of nutrients in the body, but increasing sugar levels, make your body does not work optimally and the body will work irregularly. (Also read: Low Calorie Diet Food)

10. Committing Coma

If you lack the salt and excessive amounts of sugar, then the health of the body will decrease dramatically. Just as you work in the extreme without the proper energy intake for the body. This will lead to coma due to a drastic decline in body health. (Read also: Healthy Food for Diet)

11. Kidney function is disturbed

This mayo diet encourages a person to remove the sugar and salt in the diet every day, and the impact that occurs is the destruction of kidney function. Why is that? Because someone will replace it with a high protein intake. High protein and enter into this body will interfere with the process of kidney performance. Kidneys can not process proteins and will accumulate in the kidneys.

12. Rising Cholesterol Levels

Mayo diet also causes cholesterol levels to rise rapidly. This happens because it does not consume healthy food. Not doing exercise and also drinking can increase cholesterol in the body. In addition, cholesterol can also be triggered because of excess weight and fat accumulate in the body.

That's some of the dangers of the mayo diet. This method is very faster to do, but also very dangerous for your body. If you want to do a good diet program, then immediately consult a doctor to get the method that suits you
Read more

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

11 Ways to Stretch Body 3 days Must Try

Skinny in a moment is the dream of many people. But unfortunately losing weight with relatively fast time is usually synonymous with things that are harmful and not good for long-term body health. For example, consume slimming drugs or do Extreme Type Diet without consulting a doctor or an expert first. You can read the Slimming Drinking Drug article we have written before.

11 Ways to Stretch Body 3 days Must Try

While the Natural Diet and How to Diet Safe Method usually requires a relatively time and process is not short to lose weight to ideal. So many people can not wait to do a good diet. But it turns out there is also a type of Effective Diet for lowering the body with a relatively short time but still safe for the body, such as how to manage the following 3 days body:

The first step to stretching the body in a short time is the exercise routine. Exercise at least 1 hour a day can help speed up fat burning in the body. examples of sports that are able to manage the body quickly are jogging, push-ups, and weightlifting.

Drinking water
Water is a natural drink that has many benefits. An example is the efficacy of water for diet. Water can accelerate the body's metabolic processes. When your diet is recommended to drink water as much as 2 to 3 liters per day

Detox diet
How to Diet Detox is the next 3 days slimming way. This diet is quite safe and effective if done correctly. You should also consume foods high in antioxidants as a food source that can help detoxify your body. Example:

Red dragon fruit
Pome fruit
Fruit bits
Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries
Eat foods high in fiber
You can replace high-fat foods with high-fiber foods. By consuming high fiber foods then the body will feel full longer and you avoid eating other foods that can increase body weight. Examples of high fiber foods are Vegetables For Diet and Fruit For Diet.

Drinking green tea
In addition to water, the next 3 days safe way of slimming is to consume green tea. Benefits of green tea to diet one of them is to help the process of detox in the body. So all the toxins that block the absorption of nutrients in the body can be cleaned by this soothing scented drink.

Avoid salt
If you think salt exists only in cooking such as vegetables and side dishes. You are wrong. Salt is found in your snack like chips, crackers, and other snacks. Well, the salt contained in the food that you should avoid to streamline the body quickly.

Choose a good source of calories
Calories are units of energy. Every human needs energy to move even to run metabolism in his body. Because it is actually a very important calorie for the body. Namu unfortunately still many who consume food with excessive amount of calories. As a result will increase the risk of certain diseases such as obesity.

Being overweight or overweight due to excess calories is very much the case. So if you want to be thin in a short time maybe you can reduce the number of calories that enter the body every day. That way how to manage the body 3 days one of them is to consume Low Calorie Diet Food.

Enough rest
The body has a certain biological clock. No exception for hours to rest. You are required to rest for the night or sleep for 7-8 hours per day to help create the skinny and idealized body that is dreamed of.

Avoid fried foods
Dangers of fried foods for one of them found in oil used for frying. Oil usually contains bad cholesterol that is not good for the body. Therefore, to perform a 3 day slimming way you can choose a steamed diet for a safe diet and avoid the dangers of cooking oil for diet.

Choose foods high in protein
High protein foods can help you lose weight fast. That's because proteins can serve to help the body's metabolic processes including fat burning. Examples of foods high in protein for the diet are low-fat meat, chicken breast meat, skinless chicken, sea fish, and some types of nuts.

Drink lemon water after waking up
Lemon water is one of the beverages that can serve to mendetokikasi body like green tea. You can use lemon water as your first drink after waking up to help eliminate toxins in the body while providing a slim effect.

That's some alternative ways of slimming 3 days you can do. If you are not satisfied with the results of weight loss, you can consult a doctor to improve your diet so that the results are fast and satisfactory.
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Thursday, August 16, 2018

11 The Way to a Proper Vegetarian Diet - Food and How to Get Started

How Vegetarian Diet is also a type of diet that is rising in the general public. In general, people do a program whose main purpose is to lose weight or make the body ideal with the consequences of maintaining a healthy body. So many people who do this diet program by choosing a diet method that still maintain the health of his body.

11 The Way to a Proper Vegetarian Diet - Food and How to Get Started

Also Read:

Diet Food Combining Menu
The Dangers of Mayo Diet
Dangers of Carbohydrate Diet
How to Diet Vegetarian

One method of diet that keeps the body healthy is the method of vegetarian diet. Vegetarian diet is one of the diet program that can lose weight and keep body health by consuming plant foods not with animal. In other words, you will be diverted to meet the nutritional and energy needs of the body with vegetables, grains and fruits rather than with animal flesh. In running the diet program, it is better to plan for the diet program can be done properly and correctly. This can make you successful in running a diet program by fulfilling hunger through adequate nutrition so that you can still lose weight.

Also Read:

Benefits of Black Pepper for Diet
Potato Boiled Diet
How to Diet with Banana
1. Waking up

When you wake up and your stomach is still empty, start your day with warm honey and lemon juice. This drink is very effective as a detox in getting rid of toxins in the body. (Also read: Benefits of Lemon Fruit for Diet)

2. Breakfast

If you eat breakfast using an omelet, you should reduce the yellow part that contains the fat. You substitute egg yolk by using mushrooms, peppers, spinach, or onions. But if you choose breakfast using cereal, you reduce the portions more and substitute with apples, strawberries, bananas, pear, melon, or papaya. You can also provide variations when breakfast using fruit by chopping up small pieces of any fruit in the bowl. (Read also: How To Diet For Lazy People)

3. Lunch

You better reduce the lunch portions that contain high carbohydrates such as rice, noodles. Replace them with fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber. Or you can also steam vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, asparagus, chicory, small squash, or sweet corn. In essence, when you want to eat, the portion of vegetables should exceed 50 percent on your plate. (Also read: The Benefits of Lime for a Quick Diet)

4. Dinner

When you're having dinner, it's a good idea to use one of the following menus:

A clear soup consisting of carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, and corn
A bowl of steamed vegetables with pepes tofu
A plate of fresh vegetable salad consisting of lettuce, peppers, low calorie tomatoes
5. Evening Snack

Maybe you have not been able to eliminate old habits like nibbles at night. It is still being taught in this vegetarian diet program. It's just that you need to replace your snack by using sprouts, apples, cucumbers, carrots, the with biscuit, or steamed taro can also by using sweet corn steamed. (Read also: Danger of Extreme Diet)

6. Before Sleep

You should drink warm skim milk before you go to sleep. But, if when you are in the day it was breakfast milk, before you sleep is not recommended to drink milk, you better just eat fruit.

Also read:

Abstinence of Banana Diet
Blood Type Diet A diet
Vegetarian Diet Food Menu
For those of you who are trying to do a vegetarian diet plan, you need to prepare a diet menu. Here are some menus for a vegetarian diet:

1. Vegetables

Vegetables are foods that contain many vitajmin, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, proteins, and fiber are very good for the health of the body. These good vegetables include broccoli, spinach, parsley, kale and so forth. The vegetables have low calorie content and low fat, so it does not make the body affected by cholesterol or saturated fats that make body fat. (Also read: Prohibition in Diet)

2. Grains

These grains contain lots of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Grains do also contain fatty acids, but these fats belong to healthy fats. These grains include flaxseed, sesame, almond, walnuts, nuts, sunflower seeds (kwaci), and pumpkin seeds. These grains can keep the heart healthy. In addition, because the fiber, grains can also reduce cholesterol in the body. Grains have many ingredients and functions. In addition to maintaining heart health, and lower cholesterol, grains are also able to strengthen the bones and intelligence of the brain because of the omega 3 content that many.

3. Soy Milk

Fish and chicken is a taboo for people who are doing this vegetarian diet program. Though chicken and meat is a food rich in protein. Thus, it can be replaced with soy milk as a substitute for protein and nutrients as well as fiber that helps the process of fat in the body from hoarding to burning. It can be said that foods made from soy beans such as tofu, tempeh, baked beans, beans, lentils, black beans, can help increase metabolism in the body. This metabolism will reduce one's appetite, so the diet program can work well to lose weight. (Read also: Blood Type Diet B)

4. Cereal and Wheat

Vegetarian Diet can add Brown Rice wheat bread, oats, porridge, or use Barley bread which is a food rich in nutrients such as iron and zinc as an energy booster in your body. (Read also: Blood Type Diet Diet O)

5. Fruits

Fruits have low calorie content but are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. In addition to increasing metabolism, fruits can also lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart healthy. We recommend that you consume fruits rich in water content such as watermelon, melon, apple, papaya, or bery.

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
You will get many benefits from running this vegetarian diet program, among them:

Lowering cholesterol in the body because vegetables and fruits do not contain saturated fat; (Read also: Diet Tips Without Eating Rice)
Vegetables and fruits are foods that contain good fats for the body, so vegetables and fruits can reduce blood pressure and hyper tension with pressure at reasonable limits, even the heart will remain in healthy condition; (Read also: OCD Diet Tips for Beginners)
Prevent the presence of cardiovascular disease. (Read also: Potato Boiled Diet)
The intake of nutrients and fiber is quite acceptable to the body, the intake is equal to the calories produced by meat in general. (Also read: How to Diet Breastfeeding Mother)
In addition to the nutritional balance, vegetarian foods also facilitate the digestive process in the body because the food contains fiber, namely grains. (Read also: How to Process Vegetables for Diet)
The risk of cancer can still be avoided because of this vegetarian food, because vegetarian foods contain antioxidants, minerals, phytochemicals, vitamins and many other nutrients that nourish the body. Some of these other nutrients, can maintain and improve the immune system. From here can be used as a reference that vegetarian food can reduce the risk of cancer. In addition to cancer, vegetarian food is also able to avoid heart disease, constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, and so forth.
For those of you who have never been a vegetarian, then to run this Vegetarian Diet Way will be hard to do. However, you can start slowly as long as consistent in this diet program. You can try first by running a week first. You can see changes in your body after becoming a vegetarian for a week. (Read also: Danger of Diet Without Eating Rice)
Read more

Friday, July 13, 2018

11 How To Diet Proper Carbohydrates, Good and Healthy

How to Diet Carbohydrates can be a choice of types of diets that can help you lose weight. Lots of types and diet programs that a person does to gain the weight of his dreams. But all that must be done in accordance with the right rules and not excessive so as not to cause a fatal thing. To avoid it should find out first and for sure exactly how to diet that you will do. In addition to running a diet program, to produce ideal body weight is not far away from the word sport. And this time we will discuss about the way that diet is also famous in Indonesia, which is carbohydrate diet. Let's look at the explanation.

How To Diet Carbohydrates

how carbohydrate diet Carbohydrates that we know most is rice and rice is also the staple food of the population in the World. Rice with Latin name Oriza Sativa contains high carbohydrate which when entered into the body will be converted into energy to carry out daily activities.

Rice also contains fiber that is very good for digestion in the body, rice also contains many vitamins and minerals as well. The content of amino acids are so high also on the rice serves to increase muscle mass of the body. Rice comes from rice, and rice itself is divided into several types such as brown rice, sticky rice, black rice, brown rice and others. White rice is perfect if used as a main menu for people affected by kidney disorders and also hypertension or commonly called high blood pressure. (Also Read: Healthy Drinks For Diet)

In addition to white rice, other foods containing high carbohydrates are Sugar, Sago Flour, Corn, Instant Noodles, Cassava, Pasta, Banana, Pineapple, Mango, Apple, and so forth. But carbohydrates themselves are needed in the body, because carbohydrates have benefits such as:

Controlling excess weight Disini
Lower cholesterol levels in the body Disini
Reduce the risk of heart disease Disini
Overcoming constipation Disini
Healthful digestive system Disini
Maintain damage to the muscles of the body Disini
Set the rise in blood sugar levels Disini
Improve brain performance Disini
Adds stamina Disini
But of the many benefits contained by carbohydrates, if you consume in large quantities and  uncontrollable it will cause fatal things like:

Diabetes disease 2 Disini
Destructive tooth enamel Disini
Coronary heart Disini
Hardening or blockage of blood vessels Disini
Stroke Disini
The body can produce excess melak Disini
Obesity or overweight Disini
Disruption of the metabolic system in the body Disini
Constipation Disini
Also Read:

 The Benefits of Warm Water For Diet
Blood Type Diet O
AB Blood Type Diet
Type of Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates themselves are divided into two types:

Foods Allowed To Diet Carbohydrates
1. Animal Protein Sources

Foods containing animal protein can certainly be obtained from animals. Protein itself is very good to be consumed in the right amount because as a source of energy, repair the cells in the body is damaged, and also regulate the temperature in the body. Foods that are allowed and derived from animal protein are skinless chicken meat, meat, fish, eggs, nonfat cheese, bacon, and also milk. (Read Also: Paleo Diet)

2. Vegetable-Vegetables

Green vegetables are good to eat, because vegetables contain minerals, fiber and minerals. Good vegetables consumed by people who are in the carbohydrate diet program is all types of vegetables but the way of processing does not use thick coconut milk. Santan contains a lot of oil and also fat.

3. Fruits

Fruits are very good for digestion, but for those of you who are doing a good carbohydrate diet consume fruits that contain lots of fiber. Fruits that contain lots of fiber such as papaya, apples, bananas, avocados, berries, pears, and also mango. Fiber in the body serves to maintain digestive health, lower cholesterol levels in the body, prevent cancer, and also control weight. (Read Also: How to Diet Fast)

4. Vegetable protein

Vegetable protein is a protein derived from plants. Foods containing vegetable protein and good for carbohydrate diet are tofu, tempeh, beans, soy milk. In the food processing is not recommended to use coconut milk or fried. (Read Also: How Natural Diet)

5. Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are difficult to digest in the body, but it causes us to be satiated and do not want to eat. Examples of foods that contain complex carbohydrates and are good to eat someone who is on carbohydrate diet are cereal, corn, potatoes, taro, and tubers. (Read Also: Diet Mayo Diet)

Foods Not Allowed To Diet Carbohydrates

1. Animal Protein

Types of foods with animal protein sources that are not recommended for consumption for those of you who are on a carbohydrate diet are Fatty Meat, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Offal, Processed Meat by the way of giving coconut milk or fried. Steamed meat processing is the best choice for your food. (Read Also: Diet Mayo Diet)

2. Vegetable-Vegetables

Green vegetables are good for consumption, no matter how much you consume it will not cause obesity or obesity. But the type of green vegetables that are not recommended for consumption for those who are on a carbohydrate diet are all types of vegetables are processed by using thick coconut milk.

3. Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are very good when consumed in the right amount, but if consumed in excess will cause obesity. The types of simple carbohydrates that should be avoided by people who are on a carbohydrate diet is white rice, brown sugar, syrup, and also foods that taste salty and tasty. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lime)

4. Fruits

No fruit is not useful, certainly all useful. But if you are on a carbohydrate diet you should avoid like durian, avocado, and also fruits are processed by adding milk and sugar. Because milk and sugar contain high calories.

5. Santan

Santan is the result of grated coconut juice. In coconut milk contains fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals. Because of the high fat content of coconut milk can cause disorders of the digestion, increase cholesterol in the body, muscle cramps, irritation of the throat or inflammation, heart disease, and stroke. (Read Also: How To Diet With Lemon Fruit)

6. Vegetable protein

Type of vegetable protein that should be avoided when doing carbohydrate diet is a type of beans that how to cook it fried.

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 How To Diet Without Sports
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 Danger of Extreme Diet
Dangers of Carbohydrate Diet
Affected by Type 2 Diabetes disease
Easily dizzy and tired
May interfere with and damage the kidneys
Cause constipation or constipation
Causes osteoporosis or spinal cord
Memory is reduced
So that's how the carbohydrate diet can lose weight drastically. But still pay attention to food and beverages are good for consumption. In addition, this diet causes various types of new diseases when done excessively.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

11 How To Diet Naturally Breastfeeding Moms Without the Most Secure Sports

How to Diet Breastfeeding Mom is also being a target for young mothers who gave birth. Postpartum, a woman's stomach will appear more slack or big than before. This is what makes women want to immediately undergo a diet program to beautify her body shape as before. However, in those days the women will need more energy because she has to breastfeed her baby.

How to Diet Breastfeeding Mom

In this article may help you as a breastfeeding mother, to be able to do the diet but still maintain the health and quality of breast milk. You need a diet of breastfeeding mothers as your best solution. How to diet for breastfeeding mothers? Let's look at some ways from us below: (Also read: How to Diet Sugar)

1. Consuming Red Rice

Avoid eating large portions of food. Use small portions of food as your diet. However, if you want to avoid hunger, then you need to regulate your diet regularly. This will reduce your hunger and can help keep your energy awake. Brown rice is one of the small meals for you who are breastfeeding.

Brown rice has a complex carbohydrate content is also fibrous and low in sugar to maintain the stability of the body. In addition to brown rice, you can also use other alternatives of wheat bread and boiled paper which also has a complex carbohydrate. With the menu, your body's metabolism will stay awake to live your activities throughout the day. In addition, the calories and carbohydrates in your body will burn, when you are resting. (Read also: Paleo Diet)

2. Consuming Fruits

You can consume fruits or drink fruit juice at least twice a day. Because fruits are an important nutrient in the body that contains vitamin C to maintain your body stamina. Fruits are very suitable for the body as nutrition and energy. Because fruits do have the content of nutrients and vitamins as the body's defense.

3. Consuming Beef

Maybe you think that eating meat can inhibit your diet program. Though meat is important for baby nutrition. If you want to eat meat, then you need to consume meat with low fat that can burn calories in the body. Beef is one of those foods that is low in fat, beef also contains vitamin B12 and good iron for your bones and your baby's bone growth.

4. Consume Beans and Grains

You who are breastfeeding are very important to consume foods containing vegetable protein to maintain the quality of your milk. A red bean one of the grains that contain protein is also a good iron for your baby. The benefits of nuts or seeds for the body are as an energy booster because fiber and protein are also good for bone growth because of the iron.

5. Consume Spinach

Your body must keep its balance, both carbohydrates, fats and proteins in your body need to be maintained to keep the body balanced and energized. In other words, do not forget vegetables as your food ingredients as well. Spinach is a fibrous food that also contains alpha lipoic and gluthione as a provider of calories in the body.

In addition to food, spinach can also be used as a night snack by means of chips. By consuming spinach, then the nutrients in your body will remain terjagga longer. In addition to you, spinach is also good for your baby's nutrition. (Read also: Healthy Food for Diet)

6. Consume Low Fat Milk

Protein is indispensable as a source of energy in your body, so you also need milk consumption. However, you should also consider which milk is drinking. You should drink milk with low fat. Same with meat because most milk contains high fats, thus inhibiting your diet program. For that, you need to drink milk with low fat. In addition to containing high protein, milk also contains calcium, Vitamin B, and Vitamin D for your bone health. Besides good for you, milk is also good for your baby's bone growth. It's good if you set the pattern in drinking milk. You simply drink 600 cc of milk per day as your calcium needs and your baby. (Read also: How to Diet Without Eating Rice)

7. Consuming Catfish

Catfish also has a high protein content for the needs of your body and your baby. Because catfish contains lysine which is a substance of 9 amino acids that are divided for your baby's bone growth. In addition, catfish is also a type of low-mercury fish that mercury mengadung low. So you do not need to worry anymore with the quality of your milk. Your milk will remain healthy during this catfish meal. In addition to catfish, fish that contain high protein salmon, tilapia, crab, and shrimp also contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help the brain and eyes for your baby. (Also read: How To Diet the Right GM)

8. Consume Salmon Fish

In addition to catfish, salmon is also rich in protein content that can keep your body's energy and your baby. In addition, salmon also contains DHA that helps brain development in your baby's intelligence and nervous system. Salmon fish have Omega 3 content that can provide intelligence and nerves in the brain both sensory and motor.

9. Consume Chocolate

Most women maintain quality milk by snacking night. You need not be afraid when you want to snack food at night when you want to run a diet program and maintain the quality of your milk. Because most women, that doing activities to consume snacks at night will arise in the body fat. However, it can be overcome by snacking snacks that contain low fat, one of the low-fat snack is chocolate.

In general, women consider that chocolate has a high saturated fat content that makes the body more fat. In fact, if you are able to choose a good chocolate, then you do not have to worry about the fat content. You can choose chocolate with dark chocolate or dark chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the better the fat for you. Because chocolate has a very high antioxidant content. In other words, avoid foods that contain saturated fats so your diet program can run smoothly also maintain health in your body as well and your baby. Some even say that saturated fat can damage the quality of breast milk, so you need to see the chocolate content and choose a good chocolate. (Read also: White Water Diet Rules)

10. Consuming Eggs

Eggs are one of good food consumption for you and your baby as a keeper of stamina with high protein content. Moreover, eggs are food consumption that is easy to get and processed. You can process it by frying or boiling, just the same. This egg white has a high protein content for your milk. Benefits of eggs for the body is a high protein as a body resistance that often move to waste a lot of energy.

11. Consuming Mineral Water

In addition to the above food ingredients, you also need to pay attention to your drinking patterns. Always always drink mineral water as often as possible as a keeper of your body's power to stay fresh and fit. Drink mineral water with a serving of 8 cups per day. This portion is ideal for the human body, let alone you who are undergoing breastfeeding process.

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That's some tips from us about how to feed the right breastfeeding mother, to keep milk is maintained quality, your baby is always healthy and smooth growth of body and brain, also maintain your own stamina. (Read also: Blood Type A Diet)
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Thursday, June 21, 2018

10 Ways To Diet With Bananas To Lose Weight Quickly

How To Diet With Bananas is also one of the most effective types of diet. Banana is one type of fruits that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Bananas are also known as food containing carbohydrates and minerals. Bananas contain energy values ??per 100 grams of 136 calories and are classified as instant energy providers or useful for immediate caloric needs. For that carbohydrate available on banana is very good as an energy reserve, so often used as one element of food in the diet. Because fructose or a type of sugar contained in bananas contains a lower glycemic index when compared to glucose, for that it is very good to store energy. (Also read: danger of mayo diet)

How To Diet With Banana

how to diet with bananas In addition bananas have a mineral content that is well absorbed by the body such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. Vitamins such as beta-carotene, B6, thiamine, riboflavin are also very high. The content of vitamin B6 in bananas is 0.5 mg per 100 grams. Vitamin B6 plays a role for good serotonin metabolism in the smooth functioning of the brain. (Read also: dietary hazards without carbohydrates)

What about bananas in the diet? Bananas are widely used in the diet because it is a good food reserve energy. A nutritionist and motivator Yulia Tarbath, trying to do a mono diet by eating only bananas to test the benefits of bananas for the body. He calls it Diet with a banana with Diet Island Banana. (Read also: dietary banana taboo)

Eat as many bananas as we want and only bananas are eaten (although it can also be combined with other fruit types). Usually add lettuce or other green vegetables in addition to lunch or dinner.
Only eat ripe bananas, not bananas that have been processed, like fried or steamed.
Drink plenty of water, more than 3 liters a day
Dinner before 7 pm
Reduce intake of fat in the body
Keep exercising regularly
Get enough rest and let the body function by itself as a detox and body restoration
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Diet Recipes With Banana
Bananas taste good and become a favorite of most people. However, if a diet and should be eaten for three times a day, of course will become saturated. Meanwhile, for effective bananas should be consumed continuously in order to get optimal results and can lose weight 1 kilogram in a day. Bananas can be processed first to eliminate the boredom but it must be with proper handling. Here are examples of diet recipes with bananas that can be tried to practice, among others:

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White Water Diet Rules

1. Recipe for the first day

Breakfast: To start eating in the morning can try to eat one banana, plus a glass of coffee without sugar or a glass of tea with low-calorie sugar
Lunch: For lunch, one banana plus one slice / cottage cheese / cheddar cheese sheet with a glass of sweet tea
Dinner: To eat at night, just one banana plus a glass of warm, low-fat milk.
2. Recipes for the second day

Breakfast: To eat in the morning can eat one banana, plus a glass of unsweetened coffee or a glass of tea with low-calorie sugar and a handful of wheat toast without jam or butter
Lunch: For lunch, can eat vegetable soup with two bananas plus one slice / cottage cheese / cheddar cheese sheet with a glass of low-fat milk
Dinner: To eat at night, bananas as much as you want to be full enough plus chamomile tea or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
3. Recipes for the third day:
Breakfast: To eat in the morning can eat one banana, plus a glass of yogurt and a cup of wheat bread without jam or butter
Lunch: For lunch, can try the roasted chicken breast with lettuce and two bananas
Dinner: To eat at night, still eat bananas with the addition of boiled eggs or lettuce to filling.
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Diet Tips With Bananas
Examples of the above recipes can be practiced each day in succession in turns, or the first consecutive recipes for a week followed by a second recipe sample for a week, and so on
Keep consuming water in large quantities
On the sidelines of the meal if hungry is allowed to eat additional bananas as a snack
Keep doing light exercise and activities just like usual
Avoid cold water consumption
Avoid eating fried foods
Reduce consumption of carbohydrates such as rice, bread and noodles
Avoid foods that contain too much sugar
Sleep enough and avoid staying up late
The limit of eating food is at eight o'clock. After that it is advisable to drink only water.
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Dangers of Diet With Banana
She does not experience symptoms like detox, instead she feels amazing and does not have any problems during the diet
Feel his mind sharper so as to give him a chance to move more
Feel balanced and positive
Her skin becomes smooth and radiant
Can run as far as 22 km, up and down the mountains Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai, Thailand and quickly in recovery, without experiencing a complaint in the foot
The body becomes more flexible
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Good Banana Type For Diet
The bananas used for dieting are preferably bananas that are already golden yellow. One of the most popular bananas currently used is the Cavendish banana. The taste of the fruit is sweet and soft, not benyek, with flesh yellowish white. Her skin is plain yellow with no black spots. Bananas and golden bananas can also be used as an alternative type of banana for the diet. The ambon banana tastes so sweet that it gives you a longer satiety. Even so the calorie content is low so it is safe for the diet. Whatever the type of banana, choose a ripe and not rotten, so it does not cause pain in the stomach. (Read also: how to fast diet)

Conclusion Diet With Banana is:

Research proves that bananas can be the best alternative to lose weight.
Bananas contain 90 calories, lower than candy / chocolate bars
The content of fiber on bananas soluble so that it can absorb water better and control the digestion
Bananas contain pectin which can maintain a longer satiety
Bananas contain a low glycemic index that can help control the increase in sugar levels in the body
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How to Diet With Bananas is very interesting to try, but still must pay attention to the readiness of the body and discipline. It should be noted whether you are safe in eating bananas or not allergies. And also keep in mind the balance of the body. In order not to diet too extreme so even torture the body. Hopefully diet with banana is suitable for you. Good luck !
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